Does the LORD dwell in YOUR Tabernacle? EX 35-40

PARASHA: VaYakhel (and he assembled) and P’Kudei (Accountings of)

EX 35:1-38:20 and EX 38:21-40:38…

1 KINGS 7:13-8:21

MARK 9:1-50

Before embarking on this Parasha, there is one point from last week that I would like to bring to light. It is in Exodus 34:7 “Keeping mercy” (Notzer Chesed). In the Hebrew Bible, the first letter of the word “Notzer” is enlarged, a large “Nun”. Yet why? Some rabbis say that it is the first time that this word is used. If we were to look at the word “notzer” in Paleo-Hebrew symbolism, we could see the word as; “The first righteous one who gives life”. Since the “Nun” is enlarged, perhaps we could look at it as “life-eternal” something “bigger” than our life on earth.

Who is it that “keeps mercy” for many thousands, if not millions who trust in Him? Is it not Yeshua who was raised in “Nazareth” (Natzeret) as a (Notzri) a Nazarene. In both words, we have the same three letters, “Nun” “Tzadik” and “Resh” “N” “TZ” “R”.

Can we say that Exodus 34:7 is a shadow of “Yeshua” who is the one who “keeps mercy” reserved for all who trust and believe in Him? I would say so!

These are the final chapters of Exodus (Shemot) and Moshe talks about honoring the Sabbath day, the prohibition of lighting a fire on the Sabbath, gathering an offering to build the tabernacle and its furnishings, the appointment of persons to make certain items, and finally, the building project in detail and the outcome. All these are worth talking about.

” Work shall be done for six days, but the seventh day shall be a holy day for you, a Sabbath of rest to YHVH”

” You shall kindle no fire throughout your dwellings on the Sabbath day.”

These are very important statements, commandments repeated from before. Even before the building project begins, YHVH wants his people to know the workdays, rules, and regulations. In this “work-a-holic” world in which we live, the believer should know when to stop and rest. YHVH commands it, for our own good and mental soundness. Too many people work all seven days a week, perhaps 10 or more hours each day to make a “lot-of-money” only to spend the extra money at the hospital when they have a nervous breakdown because of all the extra work hours.

The Sabbath is a day to spend with the family, at the family’s place of worship., be it at a synagogue or at a church. It is a time to spend with the LORD, to worship, learn from HIS WORD, and fellowship with other believers. It is a time to leave the things of the house alone, perhaps eat out, and return home at the end of Sabbath. It is intended as a “day of rest” so, “rest” means exactly that, “rest”.

When we look at the commandment; “Thou shalt kindle no fire throughout your dwellings on the Sabbath” we need to ask ourselves, what was fire used mainly for? Probably for cooking! To boil water, prepare food in different ways. Manna fell from the sky and the Israelites perhaps ate it as is, or boiled it, made it into bread, they probably roasted goats or lambs from the flocks, heated ovens for “Manna flatbread” It was a task and a half to start and maintain a fire, cooking, preparing and all that. So, YHVH is saying STOP! just for the Sabbath, and take a break from it all. Stop slaving over the hot stove and rest, prepare something on Friday, that is why HE gave a “double-portion” of Manna on Friday.

Today, how can we put that “mitzvah” into good use without “overdoing it” as some Jewish sects do, not, turning on a light switch, not driving a car, etc. Well, to start, we can prepare meals for Saturday on Friday, and on the Sabbath, just heat them up. Another idea, eat something light like salad and sandwiches. Many churches and synagogues have the custom of eating out or eating “in”. Some Jewish synagogues have “Oneg” a lunch prepared for the members and guests after service. Some church Sunday school classes go out to eat as families after services on Sundays. Why not? Give the house-wife or house-husband a break from kitchen duty! Don’t they deserve it? Anyway, the Sabbath was made for man and woman, to “rest” and take it easy, and mediate on YHVH.

Another way we can look at this commandment is that “kindling a fire” could also refer to our “tempers” many have very hot tempers which flare up. The Sabbath is a time of peace, not to sow arguments over this and that, just take it easy and relax, let our temperaments be cool and calm. If someone wants to start an argument on the Sabbath, just walk away and leave it alone. It can wait for another day.

The rest of these two Parashot have to do with the Tabernacle. The order to build it, to take up an offering of materials, to assign workers, to “build it” to “put it all together” and finally, to invite YHVH to come down and dwell in it, which he DID, at the close of the book of Exodus. So, go ahead and read the chapters. How can we look at this in light of our lives as born-again believers in Messiah Yeshua?

The “tabernacle” today is YHVH’s dwelling place which is each and every “Kehilah” (congregation) where born-again believers meet to worship the LORD, singing praises and teaching his WORD. The tabernacle is also the bodies of all believers, with the Ruach HaKodesh dwelling inside of us! YHVH has given each and every believer some gift and talent to “maintain” the “Mishkan of Believers” as YHVH chose different individuals to build the furniture of the Mishkan, so HE has selected different believers with different talents to maintain the Kehilah.

The root word of “Mishkan” are the letters SH+K+N, (Shaken) meaning to “dwell with” or one could say “to live among” This is the Hebrew word for “Tabernacle” (Mishkan). If we are to look at this word from an ancient Hebraic view, the letters would be “Sheen” (the all-consuming fire) “Kaph” (anointing), and “Nun” (life). We can see the symbolism in these three letters; “The All-consuming fire (Adonai) wants to anoint the lives (of all believers) through HIS presence and ministry of teaching from his Torah, through his chosen teachers, preachers, rabbis, etc. He inhabited the Tabernacle with HIS divine presence and ministered to the People of Israel through the Levites and the priests.

When we look at the gematria for the letters “Sheen” “kaph” and “Nun” we get 300+20+50 = 370. We can look at this sum through symbolism seeing; Elohim (300) who is perfect (7) is eternal (0). 3+7+0=10. 10 is the number of the Law (Torah) His Word is Perfect, for all eternity.

So, what does every article of the tabernacle furniture symbolize in relationship with Yeshua and believers?

1. The Mishkan itself with the curtains, poles, staves, etc. = A “fence” to keep holiness in and ungodliness out!

Once inside, you are in the holy place, where YHVH dwells, and where the priests' minister. Our Kehilot are “holy places” where the LORD dwells and where we join for fellowship with other believers.

2. “Aron HaKodesh” (The Ark of the Covenant) the “heart” of the Mishkan, where the tablets of the commandments are kept, together with a pot of Manna, and Aron’s rod. It symbolizes the believer who “should” shine like “gold” both inwardly as well as outwardly. We should be mindful of the commandments to put them into action as “unto good works” Yeshua is our “Manna” the “Bread of Life” and the Rod of Aron as our “Rod of authority, our high priesthood of believers” the “Shekinah glory” which rested above the mercy seat is the everlasting presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives.

3. “The Table of Incense” it symbolizes our prayers as they go up “like smoke” unto the heavenlies, even to the Throne of Grace. One thing to point out, all the furniture with the exception of the Menorah was made of Acacia wood overlaid with gold, the wood symbolizes the humanity of Yeshua, and the gold “purity”. The incense was made of various ingredients but making an exact replica of the original substance is forbidden, most worshippers today that use incense use a mixture of Frankincense and Myrrh, which is readily available. It is a relaxing aroma that helps one to go to sleep at night.

4. “The Golden Menorah” was made of one solid piece of gold, hammered and formed into a seven-branch candlestick. It had seven lamps which were filled with olive oil and burned all night. In the morning, the priest would come into the Holy Place and trim the wicks and re-fill the lamps with olive oil. We look at the Menorah as “Yeshua Ha Or Olam” (Yeshua who is the light of the world, the Eternal Light) we are the 6 branches that are on either side of the “Shamash” the helper lamp which is in the middle, Yeshua said, “Ye are the light of the world” that means “every believer is a light in dark places” but our light comes from Yeshua” we have no light of our own, like the moon, moon light is sunlight reflected off the lunar surface. The oil symbolizes the Ruach Ha Kodesh, (The Holy Spirit) and the wicks are “us” we need to be in contact with the “oil” in order to have brightness.

5. “The Table of Shewbread” made of hardwood overlaid with gold. Had 12 loaves of bread, symbolizing the 12 tribes of Israel. The table and bread symbolize “Yeshua HaLechem Chayim” (Yeshua the Bread of Life)

Even the “unleavened bread” of Passover which symbolizes “Yeshua” who is the unleavened bread”

6. Outside the holy place are two items, the bronze laver and the Brazen Altar. The bronze laver was a huge bronze bowl filled with water. The priests would wash their hands and feet after offering blood sacrifices. It was made of bronze which symbolizes “judgment” when the water was still, the priest would see his reflection in the water. When we look in still water, or in a mirror, we see our reflection, we see who we are, sinners saved by grace, yet we still have the sin nature, and Yeshua went through “judgment” in our place, we have been “washed” in his blood and made clean. Remember that Yeshua washed the feet of his talmidim.

7. “the Bronze Altar” (Mizbeach) (pronunciation = “ach” like Yohann Sebastian Bach) not “beach” which is by the ocean, NO! was made of hardwood overlaid with bronze, symbolizing the humanity of Yeshua who was judged in the “fires of our sin”. The animal sacrifices were performed on this altar, the blood was poured out at the base of the altar, and the animals roasted on a grill. Think of the Mizbeach as a big BBQ pit. The brazen altar symbolizes the cross of Messiah Yeshua, the animals symbolizing Yeshua himself who poured out his blood for us sinners, who incurred “our judgment” in his own body.

We see the materials that went into building the tabernacle; gold, silver, bronze, fine linen, wood, blue, purple, scarlet, and animal skins, They all have symbolic meanings; Gold=purity (of Messiah) and the goal of every follower of Mashiach, Silver=redemption (Yeshua redeemed us from the curse of sin) bronze=Judgment (Yeshua was judged for our sins, Fine linen= our new nature and our walk with the LORD, wood=Humanity of Messiah

Blue=Heaven, Purple=Royalty, (we are royalty in Messiah Yeshua, part of his royal family) Scarlet=blood. Animal skins=the covering of our sins before, but now, our sins have been erased, not just covered.

At the end of Exodus, in 40:38 it says that YHVH settled upon the Mishkan in a cloud. Now his presence is visible. Messiah is still with us in the form of the Holy Spirit, WE are the living Tabernacles and the Spirit of God lives in our heart, as well as within the “Kehilot” of believers who come together for worship.

We read that “Bezaleel” was chosen by Adonai to build many pieces of the furniture that went into the Mishkan. He was filled with the “Ruach Elohim” (The Spirit of God) so as to fulfill this tremendous task. He was given “Knowledge” (da’at) “Understanding” (binah) and “Wisdom” or skill (Chochma).

Today, we acquire knowledge from books, or through listening to others, we can read the WORD and acquire knowledge, but hopefully, it will not stop there. From knowledge we get “understanding” and from there, we put those to use in the form of “wisdom” or “skills”.

“Bezaleel” is introduced as “Bezaleel, son of Uri, son of Hur of the tribe of Y’hudah” the rabbis say that he is given three names, or three identities, Bezaleel, Son of Uri, Son of Hur. Even though we know that it is the same person. In a way, we have three names or three identities. One name is the name that our parents gave us. Another name, could be how the community around us may call us, like “teacher” or “helper” or “counselor” “pastor” “rabbi” etc, the third name is that name that Adonai will give us in the World to Come. We will have an “eternal name” that perhaps, may reflect on the kind of life we lived on earth.

“B’tzel’el” means “in the shadow of EL” (God). So, we walked in HIS shadow, an obedient servant, and was given the blessing of making a great part of the Mishkan. The name B'tzel'el" sums 153 in Hebrew gematria. Also, the phrase "Ani Elohim" sums 153. Remember when Yeshua was on the shore of the Sea of Galilee, and the disciples returned from fishing, and they counted 153 fishes. "Ha B'nei Elohim" (The sons of God) also has the sum of 153. Also, the words "K'Gafen" (like a vine) also sum 153.

Coincidence? I don't think so, SInce Betzelel means "In the Shadow of God" Yeshua also shadowed HIS Heavenly Father, and all the furniture pieces in the Mishkan were also in the Heavenly Mishkan. Betzalel was also one of the "Sons of God" as we all are

1 KINGS 7:51-8:21

We see here a repetition of the same building project but on a larger scale. Solomon builds the first “Temple” for the presence of YHVH. Wherein the tabernacle was a mobile structure (kinda like a mobile home) the Temple was a fixed place. He employed thousands of workers, so there wasn’t much unemployment in Israel during that time. It took many years to build whereas the tabernacle was finished in a matter of months.

It takes time to build a ministry, many years sometimes. But if the goal is to Share/teach the Word of God to others, to minister HIS word, then the LORD will bless that work, no matter how small or how big, whether a “mobile” ministry or a “fixed-in-one-place ministry, Adonai will bless and it will last.

MARK 9:1-50; 10:1-52

Yeshua takes his three chosen disciples; Kefa, Jacob, and Yochanan (Peter, James, and John) to witness a special event. We know this as the “Transfiguration.” They went up a mountain and the clothing of Yeshua was transformed into dazzling white. He then talked with Moshe and Eliyahu. The scripture does not say what they talked about. We can only imagine. Perhaps, it was the following;

Moses represents the Torah, (the first 5 books) and Elijah, the Prophets and Writings, and Yeshua, the New Covenant. Altogether, we have the complete Torah, the Complete Word of God! Perhaps Yeshua told the two how He was the one that they wrote about and how all of their prophecies would be complete in HIM. Well, that is just an idea. What do you think they talked about if not that?

In Mark 10, Yeshua teaches on divorce. This is a big subject, and a sad subject because many couples do not take marriage seriously anymore. “Love” is a “commitment” it is a “conscious choice” to care for a person, it has nothing to do with “feelings”, yet “feelings” can lead two people together in order to “make a “love” commitment”

Divorce was allowed out of the “hardness of man’s heart” in biblical times, it was instituted by the man, never the woman, all is different now, get tired of your mate? Bored? Run to the lawyer and get a divorce, look for a new mate, someone more exciting and fuller of life. This is the mentality of the world, but not the mentality of God. The only biblical reason for allowing divorce is adultery, and for unbelief, if there is a mixed marriage and the unbeliever refuses to live with the believer, “let him (or her) depart” for we are not called to strife. All the more reason to be “equally yoked together, believers with other believers” Personally, divorce should be a last choice if one is living in a “hell hole” and the mate is a “unholy terror” but let’s not even go there now, we need to lift up our mates in prayer and pray for understanding one with the other. We are all different, and our mates complement our weaknesses, and through our mates, our weaknesses become “strong”


Continuing in a midrash over Parashah “P’Kudei” (accountings of) in Exodus 38, the tabernacle seems to be mentioned/referred to in three ways;

1. HaMishkan (The Tabernacle)

2. HaMishkan, HaOhel Moed (The Tabernacle, Tent of Meeting)

3. HaMishkan, HaEidut (The Tabernacle of the Testimony).

In reality, there are ALL the same, yet referred to by different names. Why is that? Why does Moshe refer to them in different ways? Perhaps we can see the ministry of Adonai in different ways.

“HaMishkan” If we go back to the ancient Hebrew spelling of the word “Mishkan” It is spelled with 4 Hebrew letters. “Mem” “Sheen” “Kaph” and “Nun” It comes from the verb “Sh’ken” which is “to dwell”. The reason that Adonai ordered Moshe to build the Tabernacle was so that HE could dwell amongst HIS people. One can look at the letters from the ancient Hebrew perspective and say;

“The Living Water who is the All-Consuming Fire anoints (his people) with life” … or … “Our lives became anointed when the presence of the All-Consuming Fire /the Living Water is amongst us”

“HaOhel Moed” (The Tent of Meeting) Why do we go to the synagogue/church? Because it is the meeting place where we meet with Elohim. His spirit is there! Even if there are only two believers present in someplace, HE is in the midst! So, Adonai dwells with his people so that we can “meet” with HIM. “Ohel Moed” has 7 letters, “7” is the number of perfection. “Aleph” “Hey” “Lamed” and then; “Mem” “Vav” “Ayin’ “Tav”

Again, going back to the ancient Hebrew understanding of the symbolism in the letters, we could understand these two words in the following manner: “Behold the God of Instruction and Teaching

(gives his people/us) the “living water (of the word) which connects us with insight, which is at the door”. When we meet with Adonai, we are taught His Word through his chosen teachers, we are taught about Yeshua who is the “Living Water” who gives “insight’ (or understanding). The understanding is there at the door, all we have to do is open the door (of our mind and heart) to receive it. It is interesting that the last word “Moed” has the letters “Ayin and Dalet” which spell “Witness” there are witnesses when we meet with Adonai, Adonai himself and his holy angels besides those who are there to receive the Word of God.

“HaEidut” (Testimony or Pact) The Mishkan was also known as the “Eidut” the Tabernacle of Testimony. What is the testimony? The testimony is the presence of the “Tables of the Torah” The tablets of the Commandments which were placed in the Ark of the Covenant. The word “Eidut” spelled in Hebrew consists of three letters; “Ayin’ “Dalet” and “Tav”. When we see these from the ancient Hebraic perspective, we can see this message; “Insight is at the door of the Covenant” or we could also understand it as; “The covenant gives insight, and that is at the door”. The letter “Tav” in the ancient spelling looks like a cross leaning to one side. It speaks of the New Covenant under Yeshua, and when we understand (insight) the message of “Yeshuah” (Salvation) then that “Yeshuah” is at the “door”. All that we need to do is open the door and receive “Yeshuah” that comes from “Yeshua” (seems like a play on words). Again, we see the two-letter “Ayin and Dalet” (ED) yet here they are reversed, yet they are still present, the “Witness”

In conclusion, the Tabernacle was all about where Adonai came to dwell amongst his people to dwell with them, teach them his word, his ordinances, his commandments, to direct them to a new lifestyle other than the life they had in Egypt.

We meet with Adonai in HIS place of worship to receive his word, and to allow HIM to dwell inside of us through His Holy Spirit. We learn His Word and his Word directs ALL to YESHUA, who is the New Covenant.

Rabbi Ben Avraham
Before embarking on this Parasha, there is one point from last week that I would like to bring to light. It is in Exodus 34:7 “Keeping mercy” (Notzer Chesed). In the Hebrew Bible, the first letter of the word “Notzer” is enlarged, a large “Nun”. Yet why? Some rabbis say that it is the first time that this word is used. If we were to look at the word “notzer” in Paleo-Hebrew symbolism, we could see the word as; “The first righteous one who gives life”. Since the “Nun” is enlarged, perhaps we could look at it as “life-eternal” something “bigger” than our life on earth.

I would offer. . The word rest “sabbath” is a non- time sensitive word .I would also offer the word Nun “resprout” is used to indicate "continue," "offspring" .
(Reprout) The spiritual seed Christ passed down to Joshua (savior)

Exodus 33:11And the Lord spake unto Moses face to face, as a man speaketh unto his friend. And he turned again into the camp: but his servant Joshua, the son of Nun, a young man, departed not out of the tabernacle

Who is it that “keeps mercy” for many thousands, if not millions who trust in Him? Is it not Yeshua who was raised in “Nazareth” (Natzeret) as a (Notzri) a Nazarene. In both words, we have the same three letters, “Nun” “Tzadik” and “Resh” “N” “TZ” “R”.

Can we say that Exodus 34:7 is a shadow of “Yeshua” who is the one who “keeps mercy” reserved for all who trust and believe in Him? I would say so!

There the word thousands of generations under the Sun is used to represent the whole. Forty two generations are used to represent the Old Testament .Twenty four times that would give us the last day under the Sun using the word thousand literally . 4000 X 24 = the year 96,000 A.D .

These are the final chapters of Exodus (Shemot) and Moshe talks about honoring the Sabbath day, the prohibition of lighting a fire on the Sabbath, gathering an offering to build the tabernacle and its furnishings, the appointment of persons to make certain items, and finally, the building project in detail and the outcome. All these are worth talking about.

” Work shall be done for six days, but the seventh day shall be a holy day for you, a Sabbath of rest to YHVH”

” You shall kindle no fire throughout your dwellings on the Sabbath day.”

That I would ofer would be in reference to the man who should of cooked the manna on the day of preparation the first day of the saabath a two day ( wekend) work . . working to gather twice as much .

Not a day when the true fast could be celebrated. . the gospel, sharing food and shelter with those from without, the less fortunate A day they could do the work of the gospel. The man violated the ceremonial law and was put to death as an example. showing he should of finished cooking manna on the day of preparation not on the day it was to be eaten .There was no work to be done on that day other that sharing the gospel. Then we can be heard on high .We can walk by faith rather than debate in a improper manner. I would think the goal of the gospel is to be heard by Him a work he works in us with us as imformed in Philipain 2 . Working to both will and empowers us to work with him yoked with our burden is lighter and we have a living hope.

The commentary on the gospel fast and its purpose as a parable below .

Isiaiah 58:4- 10 Behold, ye fast for strife and debate, and to smite with the fist of wickedness: ye shall not fast as ye do this day, to make your voice to be heard on high. Is it such a fast that I have chosen? a day for a man to afflict his soul? is it to bow down his head as a bulrush, and to spread sackcloth and ashes under him? wilt thou call this a fast, and an acceptable day to the Lord? Is not this the fast that I have chosen? to loose the bands of wickedness, to undo the heavy burdens, and to let the oppressed go free, and that ye break every yoke? Is it not to deal thy bread to the hungry, and that thou bring the poor that are cast out to thy house? when thou seest the naked, that thou cover him; and that thou hide not thyself from thine own flesh? Then shall thy light break forth as the morning, and thine health shall spring forth speedily: and thy righteousness shall go before thee; the glory of the Lord shall be thy reward.Then shalt thou call, and the Lord shall answer; thou shalt cry, and he shall say, Here I am. If thou take away from the midst of thee the yoke, the putting forth of the finger, and speaking vanity; And if thou draw out thy soul to the hungry, and satisfy the afflicted soul; then shall thy light rise in obscurity, and thy darkness be as the noon day:

When they hit the Promised Land it was the end of the manna and the temporal “moving tabernacle”. Moving to indicate life. Like living water to represent the gospel. they were the temple that was to go out to the whole world. The faithless Jews insisted on building a temple made with human hands like all the other pagan nations of the world who also must walk by sight .

Beleivers were the temple of God not made with human hands even before the temporal( tabernacle) used in the wilderness. That shadow ended again when they entered the Promised Land. .There is those even today that would build another (abomination of desolation temple made with human hands ).Satan will be loosed for a short while to decive all the pagan nations before the last day comes like a thief in the night .In the new order no temple.

The sabbath is shadow of the new order the eternal when we receive our new incorruptible bodies is a non-time sensitive word. It was made for man and woman to work, yoked with Christ according to the true fast our eternal rest giving us a hope we are heard on high. .

The Saabath rest has nothing to do with not eating food or resting physically on a day we can bring the gospel . physically resting and not eating does not drive out demons. That is not the kind of fast defined in the parable (Isaiah 58) The reason the disciples that followed the law of the fathers, could not.
Thanks Ben Avraham for an important reminder to examine ourselves. Does God dwell in us and act in us? How do we know?

How can I be sure that I know God and that he is in me? There are scriptures that help in clarifying that.

I must examine my works which includes the things I say and do. God is creating a new man in those he dwells.
Titus 1:6 They profess that they know God; but in works they deny him, being abominable, and disobedient, and unto every good work reprobate. (KJV)

We have received a different spirit
1 Cor 2:12 Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is of God; that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God. (KJV)