This was the Sermon, "Everything She Had" on November 10 at my church, from Mark 12: 38-44, which reads, "Then he went over to the collection boxes and sat and watched as the crowds dropped in their money. Some who were rich put in large amounts. Then a poor widow came and dropped two pennies. He called his disciples over and remarked, 'That poor widow has given more than all those rich Men together! For they gave a little of their extra fat, while she gave up her last penny.'" (The Living Bible)
At the time, I thought, "Yeah- she gave more, because she gave all". Then, as I later sat in my Art Room, inspired by the Sermon and creating the above image, I thought of the proverb, "Charity begins at home". Looking up the meaning and its origin, I found it's from 1 Timothy 5:8, "But anyone who won't care for his own relatives when they need help, especially his own family, has no right to say he is a Christian. Such a person is worse than a heathen". (Again, The Living Bible)
What are your thoughts on this?
At the time, I thought, "Yeah- she gave more, because she gave all". Then, as I later sat in my Art Room, inspired by the Sermon and creating the above image, I thought of the proverb, "Charity begins at home". Looking up the meaning and its origin, I found it's from 1 Timothy 5:8, "But anyone who won't care for his own relatives when they need help, especially his own family, has no right to say he is a Christian. Such a person is worse than a heathen". (Again, The Living Bible)
What are your thoughts on this?