Examples of Living for Christ

We are each unique creations and the Lord works through each of us differently, but we do see in scriptures persons who have been faithful, and who we might emulate, at least in part.

Who do you, or should you think of as a role model or example of a worker for the Lord that you might emulate. Who, other than the Lord Himself, could you use to gauge what it means to follow the Lord?

This could be a Biblical person, a well known historical or contemporary person, or an acquaintance.

Can you tell us in what way that person is exemplary, and what truth you learn from their life that you can apply in yours?

Respect privacy, please do not personally identify anyone still or recently living.
Well. I do t know abou emulations as in galations it says we arent to do this...
But the heroes of faith in Hebrews 11 are pretty good examples. I dont have to say way you can read in the Bible yourself...and at various stages of our walk we can relate to how they had faith.

I guess in my walk it might be Mary cos she listened to Jesus at his feet. Martha may have been cooking up a storm in the kitchen but Mary chose the most important part.
We ought to be seeking to walk with the Lord in such a way as others would desire to emulate us. That is the mark of a leader that w are all called to be. That is what makes us the salt of the earth and the light of the world. We as Christians are the true leaders in this world.

I seek to emulate people in my life who are completely yielded to the Holy Spirit's leading. My mother was such a person, totally yielded to Jesus Christ until her dying day---one whom the Lord had gifted with His kind of wisdom, and love for others---so much so that she allowed Him to train her without benefit of literal education to become an author, speaker and pastoral counselor, which included the unusual ability to counsel pastors. An amazing woman of God, she had such humility and understanding of people who would come to her with horrendous stories of great suffering, and the Lord used her to bring healing and wholeness to every one. He blessed her with the ability to write an anointed book based on Nehemiah, called "Elizabeth's Legacy" which her counseling ministry was based upon, bringing to wholeness those people who came to her, suffering deeply from childhood wounds of incest and sexual abuse.
We are each unique creations and the Lord works through each of us differently, but we do see in scriptures persons who have been faithful, and who we might emulate, at least in part.

Who do you, or should you think of as a role model or example of a worker for the Lord that you might emulate. Who, other than the Lord Himself, could you use to gauge what it means to follow the Lord?

This could be a Biblical person, a well known historical or contemporary person, or an acquaintance.

Can you tell us in what way that person is exemplary, and what truth you learn from their life that you can apply in yours?

Respect privacy, please do not personally identify anyone still or recently living.

I don't compare myself (and I really don't want to) because it'll either lift myself up or tear me down falsely; or it'll tear down someone falsely, or lift them up falsely. We are all sinners. I only look at their experiences with God - did they have an encounter I've never had; can they do something I cannot - then it gives me something to examine in myself to see if I'm in faith in that area. That's why I love the word of God because in it are examples of God dealing with mankind in a myriad of ways. It's not exhaustive by no means, nor does it imply it's only for "that" individual in the story. I know it really cheapens it, but the word of God is like going to an ice cream shop and where you knew about chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry, but then you find mango, coconut, butter pecan, mint chocolate, and then you see someone mix chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry into one. We have a craving for something "new" by design and God is infinite and the only One Who can satisfy that itch.
In no specific order, I have learnt much from:

1. Mother Theresa = raw Christianity. Do I really need to speak about her :love:?
2. Jimmy Swaggart = give talents to the Lord. Served the Lord to the best of his ability his entire life. Did not use his voice for worldly fame like Elvis.
3. Job = perseverance. Served and loved the Lord despite what happened to him. People can mock God for letting the devil lose on him but clearly he was not tested beyond his means. Perhaps the most classic example of perseverance.
4. Abraham = trust. Had faith in God despite what God wanted of him. Perhaps the most classic example of trusting God.
5. David = repentance / right heart. So close to God. Falls so hard. Then close to God again. We can all learn about repentance and the right heart condition from him.
6. Paul = heavenly minded / no turning back. After he decided to follow Jesus, he did not turn back, at all. He lived his life on earth like his mind was constantly elsewhere. We can all learn from him to look at our lives from an eternal perspective.
7. My dad = works > words. Having his problems with faith and business. Yet still finds a way to keep all his employees employed and gives money charitably to whomever asks and needs.
8. John the Baptist = Humility, trust and faith on another level. Cried out in faith, in the wilderness of Jesus before Jesus. We battle to preach Jesus after Jesus. Impressive faith and trust to keep that up. No five star accommodation or fancy cuisine, just the wilderness and insects...yet preaching of the arrival of the King of the universe. The fact that he grew up with Jesus just magnifies his faith.
9. Noah = perseverance, trust and faith. He trusted God for 100 years at an extreme level. 100 years of mockery and full dedication. I am sure he would rather have worked on his fancy condo in the Seychelles.
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