How do you deal with betrayal?
Like someone you thought was a friend only pretended to be your friend to get something from you or use placed your trust in them, only for them to stab you in the back.
How do you know whom to trust? Especially they not immune..I seem to be betrayed more with church/religious ppl than my other friends.
I don't ask others to keep secrets (as only tell my secrets to God) I don't mean that I mean they just treat you badly and you thought you being nice to them but all along they just tolerating you and after you for their own gain or own reasons and you find out they don't even like you that much.
It really hurts. And they the one who wanted to be friends with you in the first place.
Like someone you thought was a friend only pretended to be your friend to get something from you or use placed your trust in them, only for them to stab you in the back.
How do you know whom to trust? Especially they not immune..I seem to be betrayed more with church/religious ppl than my other friends.
I don't ask others to keep secrets (as only tell my secrets to God) I don't mean that I mean they just treat you badly and you thought you being nice to them but all along they just tolerating you and after you for their own gain or own reasons and you find out they don't even like you that much.
It really hurts. And they the one who wanted to be friends with you in the first place.