ChatGPT Delivers Sermon

Those who are already aware of ChatGPT and its potential impact to humanity likely won’t be surprised at the following article. Perhaps we all need to at least be aware of this, and its impending influence, particularly when it is used in this way, and we may want to give some thought on its place in the Christian timeline.

For those who aren’t familiar with ChatGPT, it is a Silicon Valley-based artificial intelligence created by developer OpenAI. The program stands for Chat Generative Pre-Traind Transformer, and its essential purpose is to act as a real-time chatbot for users. It is being heralded as a next step in AI and human relations and has become the fastest-growing consumer software application in history.

Here is a Wikipedia link if you want to know more about ChatGPT click on this link: Wikipedia on ChatGPT

From Fox News

ChatGPT delivers sermon to packed German church, tells congregants not to fear death.

A University of Vienna scholar directed ChatGPT to craft 'a pretty solid church service'.

Hundreds attended a Protestant church service Friday in Germany generated almost entirely by artificial intelligence, with a sermon presented by the AI chatbot ChatGPT.

The chatbot, which presented as a Black man with a beard above the altar of St. Paul's Church in Fürth, Bavaria, told the packed congregation not to fear death, according to the Associated Press.

"Dear friends, it is an honor for me to stand here and preach to you as the first artificial intelligence at this year's convention of Protestants in Germany," the AI avatar said.

The service, which was attended by more than 300 people, lasted 40 minutes and featured prayers and music in addition to the sermon. University of Vienna theologian and philosopher Jonas Simmerlein, 29, used ChatGPT to craft the event, the AP reported.

"I conceived this service — but actually I rather accompanied it, because I would say about 98% comes from the machine," Simmerlein told the AP.

The service was part of Deutscher Evangelischer Kirchentag, a popular biennial event that occurs in Nuremburg and nearby Fürth and attracts tens of thousands of Christians. Issues addressed at the event this year, which lasts Wednesday to Sunday, include climate change, the war in Ukraine and AI.
Pastor Chat, the Lord's newest "underservant", eh ............

I don't think so (n)(n)
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Of course, here's what "Pastor Chat, the Sermonator" actually looks like (on Mondays when it's relaxing and not dressed in its Sunday best for services anymore 😲)


You know, maybe we should put the brakes on this whole Ai thing for a while, just like Elon Musk (the guy who is set to make trillions of $$ off of it) said we should?

BTW, I asked it what "the meaning of life" is yesterday, ChatGPT, that is. To say that it didn't do very well would be a MASSIVE understatement.

Not like'n where all of this may be going!!
Of course, here's what "Pastor Chat, the Sermonator" actually looks like (on Mondays when it's relaxing and not dressed in its Sunday best for services anymore 😲)

I think I could walk away from a robotic sermon. But what bothers me more, is that if some people will want IT, to be a known as a man, or a woman, or whatever other gender is out there these days. And God forbid you don't toe the line. Hoping I will be well gone by then.
BTW, I should have used "undershepherd" instead, in post #2 (I was very uncomfortable after reading the OP). That said, I jokingly used "Pastor Chat" (so what's the difference)! I'm still not positive any of this should really be considered humorous!!?

Can someone remind me what was happening at the Tower of Babel and why the Lord stepped in and chose to act as He did there?

Thanks 😳
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Prayer requires a submission to God's will. ChatGPT has no will to submit, only algorithms and samples od text. If asked 'properly' it will argue on whtever side one wishes. It will even 'make up' false data to support it. I see little allowance for being led by the Holy Spirit. I imagine that an Islamic cleric could use it to draft his latest fatwa.

I notice that ChatCPT does not even manipulate facts, or other units of truths as much as it manipulates words (deciding what word should come next rather than what fact to present next). Once ChatGPT has delivered its result, it is basically erased from the computer (or merged with its underlying database of text. If I have a question about something I heard in the pseudo sermon, there is nowhere to ask. The model within ChatGPT no longer exsts.

I heard a discussion on the radio during which a language model expert who works with ChatGPT said that it is likely that 5 years from now, a global database of existing text will be more from works written by these A.I's and less by mankind
I think I could walk away from a robotic sermon. But what bothers me more, is that if some people will want IT, to be a known as a man, or a woman, or whatever other gender is out there these days. And God forbid you don't toe the line. Hoping I will be well
Prayer requires a submission to God's will. ChatGPT has no will to submit, only algorithms and samples od text. If asked 'properly' it will argue on whtever side one wishes. It will even 'make up' false data to support it. I see little allowance for being led by the Holy Spirit. I imagine that an Islamic cleric could use it to draft his latest fatwa.

I notice that ChatCPT does not even manipulate facts, or other units of truths as much as it manipulates words (deciding what word should come next rather than what fact to present next). Once ChatGPT has delivered its result, it is basically erased from the computer (or merged with its underlying database of text. If I have a question about something I heard in the pseudo sermon, there is nowhere to ask. The model within ChatGPT no longer exsts.

I heard a discussion on the radio during which a language model expert who works with ChatGPT said that it is likely that 5 years from now, a global databainse of existing text will be more from works written by these A.I's and less
No text