Eighteen Inches from Heaven

Eighteen Inches from Heaven

To some Heaven is missed, by eighteen inches,
The distance from head to heart, eighteen inches
They know about Jesus and the cross
But believing with all their heart is eighteen inches from conversion,
Twelve inches away from confessing with their mouth
“Jesus is Lord”
Not having Jesus in their heart
Busying them selves with good works
Like a sounding gong or a clashing symbol,
But ‘A miss is as good as a mile’
Knowing is not believing
won’t get you heavenly bound, next to Jesus…
Not everyone who says
“Lord, Lord”
is fit for the Kingdom of Heaven!
Navel gazing will only add another four inches further from salvation…
He knows your head, He knows your heart
And whether your Heavenly home is eighteen inches from completion
Eighteen Inches from Heaven

To some Heaven is missed, by eighteen inches,
The distance from head to heart, eighteen inches
They know about Jesus and the cross
But believing with all their heart is eighteen inches from conversion,
Twelve inches away from confessing with their mouth
“Jesus is Lord”
Not having Jesus in their heart
Busying them selves with good works
Like a sounding gong or a clashing symbol,
But ‘A miss is as good as a mile’
Knowing is not believing
won’t get you heavenly bound, next to Jesus…
Not everyone who says
“Lord, Lord”
is fit for the Kingdom of Heaven!
Navel gazing will only add another four inches further from salvation…
He knows your head, He knows your heart
And whether your Heavenly home is eighteen inches from completion
The phrase "a miss is as good as a mile" means that almost winning is still a failure The phrase is used to emphasize that it doesn’t matter whether you are good or bad; if you have missed the target after almost winning, it is still a miss