Christ the Conqueror: Part 1. The World System.


Christ the Conqueror in Glory.

In the near future, the Lord Jesus Christ will leave His Father`s throne, gather His believers together and go to His own throne in the third heaven. There, amid the acclaim of myriads of angelic host and His Body of believers, the Lord is inaugurated as the mighty conqueror.

Christ the conqueror over Satan, his World System and death. We are given a fore view of this momentous celebration.

`A throne set in heaven, and one sat on the throne. And he who sat there was like a jasper and a sardius in appearance;...` (Rev. 4: 2 & 3)

The Jasper gem stone was the last on the High Priest`s breastplate. It stood for the tribe of Naphtali whose name means to prevail, to conquer -

`I have prevailed.` (Gen. 30: 8) Prevail – to gain the victory, to conquer.

`Behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David has prevailed…` (Rev. 5: 5)

Christ was the last Adam and He prevailed over the World System, the flesh and the devil. He has secured the supreme victory over the greatest foe. So, how did the Lord prevail and conqueror His great foe and the World System?

Christ the Man on Earth.

Over two thousand years ago the Lord left the heavenly realms and entered the sphere of Satanic influence on earth. His mission was to give Himself as the sacrifice for the sin of mankind. To do this Jesus had to live life as a man and not use His divine ability to overcome trials and temptations.

Satan did not know of God`s plan to save mankind, however, he could see that by thwarting Jesus he could continue controlling man through his world systems.

`the hidden wisdom of God ordained before the ages ….which none of the rulers of this age knew; for had they known, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory.` (1 Cor. 2: 7 & 8)

Jesus told His disciples, “ I have overcome the World (System). ` (John 16: 33)

And Jesus tells us, `To him who overcomes I will grant to sit with Me on My throne…` (Rev. 3: 21) What a wonderful but challenging promise.

Let us now look at what Satan`s World System is like, and then how Jesus overcame his mortal enemy, the World System and death. Finally, we look at how we are enabled to overcome also.

The Origin.

When God created the angels He made a special angel called Lucifer. He had such beauty, splendor, with great wisdom. He was the anointed one that brought forth the praises and worship from the myriads of angels by the music that was created within him.

Lucifer was actually a kingpriest. He ruled over a third of the angels and he was able to go right into God`s very presence. However, even though he was perfect in all his ways, there came a time when he rebelled in his heart.

`For you have said in your heart, “I will ascend into (highest) heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars (angels) of God, I will also sit on the mount of the congregation on the farthest sides of the north; I will ascend above the heights of the clouds, I will be like the most High.” (Isa. 14: 13 & 14)

Thus, Lucifer and a third of the angels, (who were deceived) were cast out into the universal realm. It is from there they influence mankind. Over the centuries these demonic powers worked through man to create power structures in the world. Lucifer`s name becomes Satan, (accuser) the devil, the Serpent of old and the Dragon, all describing his wicked character.

`the whole world lies under the sway of the wicked one.` (1 John 5: 19)

The world – Gk. Word `kosmos,` orderly arrangement.

And this is not the world as in the earth or people but the `orderly arrangement,` of man`s system of operating,

Politically, Economically and Religiously.

Every area of life is overseen by man operating under Satan`s influence. Satan and his fallen angels build power structures and ways of behaviour working in the unseen realm in a hierarchy of power.

`…. principalities, …. powers, …. the rulers of the darkness of this age, … spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.` (Eph. 6: 12)

Satan is the leader, the Prince of that realm.

`the course of this world, (system) according to the Prince of the power of the air who now works in the sons of disobedience.` (Eph. 2: 2)
The CHARACTER of the World System.

This World System is the sphere dominated by the prevalence of sin and is separated from God. The character of those in this World System is after Satan – proud and self-seeking.

`…men….lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, unloving, unforgiving, slanders, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure…..` (2 Tim. 3: 2 – 4)

This behaviour is often covered up by `civility in society,` an outward politeness but underneath is pride and self-righteousness. It is shaped by the culture of the society they live in. This includes the customs passed down, education, arts, and fashion.

God`s word says that `the customs of the people are futile. (Jer. 10: 3) This is relating to making idols of gold and silver and worshipping them. Mankind has many idols that they worship, and all are futile, vain and worthless.

The OFFERINGS of the World System.

Authority positions and possession of land is often given to those who serve the interests of the world system. For example, in England, Kings gave castles and land to whom ever they desired for service to the Crown. They would be made `Lords` of the land.

Fame and fortune also are given to those adhering to the World System`s culture, fashion, sport, art, philosophy etc.

The RULERSHIP in the World System.

There is always a hierarchy of authority in the World System whether it is in the Political, Economic, or Religious spheres. Power and control in through the `chain of command.`

Then to keep their power these authorities decide on the laws and regulations that the people must obey. Severe consequences are for those disobeying these laws by man and Satan`s World System.