Christ Likeness

If we really had a handle on what Christ likeness looked like in us we wouldn't need trials. We think we do but that is only a mental conception, and we know how far that goes, it stays here. So we can be thankful that we are still in the molding process and haven't been put aside. How can we know that we are stil in the process, for even the world has trials. I think by the evidence of our desire and the nature of our attitude to the working of the Word in us.
If we really had a handle on what Christ likeness looked like in us we wouldn't need trials. We think we do but that is only a mental conception, and we know how far that goes, it stays here. So we can be thankful that we are still in the molding process and haven't been put aside. How can we know that we are stil in the process, for even the world has trials. I think by the evidence of our desire and the nature of our attitude to the working of the Word in us.

Hello 2404;

When we didn't need trials was when Adam and Eve were setup for eternal paradise but they blew that for us and this is why we have challenges of all sorts throughout human life history.

Would you agree that though we are Christ like, we still aren't Jesus. So our human trials, failures and lessons allow God to grow us?

You are sharing both sides but I don't understand what you mean by "we think we do" resulting in a mental conception which to me are states of suffering, depression, anguish, trembling and including what we believe.

God bless you, brother, and thank you for Christ Likeness.

By Christ likeness all I mean is that the Word would live in us and have dominion over us that we might do God's will.
Mental conception: Paul says our righteous is like filthy rags. He also says our perception is like looking through a dark glass. I expect you would agree that we don't really know what perfection looks like. The best we can manage is some idea that we can conjure up in our fallen condition and I believe it really doesn't even scratch the surface, as said the idea is formulated here and that is where it wil stay.
1st John 3:2 says "but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is." Sounds like when perfection is revealed we shall see clearly. Will we then know as we are known? The reality of redemption be fully manifested? All sin/unbelief be done away with where then all things are possible? Sounds not only a mind change but also a body change.
Anyway, I guess we will just have to wait and see.
By Christ likeness all I mean is that the Word would live in us and have dominion over us that we might do God's will. Mental conception: Paul says our righteous is like filthy rags. He also says our perception is like looking through a dark glass. I expect you would agree that we don't really know what perfection looks like. The best we can manage is some idea that we can conjure up in our fallen condition and I believe it really doesn't even scratch the surface, as said the idea is formulated here and that is where it wil stay. 1st John 3:2 says "but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is." Sounds like when perfection is revealed we shall see clearly. Will we then know as we are known? The reality of redemption be fully manifested? All sin/unbelief be done away with where then all things are possible? Sounds not only a mind change but also a body change. Anyway, I guess we will just have to wait and see.

Thank you, brother, for elaborating.

I get asked Christ Likeness by my family and those around me. The conversations between each other are in various views but for the most part the understanding is there but not completely.

I'll be able to add more what you shared when this topic comes up again which it will - Christ Likeness.

God bless you.