Coming Up... in the next 1-2 months
Coming Up for Christian Forum Site (in the next 1-2 months):
1. CFS MySpace and Facebook profile pages.
2. More news for News section.
3. Opening of the changed blog section.
4. Additional forums: Videos etc (you can request more)
5. Few changes to home page.
I'm just thinking of what more to add..
So keep suggesting.
Also, if you have some nice video testimonial and you would like it to be featured on MySpace, send it to me.
Coming Up for Christian Forum Site (in the next 1-2 months):
1. CFS MySpace and Facebook profile pages.
2. More news for News section.
3. Opening of the changed blog section.
4. Additional forums: Videos etc (you can request more)
5. Few changes to home page.
I'm just thinking of what more to add..
So keep suggesting.
Also, if you have some nice video testimonial and you would like it to be featured on MySpace, send it to me.