Christ the Center of the Bible: New Testament - Four Gospels.


In 63 B.C. Rome gained possession of Palestine, preparing the way and the time for Jesus to be born. The Jews had some political liberty, but were required to pay a yearly tax to the Roman Government. The Jewish religious leaders were mainly seeking for themselves wealth, position and power. The people were looking for the promised leader; their Messiah whom they thought would deliver them from the Roman control.

This is the situation in which Jesus was born into the world. We have three books that together give us a synopsis of Christ`s life. These are Matthew, Mark and Luke and narrate Christ`s ministry chiefly in Galilee, telling of His miracles, parables and teachings to the multitudes. John`s gospel however presents a deeper portrayal of Christ, His meditations and communion, His conversations and prayers.

The Lord came from heaven to earth to be Israel`s Messiah, however His death was for all mankind. He paid the price of redemption. Then when He arose and was about to go to the Father, the disciples asked Him, was He about to bring in the kingdom, Israel`s rule over the nations. Jesus told them is wasn`t for them to know when that would happen. Israel`s purpose was put on hold for the religious leaders didn`t believe that Jesus was the Lord and Christ.

Then when Jesus ascended to the Father, He sent the Holy Spirit to bring together a whole new group, called out of Israel and the nations – the Body of Christ. This was not known before but was revealed to Paul by the Lord Himself. Thus, we read in the book of Acts how the Holy Spirit draws, guides and builds the Body of Christ.

The body of believers would be justified and sanctified, made like unto Christ, with His holy character. The Apostle Paul writes to many early believers and reveals the Holy Spirit`s work in their lives. He also warns and exposes the many errors that have tried to come against the believers. Then the Holy Spirit reveals that the Body of Christ is destined to rule and reign with Christ, in the third heaven.

The last book in God`s word, Revelation, reveals the glorified Lord Jesus Christ as He is known in the heavenly realms. He is shown administering over His Body, throughout the ages and across the world He is then revealed as the Son and Heir to the world (and all things), executing the judgments of God. As mediator we see Him fulfilling God`s Covenant to Israel and finally delivering them from their enemies. The world system is judged and all those with it are judged.

Finally, after Israel`s rule for a thousand years we see the total restoration of all things – the New Heaven and the New Earth, all under Christ`s rule and given up to the Father.


The four books, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John reveal four different aspects of our Lord`s ministry and character - King, Heir, a Man, and Deity. Each writer was given by the Holy Spirit the specific emphasis, to reveal Jesus, to the Jews, the Romans, the Greeks and to the believer.


Prior to His coming to earth the Lord Jesus Christ, was King in the realms above. He was King of glory, King of heaven and King of the ages. Myriads of angelic hosts bowed before Him and did His bidding. He dwelt with the Father and the Holy Spirit in perfect Union and glorious splendor.

The Lord created all things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities and powers, He created them all and upheld them all. His splendor and Majesty were beyond words and His power and authority surpassed all.

Then we read that rebellion entered into God`s creation and brought darkness to the human mind and condition. God made a special nation, Israel to help bring light to the other nations. However even they turned from God and went into darkness. Those who were the religious leaders sought for themselves, wealth, position and power. They held control over the people and only did lip service to God.

Matthew : to the Jews – King

It was into this environment that the King came to set the people free and remind the people of Israel of what the Old Testament prophets said concerning their future. God had promised Israel that they would be rulers in the future kingdom of God. The rulership from the heavenlies, (the New Jerusalem), and on the earth, was to be their inheritance.

Mark : to the Romans - Heir

Although the heir to the world, Jesus came among the people as one who serves and not lording it over people. He came to destroy the works of the evil one.

Luke: to the Greeks - a Man

Here we read of Jesus` humanity, His tenderness, compassionate care and sympathetic pity towards fallen mankind.

John : to the believers - Deity

The personal dignity and Divine splendor of Jesus is seen here, and transcends all the numerous symbols of the Old Testament.
Matthew - to the Jews, revealing Jesus is their King.

Matthew`s aspect of Jesus was to specifically show the Jews that Jesus was their long - awaited King. He revealed Jesus as the Son of David by His genealogy and that His life fulfilled the Old Testament prophecies. Matthew quotes from the Old Testament many times, and says that this event or that, took place that it might be fulfilled which was spoken of Jesus, by the prophets. We read of Jesus` authority and power.

All the details of Israel`s king, is written in specific detail. We read of the time, the place, and of those who gave Him homage.

Christ as the kinsman - king based on –

` God tells Moses, `You shall surely set a king over you whom the Lord your God chooses, one from among your countrymen....` (Deut.17:15)

Christ`s genealogy from –

`son of Abraham` - therefore a countryman of Israel

`son of David` - therefore from the kingly tribe.

The wise men came to worship -

`Where is He who has been born King of the Jews?` (Matt. 2: 2)

God, Himself Anointed Him with the Spirit saying, `This is My Son, the Beloved.`

Matthew brings out the authority of Jesus, the King of the Jews. We read of Him healing the sick, casting out demons and having sway over the elements. This authority is way beyond any earthly king and reveals that His kingly authority is of heaven.

Then Jesus being Israel`s King, reminds the people that the kingdom which God promised them is, the Kingdom of Heaven, the Messiah`s rule through Israel from the heavenlies. The pearl of great price is the Lord. Pearls/wisdom and by this kings rule. (Matt. 13)

When the High Priest asked Jesus

`Tell us whether You are the Christ, (Messiah / King) the Son of God.` Jesus says, `You have said it yourself..` (Matt. 26: 63 & 64)

They crucified Him with this sign - `This is Jesus the King of the Jews.` (Matt. 27: 37)

Finally when Jesus, as King, commissions His disciples He says,

`All authority has been given to Me in heaven & on earth.` (Matt. 28: 18)
Mark - to the Romans, revealing Jesus as the Son of God, the Heir.

This account of Jesus was written to Roman readers. The Roman was different from the Jew. His genius was his strong common sense. His religion must be practical. He would have no interest in tracing beliefs back into the past. Legal genealogies and fulfilments of prophecy would leave him cold.

He might say, “I know nothing of your scriptures, and care nothing for your peculiar notions: but I should be glad to hear a plain story of the life this man Jesus lived. Tell me what He did. Let me see Him just as He was.”

Thus Mark portrays Jesus as the humble but perfect Servant of God. There is no reference to His birth as no one is interested in the pedigree of a servant. There is no visit of the wise men. A servant does not receive homage. No account of Jesus as a boy in the temple. The Romans are not interested in the boy, but Jesus the man, and what He did. Jesus is not called King but master.

Jesus is thus shown in His service, obedient, faithful and resolute. As the Son and heir he enters the estate that had been bestowed upon mankind, but which was lost and in enemy hands. Jesus was confronted with disruption and death at every turn and found the whole universe dominated by hell`s dominion.

The features of the enemy`s work are graphically recorded and the heir has the authority to cast out all things that cause offence. Such authority related to leprosy, palsy, fever and demon possession. These surface disorders were symptomatic of secret conditions, the underlying power of darkness. Jesus was able to meet every assault that was made upon man by the power of the Holy Spirit.

The central message of His claim as the Heir is in ch. 12 -

`Therefore still having one son, his beloved, he sent him to them last, saying, “They will respect my son,” But those vine-dressers said among themselves, “ This is the Heir. Come, let us kill him, and the inheritance will be ours.” And they took him and killed him and cast him out of the vineyard.` (Mark 12: 6 & 7)

All the way through, the perfect servant was dogged by His enemies. He exposed their hypocritical practices but their hard hearts would not repent. Finally He was sold for 30 pieces of silver, the price of a slave and gave His life a ransom for many.

When He arose Mark tells us that Jesus was received into heaven and exalted to the right hand of the Father where he continues to work.

`And they went out and preached everywhere, the Lord working with them,` (Mark 16: 20)

HEIR: Mark

Mark declares Christ as Heir, He is the Son of God.

`Jesus Christ, the Son of God.` (Mark 1:1)

This is corroborated by 3 voices from 3 different sources.

John the Baptist,`After me come One who is mightier than I,` (Mark 1:7)

God the Father, `This is My beloved Son, ` (Mark 1:11)

Demonic spirits, `I know who You are - the Holy One of God!`(Mark1:24)

Christ`s Heirship entitles Him to the revenue from the crown lands and He came to collect it. The leaders said,

`This is the Heir: come, let us kill Him, & the inheritance shall be ours.` (Mark 12:7)

Because Christ is the one Son and sole Heir, every right & legal authority is His.

1. Authority to teach Truth. (Mark 1:22)

2. Authority to cast out unclean spirits. (Mark 1:27)

3. Authority to heal the sick. (Mark 1: 30 & 31)

4. Authority to forgive sins. (Mark 2:10)

5. Authority over the Sabbath. (Mark 2:27 & 28)

6. Authority to appoint others. (Mark 3:14)

7. Authority over the elements. (Mark 4: 41)

8. Authority to send to Hell. (Mark 5:12)

9. Authority over death. (Mark 5:35 - 43)

10. Authority over resources. (Mark 6:38 - 44)

The Heir`s mighty works counteract the power of the usurper.

His commission in Mark`s message is to go into all the cosmos, the material world that comprises the inheritance.

Mark`s Gospel records what Christ does.

`He has done all things well.` (Only record) (Mark 7: 37)

Luke - to the Greeks, revealing Jesus as a Man and Priest.

The writer of this aspect of Jesus is a doctor, Dr. Luke. He was an educated man and a keen observer. He wrote this account by the Holy Spirit revealing Jesus as the perfect Man to the Greeks. The Greeks possessed a wider culture, loved beauty and philosophy. Luke being a Greek himself, would be well fitted for presenting Jesus as the ideal of perfect manliness.

In Luke`s account we see God manifest in the flesh. Luke deals with the humanity of Jesus, a man with all His sympathies, feelings and growing powers. Here we see the glory of God coming down to our level, entering into our conditions, and being subject to our circumstances.

Luke gives the fullest particulars concerning the miraculous birth of Jesus and that testimony is from a physician. He tells of Jesus as a boy, subject to his parents, in the temple and working with his hands.

Luke also shows how Jesus is touched with the feelings of people`s infirmities.

He touched the man full of leprosy. (Luke 5: 13)

He touched the bier of the dead young man. (Luke 7: 14)

He touched the ear of the servant of the high priest. (Luke 22:51)

He knows the grief of a wounded spirit.

He comprehends the sorrow of a bereaved soul.

He weighs the burden of a broken heart.

He feels the solitude of the leper`s loneliness.

He regards the distressing circumstances of the poor widow.

He senses the tragedy of a disabled body, whether lameness, deafness, blindness or dumbness.

These and many more demonstrations show Jesus` infinite tenderness and compassion as the sympathetic Priest who came to unveil the very heart of God with all His kindly love.

The words `redeemed & redemption` do not occur in Matthew or Mark, but appear in Luke for the first time in the New Testament.

`to all those who were looking for the redemption of Jerusalem.` (Luke 2:38)

Jesus never allowed the law to prevent His gracious ministry. How can there be a law against His activities of love? As a priest He represented mankind before God, therefore prejudice toward caste, race, nation, class or gender, could not find a place in His heart.

The climax to this presentation declares that repentance and remission of sins are now possible to all nations in His name. (Luke 24: 46 & 47)

`Then He (Jesus) said to them, “Thus it is written, and thus it was necessary for the Christ to suffer and to rise from the dead the third day, and that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in His name to all nations, beginning at Jerusalem.”
(Luke 24: 46 & 47)

He touched the man full of leprosy; He knows the grief of a wounded heart; He comprehends the sorrow of a bereaved soul; He weighs the burden of a broken heart; He senses the tragedy of a disabled body, whether lameness, deafness, blindness or dumbness; He regards the distressing circumstances of the poor widow.

No priest ever violated law in such a virtuous way as Jesus did. The law forbade a priest to have fellowship with the defiled. Jesus dined with such and instead of contracting defilement He imparted His own purity. The law denied certain activities on the Sabbath with severe penalties for such breaches of the moral code. Jesus did activities and instead of breaking the Sabbath He bestowed Sabbath rest upon those who had never enjoyed it.
John - to the believers, revealing Jesus as the Son of God - Deity

We`ve seen the Lord`s authority in Matthew`s account; are amazed at His humbleness shown as a Servant, in Mark; then appreciate His compassion for the many hurting. Finally in John`s picture of the Lord we stand in awe in the knowledge that He is actually God come in the flesh.

`In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God....And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, ` (John 1: 1 & 14)

The Word - He is the complete expression of the mind of God. The work of creation is followed by His administration as Son. The Father has given all things into the hands of the Son. (John 3: 35)

He shows the Father`s heart, His mind and will. He became flesh in order that humanity might behold Deity in human form.

`...the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth.` (John 1: 14)

Jesus reveals this relationship with the Father, a title which occurs over 120 times in this account and made these stupendous claims.

`He that has seen Me has seen the Father,` and ` I and My Father are one.` (in unison)

As the Word, the mind of God then both eternal life and truth are revealed in Him. He reveals that the symbols of the Tabernacle and aspects of Israel`s history all point to Him - Deity.

`I am way...the resurrection...the door...the living bread...the Lamb....the Bread....the Vine....`

Maker -

He is omnipotent.
This is demonstrated in creation.

`All things were made through Him and without Him nothing was made that was made....` (John 1: 3)

He is omniscient. He knows the inner secrets of man`s heart. From the beginning to the end of this account Jesus shows that He knows the heart of man, together with the inner thoughts and desires. (John 2: 24)

He is omnipresent. He manifested Himself in the midst of the disciples in the upper room. (John 20: 19)