Can you recommend a Christian dating site

Hello Wan;

I'm curious, sister. Why do you ask?

I'll admit I'm biased with Christian dating sites as I believe God is capable of bringing a man and woman together for a lifelong marriage. I feel when we rely on matchmaking on a professional level limits God. I'll explain my reason why I feel this way;

I shared this post with the staff at Christian Forum Site. Many Christian dating sites are for singles seeking a "faith based" relationship but they also have a similar matching process as secular dating sites. I found that one of the most successful is a Catholic dating site.

A small percentage of Christian dating sites have been successful for Christian singles but there have been varying experiences that didn't go well. After finding a common ground with faith then the follow ups are about education, careers, dreams, success that can determine a good match which for many becomes the deal breaker. The world success of the man or woman supersedes their faith walk.

God bless you, Wan.
Hello Wan;

I'm curious, sister. Why do you ask?

I'll admit I'm biased with Christian dating sites as I believe God is capable of bringing a man and woman together for a lifelong marriage. I feel when we rely on matchmaking on a professional level limits God. I'll explain my reason why I feel this way;

I shared this post with the staff at Christian Forum Site. Many Christian dating sites are for singles seeking a "faith based" relationship but they also have a similar matching process as secular dating sites. I found that one of the most successful is a Catholic dating site.

A small percentage of Christian dating sites have been successful for Christian singles but there have been varying experiences that didn't go well. After finding a common ground with faith then the follow ups are about education, careers, dreams, success that can determine a good match which for many becomes the deal breaker. The world success of the man or woman supersedes their faith walk.

God bless you, Wan.
Hi Bob, I ask because I am single and want to meet a Christian for a relationship.
I am curious ( not to pry ) But would not community events, and Christian concerts, or Church events,
be a good way to find someone.
My wife, was saved two years before I met her. It was a crazy way we met. She went to lunch at a place I worked at.
Her Mom wanted Mexican, But her Grandma wanted soup and salad. Had she wanted a Burrito instead we would have not met.
I think that if we pray God will place us in a path if its his will. See we have free will to choose a dating site.
But MHO God may be placing you on a path that could meet one that is out there looking for you.
Sorry if I butted in.
Let me just say from my vast experience with internet dating sites, just because someone claims to be a Christian does not mean they are.
This especially includes all religious related sites, as they are filled with those who choose to use belief systems to get a date.
Some of us that are saved are too meek and mild mannered to understand how dangerous predators really are.
All dating sites are filled with scammers, and those who wish to cause others harm. Be diligently careful.

My advice is as follows:

1) Only converse with others that live within a reasonable distance to maintain a relationship.
International scammers are really out there in abundance.

2) Never give out personal information such as your full name, address, or phone number.
This is how hackers can your info. 1.4 million identity thefts were reported last year by the FTC in the U.S.

3) Arrange a meeting in a public or busy establishment where there are lots of people (preferably where they know who you are).
In North Carolina where I live over 96,000 people were reported missing last year. Yes, many of those people did get abducted.

4) Wait until you have met someone in person, and know you are attracted to them before giving out your phone number.
Most of the time I find people lie about their age, weight, occupation, education, religious beliefs, and post old pictures.

5) Do not let anyone know where you live until you trust them. I take them to church, as there are law enforcement officers
in my congregation that do run checks to protect our community. They wont tell me what they find, but will tell me not to date "that one".

I did not post this information to scare anyone, but to inform others of the dangerous positions I have placed myself in.
In their infancy online dating sites were once a wonderful place to meet people, date, and make new friends. Much of the time, they still can be.
Ive had good dating experiences in the last 15-16 years since becoming twice a widow. However, the cons for me definitely outweigh the pros.
Finding chemistry, an appropriate fit, and life partner is a difficult task indeed. I quit trying a long time ago.

If our Father in heaven, in the name of His Son Jesus Christ,
wants me to share my life with someone, it will be HIS doing. Amen.
For Canadians?

Wan I did do some checking. There be the it be a Canadian Christian dating site. Looks like it has forums as well. Of cause you can advertise here on Christian forums. You just never know. Might add some spice to the site : ) Hope that has been some help
Hi Bob, I ask because I am single and want to meet a Christian for a relationship.
At least there is a chance that they are Christian. Its better odds than going to a secular dating site.

Hello Wan;

You're getting some very good honest caution, and supportive love in your thread. Just be careful should you choose to go this path.

We're praying God will give you guidance.

God bless you.
At least there is a chance that they are Christian. Its better odds than going to a secular dating site.
honestly not so sure i trust anything dating on the net ..lots of scammers /wolf in sheep clothing... no offense but a mate of the opposite sex . can be harmful.. my advice proceed with caution. they talk nice then boom drop the load your left holding the bag. the internet can not be trusted
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I am curious ( not to pry ) But would not community events, and Christian concerts, or Church events, be a good way to find someone. My wife, was saved two years before I met her. It was a crazy way we met. She went to lunch at a place I worked at. Her Mom wanted Mexican, But her Grandma wanted soup and salad. Had she wanted a Burrito instead we would have not met. I think that if we pray God will place us in a path if its his will. See we have free will to choose a dating site. But MHO God may be placing you on a path that could meet one that is out there looking for you.
Sorry if I butted in.

Hello Paul;

I'm sorry but I lost you here. "She went to lunch at a place I worked at. Her Mom wanted Mexican, But her Grandma wanted soup and salad. Had she wanted a Burrito instead we would have not met."

Unless you meant you worked at a soup and salad and that's where your future wife decided to eat?

If so then she didn't meet you
on line but in line at the restaurant. lol!

God bless you, Paul.
My only concern is
Hello Paul;

I'm sorry but I lost you here. "She went to lunch at a place I worked at. Her Mom wanted Mexican, But her Grandma wanted soup and salad. Had she wanted a Burrito instead we would have not met."

Unless you meant you worked at a soup and salad and that's where your future wife decided to eat?

If so then she didn't meet you
on line but in line at the restaurant. lol!

God bless you, Paul.
Hehe, that was clever Brother Bob.

LOL. Very True. 🙂 There is a whole story that goes along with it.
But perhaps I will venture that in another post some time.
Wan I did do some checking. There be the it be a Canadian Christian dating site. Looks like it has forums as well. Of cause you can advertise here on Christian forums. You just never know. Might add some spice to the site : ) Hope that has been some help

Hello Prim90;

I always enjoy your long research explanation in our Biblical discussions. But in this topic what is your constructive discernment on Christian dating sites, its history of success and setbacks?

God bless
you, sister, and thank you.

Hello Prim90;

I always enjoy your long research explanation in our Biblical discussions. But in this topic what is your constructive discernment on Christian dating sites, its history of success and setbacks?

God bless
you, sister, and thank you.

Bob my discernment is this. There be just as many horny goats within the church as on Christian dating sites. Even the question of compatibility between two Christians often doesn’t always end as a marriage made in heaven but often ends in divorce. Perhaps the Presbyterians got it right Divine Providence will decide.