Change and Correction

Greetings Friends,
I wanted to share something with you along the lines of change within us. Now if we are honest here, we all have areas we need to change and have tried to.

One thing to Remember is Change is Not Change until it's Changed.

What I mean is this..
In all our best attempts we can only change anything on the surface. We can NOT get to the ROOT of the issue without the Working of the Holy Spirit. It takes the Holy Spirit to destroy the root and bring forth Lasting Change.

Now this sounds simple enough and it rightly should be - however there are some things that need to be present in one's life in order for this to happen.

A Deep Respect and Desire to be in total communication with the Holy Spirit.
We need to listen and obey.
We need a Deep Desire to be changed.

When we get offended with any type of correction from others and this includes suggestions and discipline and just help from a loving heart then we will NOT be able to hear or be corrected or helped by the Holy Spirit.

Something happens within us when we get offended easily and it cuts off the help we really need.

Now let's look at the word offended.
Most will argue that they don't get offended but in all truth.....yes they do.

Little things like....why do you quote scripture that comes against what I said.
You got offended or you would not have said that.

You don't like an answer so you confront them or don't like their attitude or clothes or the fact that some one else got more attention. That's being offended.

It's the little things that cause more damage in a person then the big things.

No Christian is to be easily offended but they are. A grudge comes from being offended.
It's one of thee biggest little schemes the enemy pulls in a person's life. If you are offended then you can not be in Faith or Walking in Love and that totally throws out forgiveness.

Offended also puts and keeps you all about SELF. Being all about self keeps you in the enemies will and keeps you outside of the things of God.

So in all truth......most of the time there are other things or areas that will need to be dealt with in order to destroy the root that keeps Change from ever Changing unto Changed in one's life.

Blessings in Christ
I think people need to get to the root of the problem first rather than think that something is going to change if they just try hard enough.

This is something you learn in gardening. A plant is not growing well. Instead of blaming the plant and trying to change it by feeding it or cutting it or watering it, you need to look at the soil and the roots. And sometimes you actually need to MOVE this plant somewhere better where it will thrive. If its a weed you have to dig it out by the roots. No point cutting the top off where it will just grow again. Or lazy poisoining it with herbicide cos you just killing other plants and beneficial organisms as well.

If correction is not motivated out of love with the holy spirit than that too can damage someone it works both ways. People that correct without the holy spirit often give off the attitude that whoever is being corrected is always wrong and cant do anything right, in their manner of speaking. They become abusive bullies instead of encouragers. Some people think that by bullying or nagging someone, the person being nagged and bullied will change. Wrong. It just causes that person to feel inferior and stupid and breeds resentment and hatred, and leads to rebellion.
I think people need to get to the root of the problem first rather than think that something is going to change if they just try hard enough.
Correct but it takes the Working of the Holy Spirit and therapist and such Can Not.

If correction is not motivated out of love with the holy spirit than that too can damage someone it works both ways. People that correct without the holy spirit often give off the attitude that whoever is being corrected is always wrong and cant do anything right, in their manner of speaking. They become abusive bullies instead of encouragers. Some people think that by bullying or nagging someone, the person being nagged and bullied will change. Wrong. It just causes that person to feel inferior and stupid and breeds resentment and hatred, and leads to rebellion.

This really is not the message of the post.
It's all about the Holy Spirit and a willing heart.

Thank you for replying
Hmm ok just speaking from own experience as a both a corrector and a correctee.
For example, I was a proofreader which meant correcting someones writing, spelling and grammar. I could only do it if people were willing to have their writing corrected. If you try and correct someone elses writing and they havent asked you to, its likely they will get offended! It might be they deliberately want it a certain way, even leaving mistakes in to show a process, be warts and all etc.

It also takes time. Its very rude to just step in when someone is half finished and then basically tell them they havent got it perfect and then take over. So yea understand that, for correction to be beneficial the person has to be willing to be corrected or take corrrection. It can be as agonising for the corrector to correct a work full of mistakes, but remember, if the work was perfect already, you wouldnt have a job! Thank the Lord for the holy spirit our helper who has infinite patience!
Says someone who, looking back at their own posts just written, sees it is full of mistakes and typos. The important thing to remember is, we cant always do things on our own, we need help and its readily available for those that ask. If everyone was perfect already, well, we would be in heaven. Did Jesus tell the disciples they needed to wash their own feet? Nope he told them to wash each others feet. Why did he do it that way instead of maybe giving the disciples a lecture on how dirty they were and telling them to clean up after themselves. Because he cared, and he even got down on his knees and washed THEIR feet. How much better to have your feet washed by someone else than stubbornly refuse like Peter tried to do and say you cant wash my feet! It wasnt because he thought he was already clean, but maybe out of embarassement?