Daniel: (15) God`s Time Frame for Israel.

God`s Time Frame for Israel.​

God has revealed to Daniel that a king shall arise in the latter times and desecrate their sanctuary. God also shows where this king will arise from. Now God is revealing to Daniel the time of Israel`s chastisement and final deliverance.​

It was in the reign of King Darius the Mede, that Daniel was reading the prophecies of Jeremiah. He read that seventy years was the time span that God would accomplish Jerusalem`s desolations. Thus, Daniel set his face towards God and made request by prayer and supplications, with fasting, sackcloth and ashes.​

Daniel then prays for God`s forgiveness for His people and His city, (Jerusalem). Now while he was praying the angel Gabriel came to Daniel and said he would give him skill in understanding God`s purpose.​


`Seventy weeks are determined for your people and for your holy city, to finish the transgression…and to anoint the Most Holy, (sanctuary). ` (Dan. 9: 24)

The seventy `weeks ` refers to weeks of years, thus 70 x 7 = 490 years. And this is the length of time that Israel transgressed God`s holy covenant. Thus, they will be chastised for –​

70 years – in Babylon, (for not keeping the Sabbaths. 2 Chron. 36: 21) 70 x 7 years – under Gentile rule, (for not keeping God`s law for 490 years).​


Daniel is told that the final Gentile leader will make a covenant with Israel for `one week, ` meaning seven years. Then in the middle of the seven years this man will put an end to the sacrifice and offering that Israel was performing to God. An abomination is set up in the holy place. It will be an image of himself for he desires to be worshipped as God.​

`Then he (Gentile Leader) shall confirm a covenant with many for one week; but in the middle of the week he shall bring an end to sacrifice and offering ` (Dan. 9: 27)


Near the end of the seven years this leader and his army will come and destroy the city, (Jerusalem) and the sanctuary.​

`And the people of the prince, (leader) who is to come shall destroy the city, (Jerusalem) and the sanctuary. ` (Dan. 9: 26)

However, the final Gentile Leader and his army will be brought to judgment by the Lord.​

`And on the wing of abominations shall be the one who makes desolate, even until the consummation, which is determined, is poured out on the desolate.` (Dan.9: 27)

`He shall be broken without human hand.` (Dan. 8: 25)

Hello Marilyn;

Just a thought after reading Daniel: (15) God's Time Frame for Israel.

Daniel Chapter 9 was a climax and prior to in chapter 8 was intense with the Vision of the Ram and the Goat followed by the Interpretation of the Vision.

Through all this Daniel was still a man, became overwhelmed and fell ill for several days in verse 8:27. God would allow a mighty persecutor of His people to come to power. But Daniel still pressed on with the work he was called to do.

God bless you, sister.

Hello Marilyn;

Just a thought after reading Daniel: (15) God's Time Frame for Israel.

Daniel Chapter 9 was a climax and prior to in chapter 8 was intense with the Vision of the Ram and the Goat followed by the Interpretation of the Vision.

Through all this Daniel was still a man, became overwhelmed and fell ill for several days in 8:27. God would allow a mighty persecutor of His people to come to power. But Daniel still pressed on with the work he was called to do.

God bless you, sister.

Good thoughts there, Bob. Thank you for interacting. Yes, only God could keep Daniel throughout all his trials and amazing visions.