Discovered lost in a file not often looked at, bit early for Pentecost but why wait?! ( feel free to reproduce)


Something crazy,
amazingly special is happening
Like a mighty rushing wind!
Roaring through the land
Filling this place
No corner, no person, nothing, escapes its mighty force!
With tongues of fire
Lighting up the room
Settling on each and every head,

Purifying refining
More precious than gold!
Shaking every soul
Right down to its roots,
Enabling, commissioning
To go into the world!

No respecter of persons,
Language, nation, denomination,
Many miracles, signs and wonders will ensue!
Sat here in anticipation waiting for the Holy Spirit to show His face


He was here before you
Is with you, and goes before you wherever you go…
Into to the market place,
At the school gate,
At work
At home!

Not drunk with new wine
But full of the Spirit of God!
Let our hearts burn with fire
With desire to go tell the world!

God said He will pour out His Spirit on all His people.
That promise has not passed its sell by date
Sons and daughters will prophesy,
young men will see visions,
old men will dream dreams!

Pour down your Spirit
Not just within these four walls,
But let the Holy Spirit flow through us
Out through the doors,
Out of the windows
Through friends neighbours and communities
Throughout the world!

Dare we ask?
Are we prepared?
For God
To send the fire?
To send the Holy Spirit,
Right here, Right now!

Send the Holy Spirit fire

Come Holy Spirit come!
Brother Alan this us so spot on and timely.
Thanks for the push
we have the promise that whoever prays for the Latter Rain shall receive it.
God Bless you Brother