Every member of the church has a part to play and while some parts require more support than others, no one part is more important than any other part.
It is also vitally important to understand that one part of the body can be working exactly as it is supposed to, but cannot effectively do its assigned tasks without the other parts.
The heart pumps blood.
The arteries and veins carry blood.
The kidneys and liver filter out impurities and toxins in the blood.
The digestive system takes in nutrients.
The lungs take in oxygen.
The heart can do its job perfectly and pump blood for days, but if that blood contains no nutrients or oxygen or contains toxins the body will sicken or die.
The kidneys can filter blood without fail, but if that blood has no nutrients then the body will sicken and die
If the veins and arteries do not carry blood to the heart, kidneys, lungs, and other organs then those organs will work until they starve for lack of what they need.
Those are just a few examples.
The main point is this: As Christians we have all been given certain gifts for use in the body. We are to use those gifts to glorify Jesus and lift up the church. I may be able to use the gifts I have been given without ever associating with another body of believers, but those gifts only work properly within the church.
An evangelist may go out and reach thousands, but if he has no where to send those people to be discipled then his task is only partially accomplished.
A teacher without students is not much of a teacher.
Etc, etc, etc…
We excel as a team and can accomplish so much more together than we can apart. We need each other. God has given us gifts that only find their full potential (1 Cor 12:7) when used with the church.
Last time I checked God is a whole lot smarter than us and can see a great deal farther than we could ever imagine. It makes sense to me that he knows what he is doing. We trust Jesus for our salvation. We should trust that He has it all covered and that He knows what He is doing.
1 Corinthians 12:12-26 , Hebrews 10:25
It is also vitally important to understand that one part of the body can be working exactly as it is supposed to, but cannot effectively do its assigned tasks without the other parts.
The heart pumps blood.
The arteries and veins carry blood.
The kidneys and liver filter out impurities and toxins in the blood.
The digestive system takes in nutrients.
The lungs take in oxygen.
The heart can do its job perfectly and pump blood for days, but if that blood contains no nutrients or oxygen or contains toxins the body will sicken or die.
The kidneys can filter blood without fail, but if that blood has no nutrients then the body will sicken and die
If the veins and arteries do not carry blood to the heart, kidneys, lungs, and other organs then those organs will work until they starve for lack of what they need.
Those are just a few examples.
The main point is this: As Christians we have all been given certain gifts for use in the body. We are to use those gifts to glorify Jesus and lift up the church. I may be able to use the gifts I have been given without ever associating with another body of believers, but those gifts only work properly within the church.
An evangelist may go out and reach thousands, but if he has no where to send those people to be discipled then his task is only partially accomplished.
A teacher without students is not much of a teacher.
Etc, etc, etc…
We excel as a team and can accomplish so much more together than we can apart. We need each other. God has given us gifts that only find their full potential (1 Cor 12:7) when used with the church.
Last time I checked God is a whole lot smarter than us and can see a great deal farther than we could ever imagine. It makes sense to me that he knows what he is doing. We trust Jesus for our salvation. We should trust that He has it all covered and that He knows what He is doing.
1 Corinthians 12:12-26 , Hebrews 10:25