Choose a book.

In a weekly study group I attend, the question was asked: If you had to choose one one book in the Bible, to read, study and pass on to others, which would you choose?

Most agreed that Romans would be a good choice. It is both broad in subject matter, and deep in underlying Christology.

Would you choose some other?

And, if you were given the choice of adding another book, what would you choose? A Gospel? An Old Testament book of wisdom (e.g. Proverbs)? The Apocalypse (Revelation)?

Which would you choose, and why?

After a day or two if this thread shows some interest, I will suggest the book I might choose.
In a weekly study group I attend, the question was asked: If you had to choose one one book in the Bible, to read, study and pass on to others, which would you choose?

Most agreed that Romans would be a good choice. It is both broad in subject matter, and deep in underlying Christology.

Would you choose some other?

And, if you were given the choice of adding another book, what would you choose? A Gospel? An Old Testament book of wisdom (e.g. Proverbs)? The Apocalypse (Revelation)?

Which would you choose, and why?

After a day or two if this thread shows some interest, I will suggest the book I might choose.

I have always recommended the gospel of John. He is the only writer in the Bible who places Jesus as the Christ BEFORE Creation and takes Him to the ascension.
Those are good questions! There should be some interesting discussions coming :)

Would you choose some other?
While it's so hard to choose just 1... I think the book of Acts contains pretty much everything, all inside a briefer, "condensed" package. I don't really know of anything it doesn't include- at least not that I can think of right now.

And, if you were given the choice of adding another book, what would you choose? A Gospel? An Old Testament book of wisdom (e.g. Proverbs)? The Apocalypse (Revelation)?

Which would you choose, and why?

Now that's a much harder So I'll just say that for me personally, I have found that the book I tend to go back and read more often than anything else when I find myself "slipping" up a little, would be James. It helps me to regain focus and not let emotions, reactions, pressure, & stress to dictate how I think & behave.
Hard questions.
Matthew because I love to read the words Jesus spoke
Psalms for building up faith.

I'm only now starting to see you can find the Bible as separate books. Before publishers always used to publish the Bible as the entire 66 books or just the New Testament.
I think to make it easier to read, publishers need to break it up a bit into separate books, and make the print much bigger, so people can read through a whole book rather than reading it piecemeal with a magnifying glass.

I'm only now starting to see you can find the Bible as separate books. Before publishers always used to publish the Bible as the entire 66 books or just the New Testament.
I think to make it easier to read, publishers need to break it up a bit into separate books, and make the print much bigger, so people can read through a whole book rather than reading it piecemeal with a magnifying glass.
Historically, in antiquity the books in the Bible were kept as separate scrolls, although the Pentateuch often combined the books of Moses into one scroll.

In the early church Christin epistles, both those we read today, and others of lesser important were copied and circulated separately.
I truly appreciate all responses. There is no CORRECT ANSWER (or incorrect answer).

All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work. (2 Timothy 3:16)

After some thought, If I could not choose Romans, I would choose Hebrews for its exposition of Christ as the permanent high priest as well as perfect sacrifice, sufficient for all and for all time.

If given a second choice I would balance whichever my first choice came to be with Psalms. Many learn the truths thru the hymns we sing. Music and poetry have always made truths memorable and talks to the inner man in ways expository prose does not.

Psalms 100 (NASB)
1 Shout joyfully to the LORD, all the earth.

2 Serve the LORD with gladness;
Come before Him with joyful singing.

3 Know that the LORD Himself is God;
It is He who has made us, and not we ourselves;
We are His people and the sheep of His pasture.

4 Enter His gates with thanksgiving
And His courts with praise.
Give thanks to Him, bless His name.

5 For the LORD is good;
His lovingkindness is everlasting
And His faithfulness to all generations.
I got to thinkin' about this and if all I had to read was the Old Testament Book of Isaiah, written around 690 BC, I could still learn all about the Messiah's birth, life and sacrifices for us all. The Book of Isaiah is filled with so much detailed prophesy that y'all can learn all about Christ. Just take a look at Isaiah 7:14 for a detail that Isaiah wrote about the future. “Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.” (God with us). And that was written more than 600 years before Christ was born.
Its a beautiful thing that the bible speaks to each of our personalities differently, as we were all created the way our Father wishes for us to be.
The writings of Paul awaken the spirit within, but John instills an emotional connection with Christ. I agree Romans is a fave, but so are Psalms and Proverbs for the quips of wisdom/comfort they provide.
I think the parables Jesus told can all be made into little comic picture books and they can become a series.
I've seen a few examples of publications like this but none that really grabbed me for reading aloud for 5-11 year olds.

Book of Luke and Book of Acts have been retold as 'Diary of a Disciple' with cartoon illustrations by Scripture Union and they are appealing for 9-13 year olds.

I think they are pretty good but I think they are a bit lengthy (near 300 pages each) for younger children.
If anyone has read them they are pretty funny and when I say 'fish biscuits' you'll know what I mean. lol