Do as I say, not as I do?

Do as I say, not as I do?
One could say that this human quote is about as annoying as possible. It implies I can do what ever I want with no consequences.
But the words I speak you must follow.
I have been troubled for about 20 years. I have had the unsavory luck, to be thrust in front of facade wolves of the pulpit.
They are pretty easy to spot. But this post is about avoiding that trap.

Why many chapters in the Bible touch my heart, many with such clear teachings are helpful.
John 13:15 : "I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you."
After washing His disciples' feet, Jesus emphasizes that He has given them an example to follow. This act of service is meant to teach humility and selfless love, urging His followers to live out the lessons He demonstrated. So many times we read the words, but do not actually act on them.

1 Corinthians 11:1: "Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ."
Paul encourages believers to imitate him, as he strives to imitate Christ. This reflects the early Christian emphasis on following Jesus not just in belief, but in action and lifestyle.

It is not enough to preach the word, and not try and live the word.
It is not about praise or recognition, as in reality when you place your actions to reflect Christs lessons. People can see this.
Even those who do not believe.
If we live as best we can like Christ did, then debating the non believer or atheist becomes a easy battle.

I used to try and push people to see Christ, I mean its all in this book. So just do it already.
But then I realized, God will place people that are ready to accept. And those that are not ready, or deny Christ.
Wont see anything I say or do as Christ like. So when a person stands and sells you a story with out actions within their own lives.
How are they serving Christ by mere words. My opinion, scripture like :
1 Corinthians 11:1: "Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ." Backs this up, for it does not say do as I say.
and John 13:15 : "I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you." set clear examples that we bring those
to Christ by creating a life target they can see.

I have sinned allot, I do not like when I do. I dislike even more when I have to repent.
Why I know its releases me. I know that I must try and do as Christ did. I will never get their in this life time.
But I can avoid, hate, mockery, judgment and cruelty, and try and model some of my life helping those that are lost like I have been.
Its hard to battle for God in this life with out crossing that line. As we know the enemy crosses that line with ease.
Do as I say, not as I do? One could say that this human quote is about as annoying as possible. It implies I can do what ever I want with no consequences. But the words I speak you must follow.

Good morning, Rooted;

The way I read "Do as I say, not as I do" could be someone of authority or position that suggest we do as "their example," but those same people of authority or position does not practice what they suggest.

This is an ongoing human nature world wide, even in the Church. But when we read in Matthew 23:3, 3 so do and observe whatever they tell you, but not the works they do. For they preach, but do not practice. - ESV

Jesus was calling out the Pharisees, a zealous movement for God who weighed down their laws to the Jews, and the Scribes, educated persons who taught and interpreted the law but persecuted those who broke the law. Both of these parties opposed Jesus' teaching. They imposed their zealous rules and loved being "up front," but didn't practice what they imposed. Jesus saw right through this.

As Christians who love and follow Christ, a big part of what we practice daily is to confess our sins and repent to God. This is vital teaching to others because God sees, helps and guides us away from our sins so when we witness (what we say) we're able to "do" so God and others will see our example.

In my personal testimony this is a lifelong work in progress. Sure, I will get my shirt muddy with some stupid sin down the road, or tomorrow. But the discipline of turning back to God builds us up to be a witness and example of saying and doing for the Lord's glory.

Thank you for sharing Do as I say, not as I do.

God bless you, Rooted.
Good morning, Rooted;

The way I read "Do as I say, not as I do" could be someone of authority or position that suggest we do as "their example," but those same people of authority or position does not practice what they suggest.

This is an ongoing human nature world wide, even in the Church. But when we read in Matthew 23:3, 3 so do and observe whatever they tell you, but not the works they do. For they preach, but do not practice. - ESV

Jesus was calling out the Pharisees, a zealous movement for God who weighed down their laws to the Jews, and the Scribes, educated persons who taught and interpreted the law but persecuted those who broke the law. Both of these parties opposed Jesus' teaching. They imposed their zealous rules and loved being "up front," but didn't practice what they imposed. Jesus saw right through this.

As Christians who love and follow Christ, a big part of what we practice daily is to confess our sins and repent to God. This is vital teaching to others because God sees, helps and guides us away from our sins so when we witness (what we say) we're able to "do" so God and others will see our example.

In my personal testimony this is a lifelong work in progress. Sure, I will get my shirt muddy with some stupid sin down the road, or tomorrow. But the discipline of turning back to God builds us up to be a witness and example of saying and doing for the Lord's glory.

Thank you for sharing Do as I say, not as I do.

God bless you, Rooted.
I really enjoy yours and everyone's replies. Thank You