3933 B.C. Adam created. 43rd year of the 50 year Jubilee cycle.
3803 B.C. Adam 130 years old, Seth born. 23rd year of 50.
3698 B.C. Seth 105 years old, Enos born. 28th year of 50. A SABBATH YEAR.
3608 B.C. Enos 90 years old, Cainan born. 18th year of 50.
3538 B.C. Cainan 70 years old, Mahalaleel born. 38th year of 50.
3473 B.C. Mahalaleel 65 years old, Jared born. 3rd year of 50.
3311 B.C. Jared 162 years old, Enoch born. 15th year of 50.
3246 B.C. Enoch 65 years old, Methuselah born. 30th year of 50.
3059 B.C. Methuselah 187 years old, Lamech born. 17th year of 50.
3003 B.C. Adam died at 930 years old. 23rd year of 50.
2946 B.C. Enoch taken by GOD at 365 years of age. 30th year of 50.
2891 B.C. Seth died at 912 years of age. 35th year of 50. A SABBATH YEAR.
2877 B.C. Lamech 182 years old, Noah born. 49th year of 50. A SABBATH YEAR.
2793 B.C. Enos died at 905 years of age. 33rd year of 50.
2698 B.C. Cainan died at 910 years of age. 28th year of 50. A SABBATH YEAR.
2643 B.C. Mahalaleel died at 895 years of age. 33rd year of 50.
2511 B.C. Jared died at 962 years of age. 15th year of 50.
2477 B.C. Noah 400 years old, had children. 49th year of 50. A SABBATH YEAR.
2375 B.C. Shem born. 1st year of 50.
2282 B.C. Lamech died at 777 years of age. 44th year of 50.
2277 B.C. Methuselah died at 969 years of age, Noah 600 years old when flood starts. 49th year of 50. A SABBATH YEAR.
2275 B.C. Shem 100 years old, Arphaxad born. 1st year of 50.
2240 B.C. Arphaxad 35 years old, Salah born. 36th year of 50.
2210 B.C. Salah 30 years old, Eber born. 16th year of 50.
2176 B.C. Eber 34 years old, Peleg born. 50th year of 50. A JUBILEE YEAR. (2177 B.C. Tishri 10 to 2176 B.C. Tishri 9).
2146 B.C. Peleg 30 years old, Reu born. 30th year of 50.
2114 B.C. Reu 32 years old, Serug born. 12th year of 50.
2084 B.C. Serug 30 years old, Nahor born. 42nd year of 50. A SABBATH YEAR.
2055 B.C. Nahor 29 years old, Terah born. 21st year of 50. A SABBATH YEAR.
1985 B.C. Terah 70 years old, Abram born. 41st year of 50.
1937 B.C. Peleg died at 239 years of age. 39th year of 50.
1936 B.C. Nahor died at 148 years of age. 40th year of 50.
1927 B.C. Noah died at 950 years of age. 49th year of 50. A SABBATH YEAR.
1907 B.C. Reu died at 239 years of age. 19th year of 50.
1886 B.C. Abram, 99 years old, arrives in Caanan, makes covenant with GOD. 40th year of 50.
1884 B.C. Serug died at 230 years of age. 42nd year of 50. A SABBATH YEAR.
1856 B.C. 400 years until the Exodus. 20th year of 50.
1850 B.C. Terah died at 205 years of age. 26th year of 50.
1837 B.C. Arphaxad died at 438 years of age. 39th year of 50.
1810 B.C. Abraham 175 years old. 16th year of 50.
1807 B.C. Salah died at 433 years of age. 19th year of 50.
1775 B.C. Shem died at 600 years of age. 1st year of 50.
1746 B.C. Eber died at 464 years of age. 30th year of 50.
1456 B.C. The Exodus. 20th year of 50.
1416 B.C. Israelites over Jordan. 10th year of 50.
1059 B.C. King Saul's first year. 17th year of 50.
1019 B.C. King David's first year. 7th year of 50. A SABBATH YEAR.
979 B.C. King Solomon's first year. 47th year of 50.
976 B.C. The start of the building of the first Holy Temple. 50th year of 50. A JUBILEE YEAR. (977 B.C. Tishri 10 to 976 B.C. Tishri 9).
608 B.C. King Jehoiakim's 3rd year. 18th year of 50.
A.D. 683 Dome of the Rock built on the Temple Mount. 8th year of 50.
A.D. 2018 70th anniversary of the rebirth of Israel. 43rd year of 50.
Adding up the ages in Genesis from when Adam was created in 3933 B.C. to Abraham arriving in the land of Canaan at the age of 99 in 1886 B.C. is 2047 years. Adding on 430 years from this date puts the Exodus from Egypt in 1456 B.C. 480 years later Solomon starts to build the first Holy Temple in 976 B.C. From the time Adam was created to the building of the Temple, 2957 years have past. Adding on 368 years to Solomon's fourth year brings us to the third year of Jehoiakim King of Judah in 608 B.C. when the Temple was defiled by Nebuchadnezzar's men. Adding on 1290 years to this date is A.D. 683 when the Muslims built the Dome of the Rock on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. At this point 4615 years have past since Adam was created. 1335 years later Israel celebrates it's 70th anniversary in A.D.2018.
3933 B.C. plus 6000 years since Adam was created is A.D. 2068. Since no one can know the day or the hour of the rapture, A.D. 2068 is 6000 years since Adam was created, not since Adam ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. The rapture cannot take place until after A.D. 2068.
If year one of Adam in the book of Genesis is when Adam sinned, and taking the seven year tribulation into consideration, then the rapture cannot happen until at least A.D. 2061.
The 1290/1335 prophecy in Daniel connects our time to the Babylonian period. The 1290 years begins with the first year of the 70 year captivity of Judah, which ended 70 years later. After 1290 years the muslim's built an abomination on the temple mount. 1335 years later brings us to 2018 the 70th anniversary of the rebirth of the state of Israel. 70 year bookends at the beginning and end of the 1290/1335 year prophecy in Daniel.
Connecting our time to the times of the kings of Judah allows us to carry the time line back to Adam showing the rapture is not imminent and that it cannot happen until at least 2061.
The 49th year of the 50 year Jubilee cycle started at the day of Atonement 2023. Years of release and Jubilee years are Sabbath years where no planting or harvesting is allowed. The war in Israel supernaturally stopping the farming in Israel which is forbidden during these years. If you carry this 50 year cycle back into the past it shows that the first temple was started in a Jubilee year (and probably the third) and that Noah left the ark in a Jubilee year.
When you were baptized with fire did you hear the Spirit come like a rushing wind out of heaven and shake the building you were in, if not you have never been baptized with fire. The scripture teaches this happens to anyone GOD chooses to send His Spirit to. After which you would receive your own personal visit by Satan like Christ did, in a dream or vision, where you would be walking beside a giant wearing a white robe being told you will not get away from him.
John 3:8. Acts 2:2, 4:31.
According to the Word of God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ 596B.C. 5th day 4th Biblical month(30th year of 50-597B.C. 10th day 7th month to 596B.C. 9th day 7th month) is the 5th year of the captivity of Jehoiachin king of Judah. This year is also called the 30th year. Ezekiel 1.This would be year 30 of the Biblical calendars 50 year cycles which began on the 10th day of the 7th month. The Day of Atonement. Year 50 called the Jubilee. Leviticus 25.
The Jubilee is a Sabbath. A year of liberty. When every man is returned unto his possession and family. A year of no planting or harvesting. Leviticus 23,25.The 7th 14th 21st 28th 35th 42nd and 49th years of the 50 year Jubilee cycle are also Sabbaths. Liberty years. The 12(13) Tribes of Israel were not allowed to plant or harvest. All debts between them were forgiven. And all servants who were their brethren and bought for a price were released with provisions. Exodus 21,23.Deuteronomy 15.Jeremiah 34.
After being instructed by GOD to do so in 596B.C. 5th day 4th month 30th year. Ezekiel lay on his left side for 390 days to cover the sin. Bear the iniquity of The House of Israel. The 10(11) Northern Tribes. Samaria. Who lived in Assyria. Second Kings 18.THE MOST HIGH told Ezekiel that He had appointed him each day for a year. Ezekiel 4.596B.C. Plus 390 years is 206B.C. 5th day 4th month 20th year. The year that Antiochus 3 was given the title of the great king for reviving the Seleucid empire by removing the Ptolemies from Seleucid territories. Who's successor Antiochus 4 attacked Jerusalem and stopped the sacrifice in the Temple.
Ezekiel then lay on his right side for 40 days to cover the sin of Judah. Who were now in captivity in Babylon.595B.C. 5th day 5th month 31st year plus 40 years is 555B.C.5th day 5th month 21st year. The year that Nabonidus king of Babylon set up his son Belshazzar. Daniel 5.As Co-Regent over Babylon. He also places at this time the moon idol called Sin above the chief Babylonian idol Marduk. With the Babylonian king and his successor no longer respecting the GOD of Israel like was done in the time of Nebuchadnezzar. The atmosphere in which the Jewish people have to live in in Babylon becomes more nefarious. This is also what Mohammed did 1000 plus years later when he took 1 of 360 idols worshiped in Mecca. The moon idol called Sin or Al-ilah. Allah. And claimed that it was ELOHIM.THE GOD of creation. The GOD of Abraham Isaac and Israel. Modern Islam is the continuation of the idolatrous worship of the moon.
Ezekiel at this point is no longer covering the sin of Judah. The Jewish people then suffer a period of punishment by THE ANCIENT OF DAYS of seven times for their sin. A time is one year. Leviticus 26.555B.C.Plus 2520 years is A.D.1966 5th day 5th month 41st year. The period of punishment for Judah is over.23 days 9 months later on June 7th A.D.1967 28th day 2nd month 42nd year. The Jewish people regained control of the Temple Mount and all of Jerusalem was once again the capital of Israel. The Bible refers to this event as the time of the gentiles being fulfilled. Luke 21.
When using a calculator to make these calculations you have to add on one year when crossing over from 1B.C. to A.D.1.This is because there is no year zero.
722B.C. 5th day 4th month 4th year.6th year of Hezekiah king of Judah.9th year. Last year of Hoshea king of Israel. Second Kings 18.The year Israel. Samaria. The 10(11) Northern Tribes fell. Were carried off to Assyria. Plus 126 years. The reign lengths of the kings of Judah from Hezekiah to Jehoiachin. Second Chronicles 29.Is 596B.C. 5th day 4th month 30th year.722B.C. plus the seven times 2520 year punishment period is A.D.1799 5th day 4th month 24th year. The beginning of the Kingdom. Great Nation. Jacob's birthright. Which was given to Ephraim. In our time. His Majesty King Charles III of Great Britain. And Manasseh. President Donald J. Trump of The United States of America. The children of Joseph son of Jacob while they were still in Egypt. Genesis 35,48.Deuteronomy 33:13-17.First Chronicles 5:1,2.
On July 19th A.D.1799 16th day 4th month 24th year the Rosetta Stone was discovered allowing Egyptian history and culture to be known by using the stone to translate the Hieroglyphics carved into their stone monuments. Tombs. Pyramids. July 19th is equal to the first day of the ancient Egyptian calendars first month called Akhet. The beginning of their civil year.
If at the end of the year-in the revolution of the year. Second Chronicles 24:23.At the return of the year. First Kings 20:26.Second Chronicles 36:10.The coming in of the year. Second Kings 13:20.When the year is expired-at the return of the year. Second Chronicles 36:10.In the beginning of the year. Ezekiel 23:21,40:1.Is at the 1st day of the 1st month. The prophetic numbers 1290 1335 deal with the daily sacrifice in the Jerusalem Temple being taken away and an abomination set up on the Temple Mount. And persons being blessed.12 years before 596B.C. 5th day 4th month 30th year Jehoiachin king of Judah's 5th year of captivity. In the year 608B.C. 1st day 1st month 18th year. The year Nebuchadrezzar. His servants entered the Temple in Jerusalem defiling it by their presence. Removing some of the Temple vessels of gold which Solomon king of Israel had made for the Temple of the LORD. Polluting the House of the LORD. Second Kings 24.Second Chronicles 36.This would have stopped the sacrifices. Made the sacrifices unacceptable to GOD. Made the Temple unclean. Daniel 12 talks about how 1290 years after a sacrifice is stopped there would be an abomination that maketh desolate. Any abomination of desolation always has to do with the Temple Mount. The only place YHWH chose on earth to put His name.608B.C. plus 1290 years is A.D.683 1st day 1st month 8th year. The year the Muslims started to build the Dome of the Rock. An abomination on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.1335 years after A.D.683 is A.D.2018 1st day 1st month 43rd year.
The Bible states that Blessed are those that waiteth and come to this day. Psalm 25,130,145.Isaiah 40:28-31.The United States of America at the direction of President Donald J. Trump moved their embassy to Jerusalem on May 14 A.D.2018 29th day 2nd month 43rd year. The 70th anniversary of the rebirth of the nation of Israel.
The prophetic number 2300 deals with the daily sacrifice and the transgression of desolation.276B.C. 50th year. The year the Old Testament was translated into Greek. The Septuagint. JESUS connects an abomination to the reading of the scriptures. Whoso readeth, let him understand. Matthew 24:14,15.Mark 13:10-14.Plus 2300 years. Daniel 8.Is A.D.2025 50th year. Will there be some type of transgression of desolation possibly to do with the daily sacrifice of an animal on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem that is before and not during the 7 year tribulation?
390 plus 40.Since both were prophesied together on the same day.596B.C. 5th day 4th month 30th year plus 430 years is 166B.C. 5th day 4th month 10th year. The year the Maccabees regained control of Judah. Jerusalem. Rededicating the Temple. John 10:22.The sacrifices. Offerings in the Temple once again covering the sins of the 12(13) Tribes of Israel.
3803 B.C. Adam 130 years old, Seth born. 23rd year of 50.
3698 B.C. Seth 105 years old, Enos born. 28th year of 50. A SABBATH YEAR.
3608 B.C. Enos 90 years old, Cainan born. 18th year of 50.
3538 B.C. Cainan 70 years old, Mahalaleel born. 38th year of 50.
3473 B.C. Mahalaleel 65 years old, Jared born. 3rd year of 50.
3311 B.C. Jared 162 years old, Enoch born. 15th year of 50.
3246 B.C. Enoch 65 years old, Methuselah born. 30th year of 50.
3059 B.C. Methuselah 187 years old, Lamech born. 17th year of 50.
3003 B.C. Adam died at 930 years old. 23rd year of 50.
2946 B.C. Enoch taken by GOD at 365 years of age. 30th year of 50.
2891 B.C. Seth died at 912 years of age. 35th year of 50. A SABBATH YEAR.
2877 B.C. Lamech 182 years old, Noah born. 49th year of 50. A SABBATH YEAR.
2793 B.C. Enos died at 905 years of age. 33rd year of 50.
2698 B.C. Cainan died at 910 years of age. 28th year of 50. A SABBATH YEAR.
2643 B.C. Mahalaleel died at 895 years of age. 33rd year of 50.
2511 B.C. Jared died at 962 years of age. 15th year of 50.
2477 B.C. Noah 400 years old, had children. 49th year of 50. A SABBATH YEAR.
2375 B.C. Shem born. 1st year of 50.
2282 B.C. Lamech died at 777 years of age. 44th year of 50.
2277 B.C. Methuselah died at 969 years of age, Noah 600 years old when flood starts. 49th year of 50. A SABBATH YEAR.
2275 B.C. Shem 100 years old, Arphaxad born. 1st year of 50.
2240 B.C. Arphaxad 35 years old, Salah born. 36th year of 50.
2210 B.C. Salah 30 years old, Eber born. 16th year of 50.
2176 B.C. Eber 34 years old, Peleg born. 50th year of 50. A JUBILEE YEAR. (2177 B.C. Tishri 10 to 2176 B.C. Tishri 9).
2146 B.C. Peleg 30 years old, Reu born. 30th year of 50.
2114 B.C. Reu 32 years old, Serug born. 12th year of 50.
2084 B.C. Serug 30 years old, Nahor born. 42nd year of 50. A SABBATH YEAR.
2055 B.C. Nahor 29 years old, Terah born. 21st year of 50. A SABBATH YEAR.
1985 B.C. Terah 70 years old, Abram born. 41st year of 50.
1937 B.C. Peleg died at 239 years of age. 39th year of 50.
1936 B.C. Nahor died at 148 years of age. 40th year of 50.
1927 B.C. Noah died at 950 years of age. 49th year of 50. A SABBATH YEAR.
1907 B.C. Reu died at 239 years of age. 19th year of 50.
1886 B.C. Abram, 99 years old, arrives in Caanan, makes covenant with GOD. 40th year of 50.
1884 B.C. Serug died at 230 years of age. 42nd year of 50. A SABBATH YEAR.
1856 B.C. 400 years until the Exodus. 20th year of 50.
1850 B.C. Terah died at 205 years of age. 26th year of 50.
1837 B.C. Arphaxad died at 438 years of age. 39th year of 50.
1810 B.C. Abraham 175 years old. 16th year of 50.
1807 B.C. Salah died at 433 years of age. 19th year of 50.
1775 B.C. Shem died at 600 years of age. 1st year of 50.
1746 B.C. Eber died at 464 years of age. 30th year of 50.
1456 B.C. The Exodus. 20th year of 50.
1416 B.C. Israelites over Jordan. 10th year of 50.
1059 B.C. King Saul's first year. 17th year of 50.
1019 B.C. King David's first year. 7th year of 50. A SABBATH YEAR.
979 B.C. King Solomon's first year. 47th year of 50.
976 B.C. The start of the building of the first Holy Temple. 50th year of 50. A JUBILEE YEAR. (977 B.C. Tishri 10 to 976 B.C. Tishri 9).
608 B.C. King Jehoiakim's 3rd year. 18th year of 50.
A.D. 683 Dome of the Rock built on the Temple Mount. 8th year of 50.
A.D. 2018 70th anniversary of the rebirth of Israel. 43rd year of 50.
Adding up the ages in Genesis from when Adam was created in 3933 B.C. to Abraham arriving in the land of Canaan at the age of 99 in 1886 B.C. is 2047 years. Adding on 430 years from this date puts the Exodus from Egypt in 1456 B.C. 480 years later Solomon starts to build the first Holy Temple in 976 B.C. From the time Adam was created to the building of the Temple, 2957 years have past. Adding on 368 years to Solomon's fourth year brings us to the third year of Jehoiakim King of Judah in 608 B.C. when the Temple was defiled by Nebuchadnezzar's men. Adding on 1290 years to this date is A.D. 683 when the Muslims built the Dome of the Rock on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. At this point 4615 years have past since Adam was created. 1335 years later Israel celebrates it's 70th anniversary in A.D.2018.
3933 B.C. plus 6000 years since Adam was created is A.D. 2068. Since no one can know the day or the hour of the rapture, A.D. 2068 is 6000 years since Adam was created, not since Adam ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. The rapture cannot take place until after A.D. 2068.
If year one of Adam in the book of Genesis is when Adam sinned, and taking the seven year tribulation into consideration, then the rapture cannot happen until at least A.D. 2061.
The 1290/1335 prophecy in Daniel connects our time to the Babylonian period. The 1290 years begins with the first year of the 70 year captivity of Judah, which ended 70 years later. After 1290 years the muslim's built an abomination on the temple mount. 1335 years later brings us to 2018 the 70th anniversary of the rebirth of the state of Israel. 70 year bookends at the beginning and end of the 1290/1335 year prophecy in Daniel.
Connecting our time to the times of the kings of Judah allows us to carry the time line back to Adam showing the rapture is not imminent and that it cannot happen until at least 2061.
The 49th year of the 50 year Jubilee cycle started at the day of Atonement 2023. Years of release and Jubilee years are Sabbath years where no planting or harvesting is allowed. The war in Israel supernaturally stopping the farming in Israel which is forbidden during these years. If you carry this 50 year cycle back into the past it shows that the first temple was started in a Jubilee year (and probably the third) and that Noah left the ark in a Jubilee year.
When you were baptized with fire did you hear the Spirit come like a rushing wind out of heaven and shake the building you were in, if not you have never been baptized with fire. The scripture teaches this happens to anyone GOD chooses to send His Spirit to. After which you would receive your own personal visit by Satan like Christ did, in a dream or vision, where you would be walking beside a giant wearing a white robe being told you will not get away from him.
John 3:8. Acts 2:2, 4:31.
According to the Word of God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ 596B.C. 5th day 4th Biblical month(30th year of 50-597B.C. 10th day 7th month to 596B.C. 9th day 7th month) is the 5th year of the captivity of Jehoiachin king of Judah. This year is also called the 30th year. Ezekiel 1.This would be year 30 of the Biblical calendars 50 year cycles which began on the 10th day of the 7th month. The Day of Atonement. Year 50 called the Jubilee. Leviticus 25.
The Jubilee is a Sabbath. A year of liberty. When every man is returned unto his possession and family. A year of no planting or harvesting. Leviticus 23,25.The 7th 14th 21st 28th 35th 42nd and 49th years of the 50 year Jubilee cycle are also Sabbaths. Liberty years. The 12(13) Tribes of Israel were not allowed to plant or harvest. All debts between them were forgiven. And all servants who were their brethren and bought for a price were released with provisions. Exodus 21,23.Deuteronomy 15.Jeremiah 34.
After being instructed by GOD to do so in 596B.C. 5th day 4th month 30th year. Ezekiel lay on his left side for 390 days to cover the sin. Bear the iniquity of The House of Israel. The 10(11) Northern Tribes. Samaria. Who lived in Assyria. Second Kings 18.THE MOST HIGH told Ezekiel that He had appointed him each day for a year. Ezekiel 4.596B.C. Plus 390 years is 206B.C. 5th day 4th month 20th year. The year that Antiochus 3 was given the title of the great king for reviving the Seleucid empire by removing the Ptolemies from Seleucid territories. Who's successor Antiochus 4 attacked Jerusalem and stopped the sacrifice in the Temple.
Ezekiel then lay on his right side for 40 days to cover the sin of Judah. Who were now in captivity in Babylon.595B.C. 5th day 5th month 31st year plus 40 years is 555B.C.5th day 5th month 21st year. The year that Nabonidus king of Babylon set up his son Belshazzar. Daniel 5.As Co-Regent over Babylon. He also places at this time the moon idol called Sin above the chief Babylonian idol Marduk. With the Babylonian king and his successor no longer respecting the GOD of Israel like was done in the time of Nebuchadnezzar. The atmosphere in which the Jewish people have to live in in Babylon becomes more nefarious. This is also what Mohammed did 1000 plus years later when he took 1 of 360 idols worshiped in Mecca. The moon idol called Sin or Al-ilah. Allah. And claimed that it was ELOHIM.THE GOD of creation. The GOD of Abraham Isaac and Israel. Modern Islam is the continuation of the idolatrous worship of the moon.
Ezekiel at this point is no longer covering the sin of Judah. The Jewish people then suffer a period of punishment by THE ANCIENT OF DAYS of seven times for their sin. A time is one year. Leviticus 26.555B.C.Plus 2520 years is A.D.1966 5th day 5th month 41st year. The period of punishment for Judah is over.23 days 9 months later on June 7th A.D.1967 28th day 2nd month 42nd year. The Jewish people regained control of the Temple Mount and all of Jerusalem was once again the capital of Israel. The Bible refers to this event as the time of the gentiles being fulfilled. Luke 21.
When using a calculator to make these calculations you have to add on one year when crossing over from 1B.C. to A.D.1.This is because there is no year zero.
722B.C. 5th day 4th month 4th year.6th year of Hezekiah king of Judah.9th year. Last year of Hoshea king of Israel. Second Kings 18.The year Israel. Samaria. The 10(11) Northern Tribes fell. Were carried off to Assyria. Plus 126 years. The reign lengths of the kings of Judah from Hezekiah to Jehoiachin. Second Chronicles 29.Is 596B.C. 5th day 4th month 30th year.722B.C. plus the seven times 2520 year punishment period is A.D.1799 5th day 4th month 24th year. The beginning of the Kingdom. Great Nation. Jacob's birthright. Which was given to Ephraim. In our time. His Majesty King Charles III of Great Britain. And Manasseh. President Donald J. Trump of The United States of America. The children of Joseph son of Jacob while they were still in Egypt. Genesis 35,48.Deuteronomy 33:13-17.First Chronicles 5:1,2.
On July 19th A.D.1799 16th day 4th month 24th year the Rosetta Stone was discovered allowing Egyptian history and culture to be known by using the stone to translate the Hieroglyphics carved into their stone monuments. Tombs. Pyramids. July 19th is equal to the first day of the ancient Egyptian calendars first month called Akhet. The beginning of their civil year.
If at the end of the year-in the revolution of the year. Second Chronicles 24:23.At the return of the year. First Kings 20:26.Second Chronicles 36:10.The coming in of the year. Second Kings 13:20.When the year is expired-at the return of the year. Second Chronicles 36:10.In the beginning of the year. Ezekiel 23:21,40:1.Is at the 1st day of the 1st month. The prophetic numbers 1290 1335 deal with the daily sacrifice in the Jerusalem Temple being taken away and an abomination set up on the Temple Mount. And persons being blessed.12 years before 596B.C. 5th day 4th month 30th year Jehoiachin king of Judah's 5th year of captivity. In the year 608B.C. 1st day 1st month 18th year. The year Nebuchadrezzar. His servants entered the Temple in Jerusalem defiling it by their presence. Removing some of the Temple vessels of gold which Solomon king of Israel had made for the Temple of the LORD. Polluting the House of the LORD. Second Kings 24.Second Chronicles 36.This would have stopped the sacrifices. Made the sacrifices unacceptable to GOD. Made the Temple unclean. Daniel 12 talks about how 1290 years after a sacrifice is stopped there would be an abomination that maketh desolate. Any abomination of desolation always has to do with the Temple Mount. The only place YHWH chose on earth to put His name.608B.C. plus 1290 years is A.D.683 1st day 1st month 8th year. The year the Muslims started to build the Dome of the Rock. An abomination on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.1335 years after A.D.683 is A.D.2018 1st day 1st month 43rd year.
The Bible states that Blessed are those that waiteth and come to this day. Psalm 25,130,145.Isaiah 40:28-31.The United States of America at the direction of President Donald J. Trump moved their embassy to Jerusalem on May 14 A.D.2018 29th day 2nd month 43rd year. The 70th anniversary of the rebirth of the nation of Israel.
The prophetic number 2300 deals with the daily sacrifice and the transgression of desolation.276B.C. 50th year. The year the Old Testament was translated into Greek. The Septuagint. JESUS connects an abomination to the reading of the scriptures. Whoso readeth, let him understand. Matthew 24:14,15.Mark 13:10-14.Plus 2300 years. Daniel 8.Is A.D.2025 50th year. Will there be some type of transgression of desolation possibly to do with the daily sacrifice of an animal on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem that is before and not during the 7 year tribulation?
390 plus 40.Since both were prophesied together on the same day.596B.C. 5th day 4th month 30th year plus 430 years is 166B.C. 5th day 4th month 10th year. The year the Maccabees regained control of Judah. Jerusalem. Rededicating the Temple. John 10:22.The sacrifices. Offerings in the Temple once again covering the sins of the 12(13) Tribes of Israel.