Continuous improvement ...

"Continuous improvement is better than delayed perfection.”.... Mark Twain

Some of the things that we put off until tomorrow shall never be completed for often that which is delayed will be forgotten. As a Christian it is imperative to move forward each day. Live each day to the best of our ability, and be grateful for all that comes unto us, and then let the day be past and let a new day be born. Learn from the past but do not be hindered by the past. So many live in the past and rest upon laurels achieved many years ago. There is danger in contentment if contentment leads to apathy and acceptance, for that which we accept and become content with may be far less that what is possible. Hunger and desire should ever be the fuel that burns within our hearts. I desire to be close unto the Lord this day, but my greater desire is to be closer unto him tomorrow. I am convinced that there is no such place as being too close unto the Lord. In the blessed Kingdom to come we shall be made perfect, but the continual improvements that we make in this life shall determine the perfection that we shall become. Let us all move forward this day as we take yet another small step toward the perfection that shall be.