Christianity vs Churchianity

Have you ever heard a relative repeat some 'old wives tale' and say
that it came from the Bible? Perhaps something like, "if it ain't broke
don't try to fix it; that's in the Bible!" I have. My grandfather (Papaw in
the South) would say stuff like this all the time.

It can be dangerous, especially, when Christians begin citing churchianity
as Gospel truth. Things like: sit quietly, only members can vote, run straight
to your car after service, invite the preacher to eat with you, wear your very
best to Sunday service, and on, and on, and on.

Being a Christian was never meant to be a relaxing experience free from the
woes and anxieties of this life. It was never said that ye must have a nap after
a hard day of worshipping. Yet, we repeat these fallacies.

In what ways can we be sure that churchianity doesn't take the place of Christianity?
Other thoughts?
Having grown up under atheism, I was spared the 'Churchianity' stuff, but atheists have their own lingo. One of my dad's favorites was "When we die, we become nothing but worm food."

As BibleLover said, the Truth is the best antidote (to any error).
Another very common churchianity expression is "The Lord helps those who help themselves."
Knowledge of the truth of Scripture is the best antidote to churchianity.
I actually believe this ☹️
But I am also admitting I lack the truth of scripture😬

what I think is this:

If I help my self( like do some excersise and diet) I will be more healthy.
Hope that makes sense
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From recollection via, the inns were packed so... not sure where they had Jesus but they had placed him in a manger. Great question though forgot, maybe the inn part is a mistake too. Probably can find that answer in Matthew, Luke or John. Been going over Mark again.
Maybe, that phrase “ Gods helps those who help themselves” is just not to be taken as absolute. It works sometimes... and
if we consider belief to be an action, then one could say that saying is true.