Bible Inspirations

About 2024 years ago, events would transpire and inspire others that would be guided.
From far corners of the known world. We would be given writing of books that would be contained in THE BIBLE.
There are 10,s of thousands of words in the Bible, both Old and New Testaments, and each word has been read billions of times.

The Bible Its self about. 22.5 Billion times since Christianity began. The old Testament would have been read about 1.5 million times up until the year one.
Conservative accounts of about 10% of the population up until year one. This estimate is based on the amount of times it would have been read base don 10% on 10% of the population during that time.
If each person who believed in God read this Bible during those times the bible just once these are the estimated numbers.
( the number would be much higher if we calculated how many times it was read again and again, which only God knows that answer)


The Bible has inspired people to read her pages a minimum of 22 billion times. And each person inspired to come to Christ and accept him as their savior.
Yet all of this and the Bible continues to inspire each and every day. Its not the numbers, as much as the Glory that has been given is staggering.
I am writing this in a hopes of helping those looking for clarity. You are unique to God, and Special. Even though billions before us, saw his grace.
Next time you think you are alone, or wonder how can I have faith? Perhaps think of this.

Those of you that do air on the side of technical accuracy. Based on the population growth and accounting on average 25% of the population.
( that is average for 2000 years, but it averages to a constant of 25% minimum.) Are Following Christ at that time.
About 90 Billion people have been exposed to Christ, and of those about 22 Billion have read the Bible. Again only God truly knows how many are saved.
And the percentages are on the conservative side on purpose. As I wanted to show the bare minimum influence and those inspired.

Yet, you and I are inspired by his love, each day. Still. How is this Miracle possible?
It is through Grace that we see the same thing the first person saw when they read the word.
And we will all be together. So pretty sure Heaven wont be empty by any means.

Be Blessed and Have a Blessed Week.
Hello Rooted;

What you shared is an example of how the Bible comes in all "flavors of thought" for the serious believer, student and doer of God's Word.

Since the early readings of the Bible are joined by the text authors who have contributed so many various forms of study - textual criticism, exegesis, literal, historical context, hermeneutical, Biblical and Systematic Theology and more, ironically already included in the original reading of the Bible.

How many of these author's Biblical books have been read joining the census besides reading the Bible alone? Still, the Bible has remained the top selling book to date and it will most likely remain as more non-believers are coming to Christ.

Praise Him!

This is just another Miracle in the many ways God works in each of us who follow Him.

God bless you, Rooted, and thank you for sharing Bible Inspirations.