Character Building

God is omniscient and omnipotent so we understand that the fall wasn't an accident, nothing takes God by surprise.
Lucifer that great arch angel had his own idea and when it was contrary he became the devil. The son of God was beaten and rejected by his own creation and when they put him on the cross he said 'Father forgive them', character at it's finest. He could have called ten thousand angels to set him free but he chose to die for you and me. An example for us, the character of God. So one of God's purposes for us on this journey is to be Christ like. Character that can only be developed in an environment mix of good and evil. And we know that the development of character can not be fsked or hurried, we can not put it on as a garment but instead we have to be made such. So scripture tell us to rejoice in our trials and troubles for they are more precious than gold, for only here now can we recieve them. Here is where we can become that which God desires and sing the song that angels can not sing.
God is omniscient and omnipotent so we understand that the fall wasn't an accident, nothing takes God by surprise. Lucifer that great arch angel had his own idea and when it was contrary he became the devil. The son of God was beaten and rejected by his own creation and when they put him on the cross he said 'Father forgive them', character at it's finest. He could have called ten thousand angels to set him free but he chose to die for you and me. An example for us, the character of God. So one of God's purposes for us on this journey is to be Christ like. Character that can only be developed in an environment mix of good and evil. And we know that the development of character can not be fsked or hurried, we can not put it on as a garment but instead we have to be made such. So scripture tell us to rejoice in our trials and troubles for they are more precious than gold, for only here now can we recieve them. Here is where we can become that which God desires and sing the song that angels can not sing.

Good morning, 2404;

I agree that character, our Christian character, is a lifelong development of good and evil. This week I'm at odds with myself over three separate men.

I made a personal decision that didn't meet the first man's approval or morals. He reminded me of his older years, that I'm a pastor and man of God and should take heed to what he would do in a situation that I'm dealing with.

I didn't argue with him, just listened and didn't respond but took a step back and prayed over it. Perhaps 10 years ago I would have pushed back and make my position and decision clear with him.

The second one is a pastor who is very interested in a Church that is seeking a pastor. It's been a very slow hiring process. But he applied and feels they are overlooking him and his resume without being honest and direct.

He ended up venting at me but put a mild twist of blame on me since I've been preaching there on a rotating basis, me knowing the ins and outs of this hiring process until God sends the new pastor. 10 years ago I would have pushed back, telling him to snap out of it.

The third one is also a pastor with a very important role of overseeing Churches that are renewing so they don't close down. This is a very noble task but in a couple of conversations I felt he came off as superior and spoke down to me. Again, 10 years ago I would have pushed back and put him in his place, "humble down!"

10 years ago
my attitude of being sensitive to other's feelings and speaking to them with the highest respect, I would expect the same attitude toward me. Well, that's not always the way it works.

I do not delight with glee over my trials and troubles but rejoice over God building me up in trials and troubles, or the examples I shared.

Going forward, I'm going to call
the first one today and encourage him, that I have the highest respect when he is serious and expresses himself. But as it turned out my personal decision over a situation turned out best while taking care of another situation later this month which was his original problem of what I should have done first. In this case it turned out to be an example of God's timing.

The second and third ones are both men of God that I know well. I have to overlook their disposition while looking at mine. Deep down they would not have meant anything derogatory toward me.

In 10 years God showed the good in growing me and the evil He prunes through lessons learned including being quick to listen, slow to speak, receiving and praying instead of reacting with my tongue. As it turns out at times the other men or women have apologized. Question is, am I forgiving?

God bless you, 2404, and thank you for allowing me to share.
Yes, we can forgive but not so easily forget and so our enemy likes to needle us trying to paint us with his colors. I would say your stance is admirable. True we are not what we want to be but we are not what we used to be, and that is not a natural progression for we see the world in a natural progression and it just keeps getting worse. I think we all fight the same battle trying to pull all things through God's filter, the Word, and not the one we are born with. If I could say anything it would be pick up the cross and carry on for all Christian ministers experience rejection as has been since the gospel has been trying to bring light to a dark world.
Thank you, 2404;

It seems I get a little break and then get hit from all sides at the same time. After speaking to the first person was a blessing.

I'm still asking God to work through me on the other two but am feeling peace about it.

You and I have come a long way here at CFS and I feel your topics have become more uplifting for everyone here.

God bless
you, brother.