Deut. 11:18

You shall therefore impress these words of mine on your heart and on your soul; and you shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontals on your forehead.

1. This verse was spoken by God after the rewritten commandments were given to Moses on two tablets of stone to replace the ones Moses had shattered.
2. God desired that the Israelites would revere and obey His word. He says, "impress these words of mine on your heart", thus committing their lives to obey God's commandments. God gave these commandments to insure a people who would follow Him and be dedicated to His purpose. These commands were to be thought about and meditated upon so as to "impress" them on their hearts or inner being. Their soul was to have the imprint of God's Word. In this way God would be their only true dedication. He would become intimately involved in their lives and they would be expected to obey Him.
3. God also commanded them to impress them on their soul. By this He would indicate that their very nature and self were what He desired. They were to take seriously God's words and sink them deep within themselves. In this way they were to be the chosen people of God who lived by his every word.
4. "You shall bind them as a sign on your hand." God would have the Israelites to keep these words close and in mind. The mention of the hand here implies that they would keep them close and be able to remember and dray upon them at a moment's thought. This is a picture of total dedication to their God and a practice expected by God from His people.
5. "Frontals on your forehead" again implies the closeness of God's Word. It was the responsibility of the Israelites to keep God's Word close and in mind. The Hebrew priests wore their head covering with tassels called phylacteries that hung from them. These words of God were to be written on these to constantly be close and in front of their eyes so they would never forget. All the people were to keep these commandments present and close at all times.
6. While we do not have these exact instructions today, we are none the less expected to keep God's Word close to our heart at all times. We are to love and cherish every word of the Bible. We must depend on it's teaching and trust it's truth.
7. While we are not under the law as they were then we are dependent on God and must believe His Word as our only guide to our lives.
8. Ps. 119:129 states, "Your testimonies are wonderful; Therefore my soul observes them." These words apply to our obeying God's Word in both testaments and are to all people. Our obedience to God is our privilege and pleasure. We are blessed to have a wonderful trustworthy God who never asks more than we can do and is never unfair in any way.
9. The Word of God is not burdensome to obey. We adjust our hearts to accept whatever the will of God is. 1st John 5:3 says "For this is the love of God, that we keep His commandments; and His commandments are not burdensome." They are our instructions for right living and holy lives. We trust God for His direction and we know His direction through His Word.
10. If we will firmly decide to follow the Lord at all costs, and trust His Word regardless of our conditions or circumstances we will reap the blessing of knowing that we are doing His will,
Hello Bible Verse Notes;

Thank you for sharing Deuteronomy 11:18 and providing a good outline.

I'd like to have a conversation and get your thoughts.

Do you use the same teaching approach in your threads to your congregation whether Bible study, Sunday school or in your preaching? How do they respond?

I have always approached study teaching of Scripture in a topical form. Speaking for myself I am very careful with theological terms that most of my Church family doesn't understand nor dig deep in their study of the Bible, such as a seminarian or scholar. This is not meant as an insult but a common truth for most Christian Churches. Still, God's results have been amazing.

I agree that God's Word is not burdensome to obey but they are not easy to apply in the believer's life because we are constantly in spiritual battle, temptation gets in the way, we compromise our Christian morals to align with the world, and our priorities make God secondary.

I'd like to know your thoughts, BVN. Meantime, I enjoy your threads which allows myself to be reminded in my personal daily walk with Christ.

God bless you.

Hello Bible Verse Notes;

Thank you for sharing Deuteronomy 11:18 and providing a good outline.

I'd like to have a conversation and get your thoughts.

Do you use the same teaching approach in your threads to your congregation whether Bible study, Sunday school or in your preaching? How do they respond?

I have always approached study teaching of Scripture in a topical form. Speaking for myself I am very careful with theological terms that most of my Church family doesn't understand nor dig deep in their study of the Bible, such as a seminarian or scholar. This is not meant as an insult but a common truth for most Christian Churches. Still, God's results have been amazing.

I agree that God's Word is not burdensome to obey but they are not easy to apply in the believer's life because we are constantly in spiritual battle, temptation gets in the way, we compromise our Christian morals to align with the world, and our priorities make God secondary.

I'd like to know your thoughts, BVN. Meantime, I enjoy your threads which allows myself to be reminded in my personal daily walk with Christ.

God bless you.

Hello Bob,
The approach I use in my preaching to my congregation is basically topical as well.
I do not try to center on theological themes or words but follow only what I feel the Lord is leading me to preach. That has always worked for me.
I pastor a Baptist church and also teach Sunday School. I believe in Scripture as the inspired Word of God and preach and teach directly from the text.
I agree that application is very important but the literal meaning of Scripture is also important and I try to teach that as well.
Thank you for your comments. I enjoy talking about the Bible.
In Christ, Rick
Hello BVN;

We are a Southern Baptist Church in California. Two years ago I officiated a wedding in your state and for accountability (to the wedding couple) our CSBC wrote a letter to the MBC confirming me.

The wedding was wonderful but that part of the state is beautiful country.

God bless you, Rick.

