There are many people that go to church and say they love God. But there are many wolves in the pack, and we must be very careful. We as Christians, must pray each every minute of the day and ask for the Full Armor of God. The question I ask, Are you listening to the right voice? There are many believers that listen to others for opinions and seek council with fellow Christians. But I believe Jesus is the Wonderful Counselor. We must know where we need to be as a child of God. First of all, the scripture say: Seek ye first the Kingdom of god and His Righteousness and all things will be added unto you. The Lord didn't mean "stuff", you asking God for stuff everyday is not right. The Lord said it is better to "Give" than to receive. We must be givers to God. Our Heavenly Father didn't create us to make him our puppet on a string. Our Heavenly Father wants our heart and He will bless those that are obedient. The Lord said" My sheep will know my voice. So, we must know His voice and we must know what the will of the Lord is for our life. God loves you!