C-19 Fiasco

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Looking at the graph below, one can clearly see that the political and media reactions to COVID clearly were and are purely fabricated crisis, AND, looking at the deaths line, and how linear it is, also gives ample evidence to some things that betray their plan. The almost linear progression of the death line doesn't have any noticeable variation with the advent of the so-called "vaccines." Do you see that? The death rate is so low by comparison to infections and recovery; that alone shows that the reaction to COVID was WAY overboard, not to mention that the "effectiveness" of the "vaccines" was also blown WAY out of proportion from what we can see in this graph.


From: https://epidemic-stats.com/

Given this, for those who aren't familiar with graphic indicators, this whole fiasco was nothing more than the first step toward bringing the masses of the world under control by way of fear tactics for starters. The masses too easily gave control over them to their local, governing authorities, who then hands that control over to higher authorities, sand then higher and higher until there is a world governance into which that man of sin may step. Fear is perhaps one of the most powerful tools to get the peoples to relinquish their freedoms...those who are not worthy of possessing freedom.

Stay tuned for 'That Great Day of the Lord....' soon to come.

Here is another chart that shows the deaths for the countries indicated. Again, no drop in the death rates with the advent of the "vaccines" last year, even though the politicians and media claimed 95% efficacy for the so-called "vaccines."
From: https://epidemic-stats.com/

Had the so-called "vaccines" possessed a 95% efficacy level of effectiveness, we should have an almost perfect leveling of the line(s). However, the exact opposite is true, as you can see with your own eyes.

These readily available graphs betray how the world has been duped and taken to the cleaners by dishonest politicians and their co-conspiring media, as well as the powers behind those politicians and media giants.

Oh, and in relation to those portions of the death lines that do somewhat level out, that's nothing more than natural trends along most population lines one may see. It would have been strange had the death line been completely linear. So, trends are what they are, with variations as shown.

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