5/24/11: I was sitting at the keyboard with my one year old grandson. He was playing and I was playing. Then he pushed one of those rhythm buttons on the keyboard, so I began playing a melody to fit with the rhythm. I told my grandson that I should write a song about him, and then the Lord brought to mind this passage about how we need to come to him with the humility and faith of a child if we want to enter the kingdom of heaven. So, this is not just speaking about literal children, but it is speaking about those who come to the Lord with that child-like faith. If we welcome such as these, we welcome the Lord Jesus.
Yet, if we lead one of Jesus' followers, who have come to him in humility with a child-like faith, to sin against God, then we are in serious trouble with God, because he is very protective of those who are his. As well, he does not want any of us to be lead in to sin, so he asks us to examine our hearts and lives to see what might be leading us to sin. Then we are to rid ourselves of those things that are causing us to stumble, so that we can walk in child-like faith and obedience to our Lord Jesus Christ.
Child-like Faith / An Original Work / May 24, 2011
Based off of Matthew 18:1-9
Child-like faith He requires of us all:
“Who is greatest in God’s Kingdom?”
“Unless you change and humble yourselves,
His Kingdom you will never enter.”
“Whoever welcomes a little child
Like this in My name, he welcomes Me.
If you cause a believer to sin,
You stand in danger of God’s judgment.”
“Grief to you ‘cause of what causes sin.
Grief to the man through whom these things come.
If some part of you leads you to sin,
Throw it off, and never give in.”
Yet, if we lead one of Jesus' followers, who have come to him in humility with a child-like faith, to sin against God, then we are in serious trouble with God, because he is very protective of those who are his. As well, he does not want any of us to be lead in to sin, so he asks us to examine our hearts and lives to see what might be leading us to sin. Then we are to rid ourselves of those things that are causing us to stumble, so that we can walk in child-like faith and obedience to our Lord Jesus Christ.
Child-like Faith / An Original Work / May 24, 2011
Based off of Matthew 18:1-9
Child-like faith He requires of us all:
“Who is greatest in God’s Kingdom?”
“Unless you change and humble yourselves,
His Kingdom you will never enter.”
“Whoever welcomes a little child
Like this in My name, he welcomes Me.
If you cause a believer to sin,
You stand in danger of God’s judgment.”
“Grief to you ‘cause of what causes sin.
Grief to the man through whom these things come.
If some part of you leads you to sin,
Throw it off, and never give in.”