Lest we forget...
Thankfully there are several documentaries about Christmas in the trenches during the wars.
It is probably not something we learn in school or read in history books.
I encourage you to watch the clip on yt and read some of the comments
My thoughts:
Misinformation and false propaganda are always part of a war.
Some would like the truth to be hidden, thankfully this story survived, there are may testimonies.
100 years ago the Gospel was far more widespread and Christmas wasn't just a Happy Holiday
Only Christ can bring real peace even in such difficult situations
May it stir our hearts this Christmas
Thankfully there are several documentaries about Christmas in the trenches during the wars.
It is probably not something we learn in school or read in history books.
I encourage you to watch the clip on yt and read some of the comments
My thoughts:
Misinformation and false propaganda are always part of a war.
Some would like the truth to be hidden, thankfully this story survived, there are may testimonies.
100 years ago the Gospel was far more widespread and Christmas wasn't just a Happy Holiday
Only Christ can bring real peace even in such difficult situations
May it stir our hearts this Christmas