Biblically Inspired Art

bobinfaith asked me, in another thread, how long I've been an artist. Not wanting to derail the topic, I started this thread. If this thread is not appropriate for this forum, of course staff may move it.

Asking an artist to talk about their art is like asking a parent to talk about their children, so the response is typically long-winded, and I am no exception to the rule.

I first wish to answer bobinfaith's question with an image before I get into the topic of Biblically Inspired Art. I've been an artist all my life, receiving attention for it from my older sisters at about age four. My first professional work as an artist came in 1964 at the age of seven when my Mom entered a drawing into a magazine and I won ten dollars.

fun time.jpg

Throughout school, I was recognized and received awards for my art. My last formal art class was in 1973, but I went on creating for years thereafter. I didn't think of myself as an "artist" per se, just someone who liked to draw, paint, sculpt, etc. Then, in the mid '90's, I was professionally and personall involved with an art therapist who requested caricatures to be drawn at a First Night celebration. The art therapist was also involved in a local community theatre and requested that I paint a mural for a Christmas musical program, "Bending Toward the Light". It was she who informed me, "You are an artist".


The director wanted a whimsical night scene of Bethlehem, I submitted a rough, and this was the result. The star, by the way, was a creation of the art therapist.

My career as a professional free-lance artist ran from 19995 until 2003 when I got a position as a nurse which paid more than my previous position and art income combined. So, I hung up my art guns and now create as inspired.

I hope to submit more topic-appropriate art to this and other threads if that's okay with the staff.
This next piece was done two years ago when I got into creating and printing ink stamps. Several dozen stamps were made, inclusive of Jesus, who inadvertently appears as something of a jolly comic character.


The page was first inked with script, gone over with an ochre ink wash, and then stamped with the Jesus character.
Good morning, Davey D0;

You use the number 0 in D0, correct? In post# 2, in my own words is the "character" within the art of Jesus. I do sense Christ Centered in your art.

I'd like to share my testimony.

I went to a child therapist when I was 7 or 8 years old. My parents thought I was unusually hyper with a short attention span. The therapist told my parents I had a creative, vivid imagination and needed to let this out through writing. I don't remember why she mentioned writing, but she asked my parents to encourage me as a boy.

I'm not an artist nor was I ever an avid reader or wrote long novels. But by the time I was 10 I spent a lot of time learning how to play guitar, "composing lyrics", music and took singing lessons by the time I was 15.

I wanted to be the next Terry Kath, excellent guitarist and great use of playing blues scales. But by the end of high school I was playing with the Church praise team which through the years gave me more fulfillment lifting music to the Lord.

Back to
Biblically Inspired Art. In your original thread there is a purity in Fun-Time For Kittens and it's great you saved your art piece all these years. Is the city of Goofy for real? lol!

Thank you, Davey D0, and for sharing your gift.
Yes, I guess, bobinfaith, that is a zero which was a typo when I was registering for this website, as my cartoon character and username is typically "Davey Do", a shorten version of my real name. But I'm okay with the zero instead of an "o", so it was left to be as it is.

I am pleased you sense a respectful interpretation in the Jesus character, for I mean not to make light of who He was and is. I feel closer to Him when I create His likeness, whether it be serious or a cartoon character.

Your testimony speaks volumes, in that you were able- and even blessed- to channel your energy into an artistically positive realm of creation. As a psych nurse, I saw so many poor souls who were unable to channel their energy productively and did not meet with good ends.

You noted, Bob, that you did not write "long" novels, so does that mean you did write short ones, novellas?

You must be a relatively good musician, having played with the church praise team, especially since you can play the blues. I, too, played the acoustic guitar for minor gigs, but my instrumentation was pretty basic, and I do not have a good singing voice.

The clipping from the magazine of "Fun-Time for Kittens" was actually save by a maternal aunt who sent it to me about 30 years ago. I believed it to be lost to time, but recall drawing it while sitting on the living floor and my mom lauding over it. In recreating the work on a larger scale for an art class I was going to teach, I was pleasantly surprised to realize how well balanced it is, if divided up into quarters. Pretty good for a seven year old!

No, Goofy is a fictious town based on my hometown, which is near Anomaly, which is outside of Normal.

And thank you, Bob, for your comment, support and appreciation.
Thank you for your interest and support, Dave F.

The last formal art class I completed was Commercial Art as a HS sophomore in 1973, and I learned more from that one semester class than all others combined. One area of art which was learned and enjoyed was lettering, as well as layout and design, which continues to be utilized to this day.

Although not extremely accurate, these Biblically related works were enjoyable to create:

1st D.jpg


You noted, Bob, that you did not write "long" novels, so does that mean you did write short ones, novellas?
Hello Davey D0;

Thank you for asking. The thing about novels or novellas, to me, is also an art and you have to be love heart filled when writing, not just to write. Through the years when I attempted I found myself getting bored or running out of words.

But when I'm writing a message from Scripture or writing lyrics for a song I can get on a roll. I feel that's when it becomes God filled.

In post# 5 I like the blend of backdrop colors in the third Hebrew.jpg.

God bless you, Davey D0.

bobinfaith asked me, in another thread, how long I've been an artist. Not wanting to derail the topic, I started this thread. If this thread is not appropriate for this forum, of course staff may move it.

Asking an artist to talk about their art is like asking a parent to talk about their children, so the response is typically long-winded, and I am no exception to the rule.

I first wish to answer bobinfaith's question with an image before I get into the topic of Biblically Inspired Art. I've been an artist all my life, receiving attention for it from my older sisters at about age four. My first professional work as an artist came in 1964 at the age of seven when my Mom entered a drawing into a magazine and I won ten dollars.

Throughout school, I was recognized and received awards for my art. My last formal art class was in 1973, but I went on creating for years thereafter. I didn't think of myself as an "artist" per se, just someone who liked to draw, paint, sculpt, etc. Then, in the mid '90's, I was professionally and personall involved with an art therapist who requested caricatures to be drawn at a First Night celebration. The art therapist was also involved in a local community theatre and requested that I paint a mural for a Christmas musical program, "Bending Toward the Light". It was she who informed me, "You are an artist".

The director wanted a whimsical night scene of Bethlehem, I submitted a rough, and this was the result. The star, by the way, was a creation of the art therapist.

My career as a professional free-lance artist ran from 19995 until 2003 when I got a position as a nurse which paid more than my previous position and art income combined. So, I hung up my art guns and now create as inspired.

I hope to submit more topic-appropriate art to this and other threads if that's okay with the staff.
Davey, thank you so much for your contributions to the forum. You're already making a positive effect. God bless you, brother!
I am so pleased that my contributions are being welcomed! Thank you, BibleLover!

Jesus has been a n inspiration to me as far back as I can remember, and. since I started keeping drawing journals since 1977, He appears regularly.

I've played around with basic, crude animation since my retirement in 2020 and been considering creating Jesus character, so last night, I did some sketches:


An animation puppet was created and an introduction GIF was shot:

Hmmm! Even compressed to 1.05MB, the file is too large to be uploaded. Oh well, here's a still:


Thanks again!

Thank you for your interest and support, Dave F.

The last formal art class I completed was Commercial Art as a HS sophomore in 1973, and I learned more from that one semester class than all others combined. One area of art which was learned and enjoyed was lettering, as well as layout and design, which continues to be utilized to this day.

Although not extremely accurate, these Biblically related works were enjoyable to create:

My guess is that the Latin and Greek notation (top two) says something like, 'Here is the King of the Jews'.
Perhaps the Hebrew says something similar?
The message is in the words, no? That's why I took a hankering to post #5.

Yes sir! and thank you, as the art of lettering is an enjoyable process as is sharing it.

I was in a bad space yesterday and creating the image with the quote from the book of John, along with praying and other relayed endeavors buoyed me through, the point that I feel back on track today.

I noticed the typo of misspelling the word "remain", too late to edit it, so I will resubmit the corrected version:
