Child of the Night

Child of the Night
by Belinda van Rensburg

Child of sorrows and of the night
In empty darkness you've been bound tight,
With ropes and chains you can't even see,
And you're struggling and falling and trying to flee.

You're living a lie; it's all a grand show,
But round and round in circles you go.
Dear one, all alone and eternally doomed -
Don't you know that Death can come all too soon?

Child of the night turn your face to the Light
And make your life through Jesus Christ right.
From chains, pain and darkness forever be free
To one day partake of the life-giving tree.

Your quest for the truth has now come to an end,
For in heaven you have the King as a friend.
He's been calling your name since the day you were born;
He can heal your heart that's been battered and torn.

Children of joy, of peace and of Light,
Accepted, forgiven and filled with Christ's might -
Set free by His Blood to live, laugh and love,
To be wise as serpents yet gentle as doves.

Fearlessly standing when all seems to be lost;
Not caring what following Jesus might cost.
We belong to our Father, the Ancient of Days,
Who sent us His Spirit to teach us His ways.

© 2011