Dr. David Gibbs: Three Keys to Success

The wrath of man does not do the righteousness of God.

3 Keys to Success

#1... I agree with 100%... that was not a toe stepper...it was an admonition. For what it's worth... I know you feel I am being disobedient by not going to church. I have tried to explain to you that Canada does not have the same type of fellowships/communities as you guys do in America... however... If I hear TRUTH... I am able to accept it.

#2... I accept the challenge of finding someone who can offer me nothing... and to help that person for JESUS sake. This was absolutely and breathtakingly precious to me... The story of putting in the crop for the neighbour touched my heart deeply.
WOW.... He said that.... that is what I said... WOW.

#3... Be NOT conformed to this world... but be TRANSFORMED. I do not pay heed to what the world is doing.. I find this easier as time goes on.
When I wake up and start my day... I do ask Father to forgive me all my sins and to help me be an AMBASSADOR for HIM.
I do invite Father to cleanse me... to make me WHOLE.... and I praise and thank Him on a daily basis.

Thank you for this wonderful message. It has encouraged me and motivated me to do better.
Good morning, forgiven;

Excellent message. I was listening to Reverend Gibbs while tending to other areas here at CFS.

He has a strong ministry and for 40 years reached out to the government and political chairs in our country.

His message on the three points is spot on and it would be worth listening to a second and third time. He shared how His Pastor once corrected him regarding his tongue and spoke, "You lost the bridal, son. The wrath of man doesn't do the righteousness of God."

I was ministered to when he spoke of the altar call which I have always supported.

God bless you, forgiven, and thank you for sharing this much needed message this morning.