Beginning a New Chapter In Sharing His Word.

Beginning a New Chapter In Sharing His Word.
I have shared at CFS that I was in the process of praying to begin a podcast. I have prayed daily for guidance in this,
as its always very hard to know when you are being called to serve. Or its just me wanting to do something.
I need the Holy Spirit inside me to guide me.

At first I looked at doing this on a practices sermon. But reading text to others is a very hard way to connect when the audience can not
see you in person. So this morning I dusted off the old recording equipment, Setup the material to start from
Mathew Chapter1 . I share the word visibly, but I am explaining the importance of the scripture. Over a study format.
And will continue through the New Testament.
It felt very good to feel the words rush through my head. Its new to me to use a podcast as a medium.
But it flowed natural. I am trying to keep things down to about ten minutes as that seems the attention span on topics in podcasts.

I was excited to share Mathew1 . Its such a crucial part of the bible. I thing the Genealogy, is hard to digest.
But there is no finer way to witness the connection to God to the Son, and to see the promise fulfilled.
I know people are always wanting to run through Mathew1 until the Birth and then, well they know the story.
But there is so much more to this Chapter. And I was really wanting to share.
I am praying this is what I am to do.

Well I finished the chapter this morning. I will keep looking for his guidance in this.
I realize putting myself out there, mean exposing myself. But I am OK with it. And working to keep my self and family safe.

( Edit to above, new guy here. Having developed and still do software, as well as have run many groups of different kinds
which requires working out here in the internet with strangers.)

Let me clarify as I am aware how this can go with my previous post above.

I have no intentions of mentioned the podcast, who or what it is. Or promoting it here in anyway.
I am trying to build fellowships, and friends in Christ here, and maybe be here for others in someway.
I posted this here in sharing a service I am doing. Nothing more, nothing less.
When I joined, God seemed to say, part of why I never found a group was I hid myself.
And I did, as people out here can be anything. Grew up watching the internet develop into a perverse thing.
Yes it the only way we can communicate. So here I am.

Being in a forum like this is not normal, in so many ways. I can not see, touch or hear anyone here.
Yet I needed a neutral place to just be Paul a man who loves God and his Family.

So to digress, I want nothing here from anyone, other then seeing you share your testimony's and witness.
Your love of Christ and how you survive in this modern day as a Follower of Christ. And maybe read about snails and moose's !

That is all I got.