Did God create evil? (Isaiah 45:7)


"I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD (YHVH) do all these things."

This is a strange verse that might capture the attention of many. I am sure we have heard it said that "Evil comes from the Devil" We all seem to connect evil to Satan and his demonic entities. Yet, this verse clearly states that YHVH created evil. Case closed. But we must ask ourselves "why?"

Why did a loving, perfect, and Holy God create evil? So, as we attempt to answer this question. Let's look at the words with a fine-tooth comb.

"Light and darkness" "peace and evil" "form, make, create" How can we relate these words to our world today? in the world in which we live? Here we see opposites, "light vs darkness" "peace vs evil". We can also see these in similarities; "light and peace" and "Darkness and evil" Two go together and two are different. But they are ALL made by Adonai. The word used for "create" in Hebrew is "Bara" which means "to create or bring into being for a specific purpose." It is not just to create or make and throw out there into existence, sit back and see what happens.

All things were made for a purpose. We see in Genesis Chapter 1 that there was darkness, yet out of the darkness came light. "Light" is also referred to as Yeshua himself. One thought is that when YHVH "spoke" into existence all that He created, the words that He spoke emanated at such a high frequency that the sound waves were heated to such a degree that they glowed with "light" But this is just an idea. No one was around back then to observe creation.

Yet, before Genesis 1, there was just eternity past, and, nothingness? the blackness of empty space? Yet since Elohim existed eternally from eternity past, then, there can not be "nothingness" rather "somethingness" (wow, is that really a word?) Yes, (my word) Elohim existed so there was no such thing as "nothingness" yet "darkness?' did it exist before Genesis 1?

Can darkness associate itself with evil? There are two entities of "darkness" one is "physical" darkness (if one can call it that) and the other "spiritual darkness". In order to sleep well, we need a "dark" room, to close our eyes and rest. Photographers many years ago developed film in a "dark" room. When I was in high school, I took a course in photography and Mr. Tovar, my photography teacher taught us how to go into a pitch-black closet and unroll the film in our camera into a black box with a hole in the top, then pour in the chemicals to develop the negatives. "Darkness" was needed to develop the film. There are animals that only come out during the darkness of night to feed, and flowers close up to rest during the night.

So, that kind of darkness is good, so "peace" and "relaxation" can come in the "darkness" to allow us to sleep and rest. But spiritual darkness relates to evil. Not knowing the Torah (Bible) exposes us to evil. What we don't know CAN hurt us. Rejection of God's gift of Salvation brings darkness into our lives and makes us slaves to the "evil" master; HaSatan.

Knowing what spiritual darkness is can lead us to the "light" of the gospel. rejecting "evil" and welcoming "Shalom" (peace) through Yeshua.
Recognizing a poisonous scorpion (darkness, evil) from a non-poisonous one can bring one "peace" in that we know what to look for and avoid. Well, all scorpions sting, but some are like a bee or wasp sting, and others, well... you'd better go see a doctor quickly! (the difference is in the claw and stinger)

When we read and obey God's Commandments, we get "peace" in our lives, yet the "negative" commandments warn us against "evil" and knowing what "evil" can do against us, and thus avoiding the same, brings us "peace". In a dark room, where the is pitch-blackness, if you stike a match, that light from the match however small that flame is, chases away the darkness, now, as our eyes adjust, we can see around us. So is the Word of God, like a flame from a match, that will reveal everything around us and the spiritual darkness will flee. (mind you, don't blow out the flame)

So, back to the million-dollar question; Why did God create evil and peace together? Perhaps the answer is in the creation of mankind. Mankind was given a choice to obey or disobey. God wanted man and woman to love and obey Him out of free will and choice. The same is for us today. If there had been no such thing as "evil" then, we would have no choice BUT to obey and love, there would be no testing our love, we would be like robots or machines that run because they are programmed to run. We are more than machines, we are His living creations, created with a choice to "walk in the light and have peace" rather than "succumb to the darkness and be enveloped in evil".

Would we also dare say that God created evil, to punish evil doers? Whatever a man sows, that he must also reap. We can see that in our everyday lives. Even Yeshua said to Peter; "He who lives by the sword will die by the sword." So, evil might have been created for that reason also.

Either way, the choice is ours.

Ben Avraham

The light gives way to darkness, yet the light will return (Key Largo, FL)
Ive always been facinated by satans fall. How did it happen? Was sin/evil here prior to the fall? Did satan bring evil or was he "infected" with it? Very little scripture, that I know of, speaks of satans fall other than it happened. So, was the darkness God created satan or another entity?
Sometimes, we are not told the whole story. All we know that Satan (Lucifer) was created as the most beautiful angel, and had free will, yet he chose to rebel against Adonai, thus, he invited evil into his heart, and not only that, convinced other angels to go with him. An eternal mistake
Just a thought.
God creating evil.
God created Lucifer greater than his innate character. This allowed Lucifer to cultivate his ego.
Since God controls all parameters He is the creator but not the author.