Do you invest? Trade stocks ? A thought To Share.

Do you invest? Trade stocks ?
No I am not selling time shares or anything.

I am in a stock group as a consultant. And I realized pretty much no one in the group.
Even long time investors were aware of what to do with Capital Gains.
I think this was the best board to post this. My apologies if it wasn't.

I invest and seldom pay taxes. I do what basically billionaires do but on a small er scale ( much smaller lol)
If I make too much money on the stock market. And its nearing the end of the year. I will find a stock too lose money on.
Now imagine trying to explain to investors you want to lose money on the stock market. LOL.

The law is pretty clear, you make money and you pay capital gains on your money you made.
What most are not aware is, you can get that money that is lost. Back tax free.
Depending on your financial situation, you get 3,000.00 deduction in losses each year that you lose on the market.
Its call tax harvesting.
Basically how it works is: I made 30K well I now own tax on that. But the same tax years I lost 10,000.00
So now I only owe tax on the 20K. But I can deduct the 3000 each year until I use up the full 10,000.00
If I had kept the full 30K I would pay tax on it all and have no losses to deduct.
Keep in mind that 3000 credit is now tax free on that 10K I would have had to pay taxes on.
When you own a corporation its different, and is why losses are important tax year profit makers for CEOs.
Right now I have saved up about ten years in deductions and most times I get a refund to boot.
This is the short version and not comprehensive.


Just posting this for my new friends. Not selling anything nor promoting the group I am in.
Just sharing what not everyone knows.
Do you invest? Trade stocks ?
No I am not selling time shares or anything.

I am in a stock group as a consultant. And I realized pretty much no one in the group.
Even long time investors were aware of what to do with Capital Gains.
I think this was the best board to post this. My apologies if it wasn't.

I invest and seldom pay taxes. I do what basically billionaires do but on a small er scale ( much smaller lol)
If I make too much money on the stock market. And its nearing the end of the year. I will find a stock too lose money on.
Now imagine trying to explain to investors you want to lose money on the stock market. LOL.

The law is pretty clear, you make money and you pay capital gains on your money you made.
What most are not aware is, you can get that money that is lost. Back tax free.
Depending on your financial situation, you get 3,000.00 deduction in losses each year that you lose on the market.
Its call tax harvesting.
Basically how it works is: I made 30K well I now own tax on that. But the same tax years I lost 10,000.00
So now I only owe tax on the 20K. But I can deduct the 3000 each year until I use up the full 10,000.00
If I had kept the full 30K I would pay tax on it all and have no losses to deduct.
Keep in mind that 3000 credit is now tax free on that 10K I would have had to pay taxes on.
When you own a corporation its different, and is why losses are important tax year profit makers for CEOs.
Right now I have saved up about ten years in deductions and most times I get a refund to boot.
This is the short version and not comprehensive.


Just posting this for my new friends. Not selling anything nor promoting the group I am in.
Just sharing what not everyone knows.
The whole concept of the stock market is to make money. Rooted One the love of money is the root of all evil is it not. When she prospers she does prosper very much. But when she blows she blows leaving many life savings bankrupt and penniless as history has well a testified too. But there be no escaping the money system even our super funds are invested in the stock market to some degree. You can even buy and sell stocks with your superannuation funds these days in an attempt to top your super up. That be at ones risk and discernment I guess. . Sometimes it be like the doggy on the bridge with his bone. While looking down doggy did spy his reflection down below in the water and also a reflection of a much bigger bone. He did open his mouth ever so wide to grab the reflection of bigger bone below. In the process he let go of the bone he had Watching it splash and disappear into the rivers deep. Losing everything. The moral of the story. Rooted One maybe sometimes it’s wise to be content with what we have. God be our real security is he not. ❤️🙋🏻‍♀️
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The whole concept of the stock market is to make money. Rooted One the love of money is the root of all evil is it not. When she prospers she does prosper very much. But when she blows she blows leaving many life savings bankrupt and penniless as history has well a testified too. But there be no escaping the money system even our super funds are invested in the stock market to some degree. You can even buy and sell stocks with your superannuation funds these days in an attempt to top your super up. That be at ones risk and discernment I guess. . Sometimes it be like the doggy on the bridge with his bone. While looking down doggy did spy his reflection down below in the water and also a reflection of a much bigger bone. He did open his mouth ever so wide to grab the reflection of bigger bone below. In the process he let go of the bone he had Watching it splash and disappear into the rivers deep. Losing everything. The moral of the story. Rooted One maybe sometimes it’s wise to be content with what we have. God be our real security is he not. ❤️🙋🏻‍♀️

Good morning, Prim90;

There is much truth in your good post. We must be very careful and follow the guidelines of what God teaches about money, investing and being good stewards of His provisions.

Investing is not gambling which only has one winner. Investing can be an opportunity and benefit for more than one person. For example, 401Ks, 403Bs, bank savings for our future retirement, etc...are all forms of institutions investing our money with a goal of positive return.

This topic can take on many directions, and it should. God entrusts us to be good stewards of His provisions. The parable of the 10 Talents may be an example in Scripture but this does not cover the whole context.

God bless you, Prim90.
The whole concept of the stock market is to make money. Rooted One the love of money is the root of all evil is it not. When she prospers she does prosper very much. But when she blows she blows leaving many life savings bankrupt and penniless as history has well a testified too. But there be no escaping the money system even our super funds are invested in the stock market to some degree. You can even buy and sell stocks with your superannuation funds these days in an attempt to top your super up. That be at ones risk and discernment I guess. . Sometimes it be like the doggy on the bridge with his bone. While looking down doggy did spy his reflection down below in the water and also a reflection of a much bigger bone. He did open his mouth ever so wide to grab the reflection of bigger bone below. In the process he let go of the bone he had Watching it splash and disappear into the rivers deep. Losing everything. The moral of the story. Rooted One maybe sometimes it’s wise to be content with what we have. God be our real security is he not. ❤️🙋🏻‍♀️

This is true, but I would say that every job that has income is to make money, and could be used in a negative way.
Pastors have jobs and also get paid at times very well. When I was a active pastor I would not accept money.
I think the Root of Money being evil. Is what one does with the assets they receive.
For churches themselves rake in the money as we know and are to use it to help the communities they live in.
Myself pretty much when ever I had more then I need I give it to others.

I drive a 20 year old SUV, have a 67 for truck. Watch a 10 year old TV when I do
Live in a older 1957 home. I believe we need to follow Christ's way of life.
Not just give lip service and then drive home in our Acura's and Mercedes.
But we are directed to give what we have when we can and help give a hand up.
I am quite sure today Sunday morning many churches are accepting allot of money from some very evil people.
And the stock market is no different. I have made money on the stock market. And I would have to guess that some of those CEOs are bad people.
Matthew 6:24 - "No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money."
Jesus teaches that one's loyalty cannot be divided between God and the pursuit of wealth, especially when that wealth is obtained unethically.

Myself I work hard to be sure the money is not the reason I invest.
Why this is not about me. But I give my time, I give vehicles, money, food, what ever I can and I do it from my own source of funds.
In fact a nice benefit has been able to help others learn to invest in their future honestly and without me asking for something from them.
I am not wealthy, I could have been. But that is not what my heart desires. My heart belongs to Jesus. He died for me so I can live a life being forgiven. And I will probably live modest the rest of my life if it means I can help others.
When I was homeless, twice. I did not want that again, and as I got older I found that I do not want that for others as well.
So I will continue as long as I can to make money and help others. So this is not the pursuit of wealth. This is a pursuit of humanity.
A pursuit of honoring God by serving his people if I can. And I feel blessed that I can do this for other.

Timothy 6:17-19 - The Apostle Paul instructs:

  • "Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment. Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share. In this way, they will lay up treasure for themselves as a firm foundation for the coming age, so that they may take hold of the life that is truly life."
This is true, but I would say that every job that has income is to make money, and could be used in a negative way.
Pastors have jobs and also get paid at times very well. When I was a active pastor I would not accept money.
I think the Root of Money being evil. Is what one does with the assets they receive.
For churches themselves rake in the money as we know and are to use it to help the communities they live in.
Myself pretty much when ever I had more then I need I give it to others.

I drive a 20 year old SUV, have a 67 for truck. Watch a 10 year old TV when I do
Live in a older 1957 home. I believe we need to follow Christ's way of life.
Not just give lip service and then drive home in our Acura's and Mercedes.
But we are directed to give what we have when we can and help give a hand up.
I am quite sure today Sunday morning many churches are accepting allot of money from some very evil people.
And the stock market is no different. I have made money on the stock market. And I would have to guess that some of those CEOs are bad people.
Matthew 6:24 - "No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money."
Jesus teaches that one's loyalty cannot be divided between God and the pursuit of wealth, especially when that wealth is obtained unethically.

Myself I work hard to be sure the money is not the reason I invest.
Why this is not about me. But I give my time, I give vehicles, money, food, what ever I can and I do it from my own source of funds.
In fact a nice benefit has been able to help others learn to invest in their future honestly and without me asking for something from them.
I am not wealthy, I could have been. But that is not what my heart desires. My heart belongs to Jesus. He died for me so I can live a life being forgiven. And I will probably live modest the rest of my life if it means I can help others.
When I was homeless, twice. I did not want that again, and as I got older I found that I do not want that for others as well.
So I will continue as long as I can to make money and help others. So this is not the pursuit of wealth. This is a pursuit of humanity.
A pursuit of honoring God by serving his people if I can. And I feel blessed that I can do this for other.

Timothy 6:17-19 - The Apostle Paul instructs:

  • "Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment. Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share. In this way, they will lay up treasure for themselves as a firm foundation for the coming age, so that they may take hold of the life that is truly life."
Rooted One everyone who works certainly earns a wage it be rendered for services given unless of course you be a slave. How they use their hard earned wage be it for good or bad be their choice. Is outlaying money on the stock market earning a wage or a opituntist gamble ? The stock market be where the rich and powerful dwell. They seem to always know when to fold their cards. The everyday person generally does not . It be the devil’s playground just like the casinos the house of cards does always win. IMG_4094.jpegAs to pastors being paid they certianly do because they earn their keep feeding the flock in your case you refuse to take a salary I fail to see how that brings understanding in reference to playing the stock market. You did mention all the wonderful things we can do with such wealth in helping others. But does it really further the meaning of descipleship? You see Jesus had many thousands of people following him it was all good and well while he was doing all those miracles like feeding the 5000. But when it came to counting the cost of discipleship many walked away because they never really loved him all they were interested in is what they could get out of him. IMG_4094.jpegAs to churches raking in the money you mention. Yes there be those that do. Mega churches I do believe of which many which promote the prosperity gospel of becoming rich and do fleece the flock with their many promises which be most unethical. Not many people can handle wealth and the temptations and snares it brings. But I’ll take you at your word . After all God does love a cheerful giver and that you use your wealth for good. ❤️
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Rooted One everyone who works certainly earns a wage it be rendered for services given unless of course you be a slave. How they use their hard earned wage be it for good or bad be their choice. Is outlaying money on the stock market earning a wage or a opituntist gamble ? The stock market be where the rich and powerful dwell. They seem to always know when to fold their cards. The everyday person generally does not . It be the devil’s playground just like the casinos the house of cards does always win. View attachment 11355As to pastors being paid they certianly do because they earn their keep feeding the flock in your case you refuse to take a salary I fail to see how that brings understanding in reference to playing the stock market. You did mention all the wonderful things we can do with such wealth in helping others. But does it really further the meaning of descipleship? You see Jesus had many thousands of people following him it was all good and well while he was doing all those miracles like feeding the 5000. But when it came to counting the cost of discipleship many walked away because they never really loved him all they were interested in is what they could get out of him. View attachment 11355As to churches raking in the money you mention. Yes there be those that do. Mega churches I do believe of which many which promote the prosperity gospel of becoming rich and do fleece the flock with their many promises which be most unethical. Not many people can handle wealth and the temptations and snares it brings. But I’ll take you at your word . After all God does love a cheerful giver and that you use your wealth for good. ❤️

Going to bow out from this conversation, as its become and attack without reasonable judgement. I respect what you think the stock market is.
And I pretty much disagree with much of what you said. As you are discussing what I do, along you are stating it as what you believe.
What started was helping people that sell homes, or invest in anyway, how to help ease there tax burden. Into an attack what you think the market is. You can debate it if you wish. :) But this can you opened up, is actually unfair. Because based on the rules you aiming this at what I do. Forcing a response. Knowing I am new here, so I will bow out of the conversation. I like this place. I wont go down this path with you.
Thank you for you reply, I respect your opinion. I just disagree.
Going to bow out from this conversation, as its become and attack without reasonable judgement. I respect what you think the stock market is.
And I pretty much disagree with much of what you said. As you are discussing what I do, along you are stating it as what you believe.
What started was helping people that sell homes, or invest in anyway, how to help ease there tax burden. Into an attack what you think the market is. You can debate it if you wish. :) But this can you opened up, is actually unfair. Because based on the rules you aiming this at what I do. Forcing a response. Knowing I am new here, so I will bow out of the conversation. I like this place. I wont go down this path with you.
Thank you for you reply, I respect your opinion. I just disagree.
Rooted One I think at the end of my last my last reply I said I’ll take you at your word and that you genuinely seek to do good. At the same time the stock market can be a very dicey place to invest. So yes we would probably disagree on that. When it comes to wealth and help do remember that our Heavenly Father does own all the cattle and sheep upon a thousand hills if help be required. I’m sorry if you feel insulted.
Im still stuck on socks! lol!

I am one to invest, but have been very leery and careful these past few years.
Any good tips are welcomed by me, RootedWithGod. Especially if you have any suggestions of stocks to research :)

Hugs and happiness to all, ox'
When I retired, I was pleased to find that I had put away an amount in the company retirement (401k type) and company matching funds. With this accumulated money, I opened (purchased) a retirement account, consisting primarily of mutual funds. That is the source bulk of my retirement income.

I have kept close track of these, moving money from lower producing funds towards more productive.

Recently, I have put some of this money in individual stocks.

As far as what I think as a committed Christian of investing, I first of all note that in Matthew 25 and the parable of the talents, the servant who just returned the same talents to his master really missed the point of being entrusted with the money in the first place causing the master to call him wicked and slothful. The master had expected the servant to in crease his money.

I have a responsibility to my family and my community to use my retirement wisely.

Par of that wisdom, in my opinion, is to invest in the people around me, including not just my wife and sons, but my church and neighbors.

So, that wisdom, again in my understanding, includes making my retirement savings help the businesses that are funded through my investments to do good things for the community. And I choose NOT to invest in areas where I think corporate interests outweigh societal interests. I understand that my remaining retirement is a blessing from God. God provided this, and other blessings, for my family and community in my old age. I pray that I employ His blessings in a manner pleasing to Him.

As far as which stocks to look at, I will tell you that every reputable investment counselor will tell you that over the long run, index funds out pace individual stocks. Other than that there are many criteria: time horizon (how quick), how much to invest, what is your tolerance for fluctuations, etc.
This topic can take on many directions, and it should. God entrusts us to be good stewards of His provisions. The parable of the 10 Talents may be an example in Scripture but this does not cover the whole context.

Not many people can handle wealth and the temptations and snares it brings. After all God does love a cheerful giver and that you use your wealth for good. ❤️
When I retired, I was pleased to find that I had put away an amount in the company retirement (401k type) and company matching funds. With this accumulated money, I opened (purchased) a retirement account, consisting primarily of mutual funds. That is the source bulk of my retirement income. I have kept close track of these, moving money from lower producing funds towards more productive. Recently, I have put some of this money in individual stocks. As far as what I think as a committed Christian of investing, I first of all note that in Matthew 25 and the parable of the talents, the servant who just returned the same talents to his master really missed the point of being entrusted with the money in the first place causing the master to call him wicked and slothful. The master had expected the servant to in crease his money. I have a responsibility to my family and my community to use my retirement wisely. Par of that wisdom, in my opinion, is to invest in the people around me, including not just my wife and sons, but my church and neighbors. So, that wisdom, again in my understanding, includes making my retirement savings help the businesses that are funded through my investments to do good things for the community. And I choose NOT to invest in areas where I think corporate interests outweigh societal interests. I understand that my remaining retirement is a blessing from God. God provided this, and other blessings, for my family and community in my old age. I pray that I employ His blessings in a manner pleasing to Him. As far as which stocks to look at, I will tell you that every reputable investment counselor will tell you that over the long run, index funds out pace individual stocks. Other than that there are many criteria: time horizon (how quick), how much to invest, what is your tolerance for fluctuations, etc.

Hello Siloam;

After reading your post it shows your investment included prayer, wisdom and discernment in managing your portfolio and how this impacted your closest loved ones.

I was very conservative in my personal and employee stock saving plans when I participated back in 1982. By 2019 with the gains and setbacks from 1987 and 2008 I transferred my life investment to a comfortable nest egg with a near 0% debt ratio, paid mortgages and 2 cars paid down. When we did our tax return it included my transfer but my tax guy, wife and I submitted good tax write offs to produce a refund.

Prim90 posted objectives when we manage God's provisions that are entrusted to us. So whether I'm ready to take on something new is wise to consider and include caution in the prayer and decision making.

God bless you all.
Hello Siloam;

After reading your post it shows your investment included prayer, wisdom and discernment in managing your portfolio and how this impacted your closest loved ones.

I was very conservative in my personal and employee stock saving plans when I participated back in 1982. By 2019 with the gains and setbacks from 1987 and 2008 I transferred my life investment to a comfortable nest egg with a near 0% debt ratio, paid mortgages and 2 cars paid down. When we did our tax return it included my transfer but my tax guy, wife and I submitted good tax write offs to produce a refund.

Prim90 posted objectives when we manage God's provisions that are entrusted to us. So whether I'm ready to take on something new is wise to consider and include caution in the prayer and decision making.

God bless you all.
Bob agreed. More so when we be advising on people’s nest eggs and life savings that not be our own.
I was very conservative in my personal and employee stock saving plans when I participated back in 1982. By 2019 with the gains and setbacks from 1987 and 2008 I transferred my life investment to a comfortable nest egg with a near 0% debt ratio, paid mortgages and 2 cars paid down. When we did our tax return it included my transfer but my tax guy, wife and I submitted good tax write offs to produce a refund.
I was pretty foolish for most of my working life. I enjoyed most of my jobs (what a blessing!) but I didn't think about retirement until about the year 2000, when I started trying to catch-up. Then fairly soon after I bought a home (at the top of the market) farther out from the metro DC area, the economy turned bad and my job disappeared (it went away in 2009). So I hadn't had a great deal time to turn my financial picture around. Between job interviews I volunteered at the hospital and sorted food at the local food bank. Then about 2012, I was diagnosed with bladder cancer, which kind of end my professional career. I could have kept working, but the jobs were still scarce.

It sounds bad, but now I look back and find that period a great blessing. I would never have ended the career I enjoyed, but the Lord's plan was greater than my plans.

The little retirement I did save, enabled me to eventually sell that house and buy the house up in western Maryland where my wife grew up. Her mother and father had built it themselves, added to by my sister-in-law and her family and it is very dear to my wife.

So, the Lord was more faithful than I really deserved.

Lots of lessons were learned and continue.

To those reading this, I would encourage them to plan for their retirement early, knowing that His plans may not be the same as yours, but the Lord's plans can be so much better than one anticipates.