Christianity and Self-Help

Self-esteem is a modern construct that has roots in the purely demonic:

MM........have you read any of Robert Schuller's nonsense???

Speaking of "self esteem" he has his book =Robert Schuller, Self-Esteem: The New Reformation (Waco, TX: Word Books, 1982): 19, 57.

"The Cross sanctifies the ego trip. For the Cross protected our Lord's perfect self-esteem from turning into sinful pride."

"Christ is the Ideal One, for he was elf-Esteem Incarnate."

Schuller further amplified this latter thought on the Phil Donahue Show on December 12, 1980. Schuller said,.......
"Jesus had an ego. He said, 'I, if I be lifted up, will draw all men unto me.' Wow, what an ego trip He was on!"

This statement is simply blasphemy. We have seen how the Bible contradicts this statement. If Jesus had had one iota of sinful pride, He would never have risen from the tomb. His perfect sinless life was the reason why He was successful as the Lamb that took away the sin of the world.

Can you believe that he would say such things?????
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MM........have you read any of Robert Schuller's nonsense???

Speaking of "self esteem" he has his book =Robert Schuller, Self-Esteem: The New Reformation (Waco, TX: Word Books, 1982): 19, 57.

"The Cross sanctifies the ego trip. For the Cross protected our Lord's perfect self-esteem from turning into sinful pride."

"Christ is the Ideal One, for he was elf-Esteem Incarnate."

Schuller further amplified this latter thought on the Phil Donahue Show on December 12, 1980. Schuller said,.......
"Jesus had an ego. He said, 'I, if I be lifted up, will draw all men unto me.' Wow, what an ego trip He was on!"

This statement is simply blasphemy. We have seen how the Bible contradicts this statement. If Jesus had had one iota of sinful pride, He would never have risen from the tomb. His perfect sinless life was the reason why He was successful as the Lamb that took away the sin of the world.

Can you believe that he would say such things?????

Yes, I can believe that from him. Even that interview he had with that famous evangelist we all know, both claiming that there is salvation outside of Christ Jesus. None of what those guys taught surprises me.

Ah. Must be the Coexist nonsense I see on bumber stickers.

Pretty much. The world believes that religion is simply something to be tolerated and subdued...up to a point, and to bully those who are easier targets, and won't blow up their homes and/or shoot them and their families. The one religion Nobama claimed is a "religion of peace," the one that's out there in the countries they dominate, killing those of other religions, as well as tossing homosexuals off high rise buildings, etc., they are the one religion the world chooses to pretend they support. What the world failed to realize is that the one religion that's the most violent and hateful, those who follow it will never tolerate the amalgamation of ecumenicism. I mean, they will embrace ecumenicism so long as it serves their purposes, but after its usefulness is expended, their true nature comes out into the open.

Pretty much. The world believes that religion is simply something to be tolerated and subdued...up to a point, and to bully those who are easier targets, and won't blow up their homes and/or shoot them and their families. The one religion Nobama claimed is a "religion of peace," the one that's out there in the countries they dominate, killing those of other religions, as well as tossing homosexuals off high rise buildings, etc., they are the one religion the world chooses to pretend they support. What the world failed to realize is that the one religion that's the most violent and hateful, those who follow it will never tolerate the amalgamation of ecumenicism. I mean, they will embrace ecumenicism so long as it serves their purposes, but after its usefulness is expended, their true nature comes out into the open.

Agreed. Seems in the U.S. religion is fine as long as its not Christianity.
Never been to one. Do self-help sessions promote 'self-love'?
Thx, but I most likely wouldn't be interested.

CN, the concept of self-love is indeed the dominant characteristic of such group sessions. The Dobsonian "self-esteem" bandwagon that he promoted for decades on his radio programs, catering mostly to women, is one of many social/cultural constructs that has only fueled the fires of many maladies that the enemy of our souls has used to advantage, all under the guise of ministry to families and family values. That's not to say it was all bad, but there were destructive elements in the programs that reinforced the Jezabellion spirit within the beating hearts of desperate wickedness. The man-bashing I heard in his rhetoric when his announcer admitted to having an affair with another of the staff members on a ministry business trip, that was the last straw for me. I no longer listened to his programs when he was the feature interviewer or speaker.

I'm using that example since it's out there in the forefront that most have heard and can consider in this topical discussion. The less critical thinkers can disagree, and that's fine. I have no issues with that or those who did not pick up on the more subtle maladies in the content. The Lord will judge it all when the time comes. I leave it in His hands.

? If its a self-help GROUP, wouldn't you also be helping other people not just yourself?

The question you asked is a logical one. It would seem that mutual help toward one another is a good thing, and it is....on the surface. The problems most generally hide beneath the surface. One will get his/her hair wet when daring to duck beneath the surface to see what REALLY undergirds the surface. THAT is where one will see the inferior elements, and downright satanic elements that make even more the citizens of Hell all those who fall victim to the undercurrents.

There are many kinds of self help groups.

When I lost my bladder to cancer, I initially hade great problems adjusting. The hospital where I had my surgery gave me a list of resources which included a reference to an Ostomy Support Group close to me where I found others that have gone through (and continue to go trough) similar and related problems. The fellowship and caring in that group, in addition to advice from those who shared my problem really turned a bad period in my life (which coincided with the unrelated end of my career) into new oportunities.

When they started a supply (bags, ostomy related sundries, etc) sharing effort, I volunteered to man the 'closet' and help provide for the needs of the comunity. I also recieved training to become a 'certified visitor' to give new ostomates someone with whom to talk about any concerns they may have.

I no longer live in that area, but I try to keep in touch.

As a contrast, when I started looking for churches In my new location, I looked around the website for a large local church and came across a series of articles addressing many kinds of personal problems and 'support' groups for many of them: Things like fidelity in marriage, dealing with drug and alcohol dependancy and berevement. I was surprised how little Biblical teaching they contained, as well the almost absence of teaching about prayer.

What ever the group, it is important to remain true to the Lord. The Lord, and His kingdom should be gently on your lips so that the rest of the group know who you serve, and can observe that you serve Him.
There are many kinds of self help groups. When I lost my bladder to cancer, I initially hade great problems adjusting. The hospital where I had my surgery gave me a list of resources which included a reference to an Ostomy Support Group close to me where I found others that have gone through (and continue to go trough) similar and related problems. The fellowship and caring in that group, in addition to advice from those who shared my problem really turned a bad period in my life (which coincided with the unrelated end of my career) into new oportunities. When they started a supply (bags, ostomy related sundries, etc) sharing effort, I volunteered to man the 'closet' and help provide for the needs of the comunity. I also recieved training to become a 'certified visitor' to give new ostomates someone with whom to talk about any concerns they may have. I no longer live in that area, but I try to keep in touch. As a contrast, when I started looking for churches In my new location, I looked around the website for a large local church and came across a series of articles addressing many kinds of personal problems and 'support' groups for many of them: Things like fidelity in marriage, dealing with drug and alcohol dependancy and berevement. I was surprised how little Biblical teaching they contained, as well the almost absence of teaching about prayer. What ever the group, it is important to remain true to the Lord. The Lord, and His kingdom should be gently on your lips so that the rest of the group know who you serve, and can observe that you serve Him.

Hello Siloam;

Losing your bladder to cancer is awful and I'm encouraged you got through it. I feel the self-help in this case is still dependent on God to point you in the right direction where you received the support from the Ostomy Support Group.

Was this some time ago and overall, how are you doing healthwise today?

God bless you, brother.
Hello Siloam;

Losing your bladder to cancer is awful and I'm encouraged you got through it. I feel the self-help in this case is still dependent on God to point you in the right direction where you received the support from the Ostomy Support Group.

Was this some time ago and overall, how are you doing healthwise today?

God bless you, brother.
Yes, God was certainly working in life, spuring me to look more at how I could help others than at my own problems. When they are good, groups often work in this way, setting ones sights on others rather than moaning about self (even when that moaning may seem justified).

As far as now... I am getting older and could find body achs, etc to complain about but that will not make them better. I find that I just have to decide on less ambtious property maintenance.

I still travel a couple of times a month to see one or the other of my sons, (last week we went berry picking!!) but it takes longer to feel up to snuff after each visit.
I don't think of self-help groups as things that help people with their problems.

I see self-help groups as like when you go a big buffet and help yourself to the food.

I think it just cuts down on the waiters.
A distinction should be drawn between between the point of a group and the methodology. I think if the same 'group' were discussing reaching their neighborhood for Christ, we would come to a different view.

Sharing burdens, encouraging, providing feedback and fellowship, and occasionally alternate points of view is (should) be a significant part of living for Christ both in explicitly faith driven activities and as part of the secular community around.

In a Christ oriented group, prayer should be apparent in more than a perfunctory manner. For a Christian participating in a secular group, effort should be taken for the believer to display the Love of Christ for all persons.
So if we use self help methods to gain self esteem, then we may be at risk of putting God in second place.
There is a difference between self esteem and self aggrandizement.

Having a positive view of ones ability can just be recognizing the work the Holy Spirit has done and continues to do in ones life.

Consider any of the fathers of the faith from Moses who was slow of speech through Paul and the apostles thru Luther and the reformation. If they felt so unworthy that they receded rather than strove forward by God's guidance we would be spiritually much poorer.

The same goes for less visible 'small' acts of faith and trust.