SECTION 1. The Nations.
This section from Dan. 2: 4 – 7: 28 was written in Aramaic, the international language of the time. This would enable the nations to understand what God had done and will do in the Nations. God reveals His power, authority, and purpose in His dealings with the King of Babylon and the Medes and Persians.
1.God`s Wisdom – revealing His Time Frame for the Gentile`s Rulership across the centuries.
2.God`s Power – demonstrated by the fiery furnace not affecting the men inside.
3.God`s Mercy – upon King Nebuchadnezzar who humbled himself under God.
4.God`s Judgment – upon King Belshazzar who did not humble himself under God.
5.God`s Supreme Authority – God reveals that His authority is above the king and the Medes and Persian`s law by protecting Daniel in the lion`s den