Bible Verse Note Study System

Bible Verse Notes is a system of Bible study, investigation, and examination of individual Bible verses meant to spotlight thoughts and intentions written in the Bible text.
The notes are written to discuss the various aspects of the Bible verse and analyze the contents.
The emphasis in these notes is the obvious and implied meaning of the written text. The notes are meant to exegete the meaning that the original author meant to communicate to his readers or hearers as he wrote the text.
Included in the notes are definitions, Scripture references, details, verse relations, Messianic references, principles, prophecies, and theology. It is hoped that the notes will convey the Bible message in its proper context.
The permanence of Scripture is important and is to be studied for every detail that we can extract from it.
Ps. 119:89 - Forever, O Lord, Your word is settled in heaven.
Ps. 119:18- Open my eyes, that I may behold Wonderful things from your law.