Did I commit the unforgivable sin or not?

So according to the Bible, I can't go to heaven because I think that I committed the unforgivable sin, which is believing that Jesus was operating by the power of Satan. I can't seek after God and I feel like I committed the worst atrocity ever. God has shut his doors on me and I feel like I can't hold a job, go to school or even sleep at night. I haven't left my bed for a while and I struggle to get up in the morning and speak to people. I struggle to laugh and smile. I can't even look outside without crying because so many people get to spend eternity in a heavenly place while I rot in hell with worms and nasty stuff. I struggle to function in my life while I have student loans from college to pay off but I don't see the point of continuing if I can't be happy. No women, money or anything in this world can help my situation. I realized that I can't repent anymore and stop any sin. I have tried to pray constantly but I can't even mean it sincerely from my heart. I literally can't mean it sincerely. My heart has grown cold and I no longer want to go to church or pray and read the Bible. I keep committing sexual sin everyday and I have no remorse in my heart for it. I have tried to come to Jesus Christ several times but I have no heart conviction or change in my heart. This is the worst thing that I felt. Be honest, what is happening and how screwed am I? Is this sin committed by speaking or believing the thoughts?
First, the unforgivable sin is rejecting Jesus as your Lord and Savior. Next, Satan only has the limited power that God gave to him... Jesus is God and is therefore far more powerful than Satan. You say you have tried to come to Jesus, but have you ever given yourself to Him? It sounds to me like you are afraid of hell and punishment yet are unwilling to change. YOU decide whom you will serve, whether it be sin unto destruction or Jesus unto eternal life. The problems in your life are a direct result of the sins you are unrepentant for. You can not claim you are trying to come to Jesus when you are unwilling to acknowledge you are a sinner. We are all sinners, but for those of us who have chosen Jesus, we are saved by His Grace.
I hope you will truly seek him and let him take control of your life and afterlife. I will be praying for you. May you find His love.
So according to the Bible, I can't go to heaven because I think that I committed the unforgivable sin, which is believing that Jesus was operating by the power of Satan. I can't seek after God and I feel like I committed the worst atrocity ever. God has shut his doors on me and I feel like I can't hold a job, go to school or even sleep at night. I haven't left my bed for a while and I struggle to get up in the morning and speak to people. I struggle to laugh and smile. I can't even look outside without crying because so many people get to spend eternity in a heavenly place while I rot in hell with worms and nasty stuff. I struggle to function in my life while I have student loans from college to pay off but I don't see the point of continuing if I can't be happy. No women, money or anything in this world can help my situation. I realized that I can't repent anymore and stop any sin. I have tried to pray constantly but I can't even mean it sincerely from my heart. I literally can't mean it sincerely. My heart has grown cold and I no longer want to go to church or pray and read the Bible. I keep committing sexual sin everyday and I have no remorse in my heart for it. I have tried to come to Jesus Christ several times but I have no heart conviction or change in my heart. This is the worst thing that I felt. Be honest, what is happening and how screwed am I? Is this sin committed by speaking or believing the thoughts?
The fact that you're worried about the issue is evidence that you have not committed this sin. Don't allow the lying devil to deprive you of the joy of a relationship with Jesus.
So according to the Bible, I can't go to heaven because I think that I committed the unforgivable sin, which is believing that Jesus was operating by the power of Satan. I can't seek after God and I feel like I committed the worst atrocity ever. God has shut his doors on me and I feel like I can't hold a job, go to school or even sleep at night. I haven't left my bed for a while and I struggle to get up in the morning and speak to people. I struggle to laugh and smile. I can't even look outside without crying because so many people get to spend eternity in a heavenly place while I rot in hell with worms and nasty stuff. I struggle to function in my life while I have student loans from college to pay off but I don't see the point of continuing if I can't be happy. No women, money or anything in this world can help my situation. I realized that I can't repent anymore and stop any sin. I have tried to pray constantly but I can't even mean it sincerely from my heart. I literally can't mean it sincerely. My heart has grown cold and I no longer want to go to church or pray and read the Bible. I keep committing sexual sin everyday and I have no remorse in my heart for it. I have tried to come to Jesus Christ several times but I have no heart conviction or change in my heart. This is the worst thing that I felt. Be honest, what is happening and how screwed am I? Is this sin committed by speaking or believing the thoughts?

This sure does sound familier! Seems like we had someone else bring this up some time ago.

You said..............
" I can't go to heaven because I think that I committed the unforgivable sin, which is believing that Jesus was operating by the power of Satan."

My dear friend....where in the world did you get that from? What are your sources??????

What you are describing sounds a whole lot like "Clinical Depression" to me. Have your talked with your primary doctor?????? WHY NOT???

The unpardonable sin is NOT what you stated. It is however your refusal to believe upon the Lord Jeus Christ for the payment for YOUR SINS. I have read your post and I did not read that YOU said you are a born again believer. ARE YOU????

Listen my friend, venting your problems on a forum site is not going to get it done!

My advice right now is to get on your knees and repeat this prayer..............

"Dear God, I know I’m a sinner, and I ask for your forgiveness. I believe Jesus Christ is Your Son. I believe that He died for my sin and that you raised Him to life. I want to trust Him as my Savior and follow Him as Lord, from this day forward. Guide my life and help me to do your will. I pray this in the name of Jesus. Amen."
This sure does sound familier! Seems like we had someone else bring this up some time ago.

You said..............
" I can't go to heaven because I think that I committed the unforgivable sin, which is believing that Jesus was operating by the power of Satan."

My dear friend....where in the world did you get that from? What are your sources??????

What you are describing sounds a whole lot like "Clinical Depression" to me. Have your talked with your primary doctor?????? WHY NOT???

The unpardonable sin is NOT what you stated. It is however your refusal to believe upon the Lord Jeus Christ for the payment for YOUR SINS. I have read your post and I did not read that YOU said you are a born again believer. ARE YOU????

Listen my friend, venting your problems on a forum site is not going to get it done!

My advice right now is to get on your knees and repeat this prayer..............

"Dear God, I know I’m a sinner, and I ask for your forgiveness. I believe Jesus Christ is Your Son. I believe that He died for my sin and that you raised Him to life. I want to trust Him as my Savior and follow Him as Lord, from this day forward. Guide my life and help me to do your will. I pray this in the name of Jesus. Amen."
I don't believe these thoughts but I don't want to be in hell
So according to the Bible, I can't go to heaven because I think that I committed the unforgivable sin, which is believing that Jesus was operating by the power of Satan.
I have tried to come to Jesus Christ several times but I have no heart conviction or change in my heart.
Daniel, why would you want to 'come to Jesus several times' if you believe 'Jesus was operating by the power of satan'??

It sounds like you are confused as to what the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit is.

As Biblelover says, if you are terrorized by it, it's most likely you haven't committed it.
So according to the Bible, I can't go to heaven because I think that I committed the unforgivable sin, which is believing that Jesus was operating by the power of Satan. I can't seek after God and I feel like I committed the worst atrocity ever. God has shut his doors on me I have tried to come to Jesus Christ several times but I have no heart conviction or change in my heart. This is the worst thing that I felt. Be honest, what is happening and how screwed am I? Is this sin committed by speaking or believing the thoughts?

I don't believe these thoughts but I don't want to be in hell

Good morning, Daniel1910;

There was a man who was 22 years old and said the same thing to Jesus. His whole body was in physical pain for many years. His hands were arthritic and couldn't use them. His feet hurt and were twisted making it hard to walk. His head hurt with migraines. His thoughts were uncontrollably not his thoughts. His ears were in pain. His eyes were bloodshot and burning. How screwed was he?

He was given sound wisdom from other seasoned believers but he was in such physical pain that he couldn't hear or see the ones God sent.

Jesus loved the man and asked him if he wanted to be healed. But the man kept complaining over and over about his physical, excruciating pain that He couldn't even hear or see Jesus. He was in a living hell. How screwed was he?

Who told the man (and the world) that God made a mistake and failed him, that God was incapable of loving and healing His creation, thus this 22 year old man?

Regardless, Jesus told him to get up and believe. When the man got up he was healed in God's time. Then he went and shared the Good News of what had happened to him because the next man or woman was going through the same thing.

Daniel1910, please take time to read John 5:1-17 and John 6:35.

God bless you, brother.
I don't believe these thoughts but I don't want to be in hell


Do YOU remember a time when YOU asked the Lord Jesus Christ to forgive YOU of YOUR sin and ask Him into your heart.?????

Did YOU ask Him to save YOU and did you believe in the gosple????

IF you do not remember or you have not done that, why not do it right now, today this very minute?????

The one and only way to not go to hell is to NOT believe upon the Lord Jesus Christ for the payment of YOUR sins. THAT IS THE UNPARDONABLE SIN!

Now only reading from your own words, it seems to me that you are very confused and not learned in the Bible.

If I am wrong I apologize. One of the hardest things to do in Christianity is to have a conversation with out presence.

1st things first...........Since you are exhibiting such confusion please do the the most important thing 1st.........The Bible says that-----
For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23)

But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” (Romans 5:8)

For, ‘Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.’” (Romans 10:13)

"That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. 10 For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.(Romans 10:9).

Now having read taht will you Please read these words on your screen aloud and MEAN them in your heart.............

Dear God in heaven, I come to you in the name of Jesus. I acknowledge to You that I am a sinner, and I am sorry for my sins and the life that I have lived; I need your forgiveness.

I believe that your only begotten Son Jesus Christ shed His precious blood on the cross at Calvary and died for my sins, and I am now willing to turn from my sin.

You said in the bible that if we confess the Lord our God and believe in our hearts that God raised Jesus from the dead, we shall be saved.

Right now I confess Jesus as my Lord. With my heart, I believe that God raised Jesus from the de
ad. This very moment I accept Jesus Christ as my own personal Savior and according to His Word, right now I am saved. Amen.

Now if you have done that and you believe it to be true, at THIS VERY MOMENT IN YOUR LIFE....YOU my friend are saved from the judgment of YOUR sins. You have accepted the payment of Jesus for YOU.

Now......REMOVE ANY DOUBT OF NOT GOING TO HEAVEN. Forget completely the Unpardonable sin as it does not apply to YOU!
Remember, DOUBTS, FEARS, and CONFUSION do not come from GOD! All of those come from Sartan and it is he who seeks to condemmn you.

Now the 2nd thing I always advise is a prayer of COMMITMENT!
Please take the time to read aloud the following.................................
Dear Heavenly Father,
You are my Lord and my God. I know from Your Word that a broken spirit, a broken and a contrite heart is a sacrifice, O God, that You will not despise.
I come before you now to offer myself to you Lord God – all of me – my body, my mind and my soul. All I have, all I am, are Yours and Yours alone.

In the name of Jesus, I also choose to forgive all those who have ever wronged me or who have ever spoken slanderous words against me. I bless each one of them in the name of Jesus and pray that the love and peace of Jesus will fall heavily upon them now..

I also submit my body to You as a living sacrifice; for Your use and the use of You Kingdom. Lord, let me no longer be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of my mind such that I may be a sacrifice to Your good and acceptable and perfect will.

Lead me Lord, onto and along that narrow path which You have chosen for me, so that my destiny may be fulfilled exactly as You have planned since before I was in my mother’s womb.

Use me Lord, for the magnification of Your name and Your glory and for Your Kingdom, according to Your will.

O Lord God, as I submit myself to you, I commit to doing everything I do, to saying everything I say, and to choosing everything I choose, for the sake of Your Kingdom and not mine.

Father, I pray this in the mighty name of Your son, Lord Jesus Christ, my Lord and my Saviour. Amen!

Now the 3rd step..........
Seek out a Christian church or a Christian Pastor who believes what you just did to be Scriptural to BAPTISE you in water.

God bless you my child and may God heal your broken spirit NOW!
This happened to me.

I think sometimes when amazing things happen, ( Salvation) the logical parts of us eventually gets triggered again and thinks what we witness is our imaginations working overtime.

I threw my Bible out when I thought God left me because I wasn’t seeing enough changes in my life. Yes I believed, but it grew weak because I had a veracious appetite.

I wanted to see miracles and amazing changes.


I wanted to understand the deeper things of God.

Nuthin but frustration and pain.

Then He showed me I was sinning and idolising but I didn’t realise it.

So He wouldn’t let me in to His Kingdom fully.

What I should have done in retrospect for a quicker entrance to Him was to ask Him in Faith to show me where I was falling short in my walk and wait in Faith for an answer.

Of course, you don’t even have to do that Daniel1910 because I didn’t. He knows who belongs to Him even when we don’t.
( The Spirit of God is in us and He’s praying on our behalf remember)

So yeh,
It seems to me your struggle is sensing He has left you but how about seeing it as a test?

It also seems to me you are unhappy He has left,

Oh Boy, He knows that too,
And I’m convinced He likes it when we miss Him.

Hold on Daniel, I suspect something awesome brewing….

He first drew you to Him and He WILL finish a good work
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In my years with God, I have backslide many times and fell into sexual sin. I lost the desire to find God and Jesus Christ again. I can't read my Bible and pray. Seeking God seems impossible for me as I just wait until I die and burn alive. I don't know if God even has a plan for my life anymore because I cry and suffer all the time in mental anguish because of this sorrow that I have in my life. I have sinned too much and I believe that the Lord can't forgive me. I believe that I am the worst sinner than Hitler or some Mafia lord. I lost my emotions of feeling happy, sad, peace and all the other positive things that I should feel. I also feel like I blasphemed the Holy Spirit by doing exactly what they pharisees did and I believe I am guilty of an eternal sin. My heart is way too hardened because repentance is a difficult thing for me to produce. Genuine repentance from the heart is impossible. I struggle with sexual sin everyday and I don't have plans of stopping. I think that I really can't be saved. I grew up in a Christian family and loved Jesus, God, and the Holy Spirit. I loved him until I heard of the unforgivable sin. Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is believing that the works of the Holy Spirit are demonic. I think that I first started having these thoughts when I was a kid at 14 after hearing about the unforgivable sin. Then I started having this and it turned into doubts and then into beliefs but I tried to rebuke it and it was too late. My fate has been sealed forever. I tried to come to Jesus Christ but it's like I have an intellectual belief and not a heartfelt conviction about him. The power of God's Spirit isn't working in my heart and I have not became a changed human being at all. I am still stuck in my dead sins and I feel completely spiritually dead. My soul and spirit is so dry and I feel so emotionless. The conviction and guilt to stop my sins has died out and I used to feel sorry for my sins. The power of God has abandoned me. What should I do?
In my years with God, I have backslide many times and fell into sexual sin. I lost the desire to find God and Jesus Christ again. I can't read my Bible and pray. Seeking God seems impossible for me as I just wait until I die and burn alive. I don't know if God even has a plan for my life anymore because I cry and suffer all the time in mental anguish because of this sorrow that I have in my life. I have sinned too much and I believe that the Lord can't forgive me. I believe that I am the worst sinner than Hitler or some Mafia lord. I lost my emotions of feeling happy, sad, peace and all the other positive things that I should feel. I also feel like I blasphemed the Holy Spirit by doing exactly what they pharisees did and I believe I am guilty of an eternal sin. My heart is way too hardened because repentance is a difficult thing for me to produce. Genuine repentance from the heart is impossible. I struggle with sexual sin everyday and I don't have plans of stopping. I think that I really can't be saved. I grew up in a Christian family and loved Jesus, God, and the Holy Spirit. I loved him until I heard of the unforgivable sin. Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is believing that the works of the Holy Spirit are demonic. I think that I first started having these thoughts when I was a kid at 14 after hearing about the unforgivable sin. Then I started having this and it turned into doubts and then into beliefs but I tried to rebuke it and it was too late. My fate has been sealed forever. I tried to come to Jesus Christ but it's like I have an intellectual belief and not a heartfelt conviction about him. The power of God's Spirit isn't working in my heart and I have not became a changed human being at all. I am still stuck in my dead sins and I feel completely spiritually dead. My soul and spirit is so dry and I feel so emotionless. The conviction and guilt to stop my sins has died out and I used to feel sorry for my sins. The power of God has abandoned me. What should I do?
I here what you are saying but are you convinced that you actually accepted Jesus as the Christ in the 1st place????

Really my friend, the internet forum is NOT THE PLACE to fix this kind of emotional problem. Investigate where a church is close to you that has a Pastor who has counseling degrees. Go and talk to him one on one and be honest!

#1----CONFESS and REPENT and mean it! Don't do the things you have been told but sit down and get REAL with God.

#2----Then you might want to consider a Christian Psychiatrist. It seems to me from what you just said that you have some deep phycological problems.

My Friend, please watch this, and it will really help you in understanding what is really going on in what you shared today! I shared this with a neighbor just recently, and it set him free thinking that he thought he went to far, and committed the unpardonable sin! You shall know the Truth, and the Truth shall set you FREE!
I'll be praying for you my brother!

In my years with God, I have backslide many times and fell into sexual sin. I lost the desire to find God and Jesus Christ again. I can't read my Bible and pray. Seeking God seems impossible for me as I just wait until I die and burn alive. I don't know if God even has a plan for my life anymore because I cry and suffer all the time in mental anguish because of this sorrow that I have in my life. I have sinned too much and I believe that the Lord can't forgive me. I believe that I am the worst sinner than Hitler or some Mafia lord. I lost my emotions of feeling happy, sad, peace and all the other positive things that I should feel. I also feel like I blasphemed the Holy Spirit by doing exactly what they pharisees did and I believe I am guilty of an eternal sin. My heart is way too hardened because repentance is a difficult thing for me to produce. Genuine repentance from the heart is impossible. I struggle with sexual sin everyday and I don't have plans of stopping. I think that I really can't be saved. I grew up in a Christian family and loved Jesus, God, and the Holy Spirit. I loved him until I heard of the unforgivable sin. Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is believing that the works of the Holy Spirit are demonic. I think that I first started having these thoughts when I was a kid at 14 after hearing about the unforgivable sin. Then I started having this and it turned into doubts and then into beliefs but I tried to rebuke it and it was too late. My fate has been sealed forever. I tried to come to Jesus Christ but it's like I have an intellectual belief and not a heartfelt conviction about him. The power of God's Spirit isn't working in my heart and I have not became a changed human being at all. I am still stuck in my dead sins and I feel completely spiritually dead. My soul and spirit is so dry and I feel so emotionless. The conviction and guilt to stop my sins has died out and I used to feel sorry for my sins. The power of God has abandoned me. What should I do?
both replies are good but i have one scripture maybe 2 for you 1 John 2:1 My little children, I am writing these things to you so that you will not sin. But if anyone does sin, we have an advocate before the Father—Jesus Christ, the Righteous One. what is a advocate ? one that takes your case to court on your behalf. in this Case its Jesus . your forgiven 1 john 1:9 If we should confess our sins, He is faithful and just, that He may forgive us our sins and might cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
3. Hebrews 4:16
Therefore we should come with boldness to the throne of grace, so that we may receive mercy and may find grace for help in time of need.
if your really concerned----no need these 3 scriptures tells you what to do and what He will do
My fate has been sealed forever. I tried to come to Jesus Christ but it's like I have an intellectual belief and not a heartfelt conviction about him. The power of God's Spirit isn't working in my heart and I have not became a changed human being at all. I am still stuck in my dead sins and I feel completely spiritually dead. My soul and spirit is so dry and I feel so emotionless. The conviction and guilt to stop my sins has died out and I used to feel sorry for my sins. The power of God has abandoned me. What should I do?

what does Scripture say ? it says your fate has NOT been sealed that is a lie
Hebrews 6:4-8
4 For [it is] impossible for those who were once enlightened, and have tasted the heavenly gift, and have become partakers of the Holy Spirit,
5 and have tasted the good word of God and the powers of the age to come,
6 if they fall away, to renew them again to repentance, since they crucify again for themselves the Son of God, and put [Him] to an open shame.
7 For the earth which drinks in the rain that often comes upon it, and bears herbs useful for those by whom it is cultivated, receives blessing from God;
8 but if it bears thorns and briers, [it is] rejected and near to being cursed, whose end [is] to be burned.

The KEY to this concept of crucifying afresh, and therefore to a second shame, which cannot and will not be tolerated by the Lord, has a very clear and precise meaning. The distortions of that meaning have scared many a man and woman who slid back into sin, and then "returned" to the Lord, with some even going through another baptism and confession of faith, which is, essentially, a seeming practice of trying to once again enjoy some benefit of yet another crucifixion.

Let's look at what is REALLY said in contrast to the typical, socially engineered theologies here in the West. The key is in verse 6 above, which is underlined. The Thayer's Greek Lexicon shows to us the meaning of the Greek in that verse as to what it means to "fall away":

"to fall away (from the true faith): from the worship of Jehovah, Ezekiel 14:13; Ezekiel 15:8 (for מָעַל); from Christianity, Hebrews 6:6.

If sin itself were the means by which we "lose" our salvation, then we're all doomed.

Dare one fall away into idolatry, for example, and downright denying Christ openly before the world, which is exactly what the taking of the mark of the beast will be, they are indeed lost forever if we are to believe what is written to the Hebrews.

So, being merely backslidden...no. Sin is sin, and no power exists that can pluck us from His hand.

John 10:29 "My Father, who has given [them] to Me, is greater than all; and no one is able to snatch [them] out of My Father's hand.

It was nothing verbally that I said but when I was 14, I first heard about blasphemy against the Holy Spirit and I was having thoughts in my head about what the pharisees said about Jesus having a demonic spirit and I believed it for a moment but I tried to remove it but it was too late. It reached my heart. I lost conviction for sin and I feel like I am doomed forever. Is it too late?
It was nothing verbally that I said but when I was 14, I first heard about blasphemy against the Holy Spirit and I was having thoughts in my head about what the pharisees said about Jesus having a demonic spirit and I believed it for a moment but I tried to remove it but it was too late. It reached my heart. I lost conviction for sin and I feel like I am doomed forever. Is it too late?
1 John 4:4 (KJV) Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.

1 John 3:20-21 (KJV) For if our heart condemn us, God is greater than our heart, and knoweth all things.
Beloved, if our heart condemn us not, then have we confidence toward God.
It was nothing verbally that I said but when I was 14, I first heard about blasphemy against the Holy Spirit and I was having thoughts in my head about what the pharisees said about Jesus having a demonic spirit and I believed it for a moment but I tried to remove it but it was too late. It reached my heart. I lost conviction for sin and I feel like I am doomed forever. Is it too late?
i see these type post all the time. the answer 1. ye must be born again 2. you must repent no your not doomed