Book of Joshua

I need to slow down and get the real gist of this book. What is its essence? God delivering yet again on his promises? They win the Battle of Jericho and enter the Promised land of Canaan.
There seems to be a recurring theme of trusting God's power instead of our own. In my text there is an interesting point made about the use of "Liturgical Warfare". priests at the front followed by the Ark of the Covenant. Very orderly. Music instead of war cries. Relying on God's will to bring down the walls of Jericho.
faith and works displayed by Rahab. She is rewarded for her faith and manifests that faith in the God of Israel through action. By protecting some Israelites from being captured.
the 12 stones of Israel when crossing the Jordan River. Restores confidence in Joshua as leader perhaps? Connection to Red Sea event. God saves His people yet again.
Achan is a very naughty boy. He steals things that God wanted destroyed. My text emphasises the depth of his crime. One sin like this can affect the whole community. Spread like a cancer. It needs to be addressed and God withdraws his support briefly as punishment.
Israel need to keep their part of the bargain. God is doing his part. Stop worshipping false gods! Don't go back to your bad habits in Egypt.
Don't intermarry with Canaanites. Sorry cant give you a Bible verse. this is raised in the text Im using.
Interesting cross reference to Corinthians 10:3-4. Do not fight from worldly motives. use God's might. Not our own. Need to clarify further.
Ephesians 6 11-18 Put on the armour/breastplate of God.,

ive probably overlooked something important here. :)