well, words are a sound wave, a real substance.
Emotions, anger, love, remorse, hate, guilt, stress, happiness are strong electrical impulses in the body resulting in physical chemical changes in us and others responding to us.
I think God hears every word as Jesus says to his followers at the longest sermon [I think its the longest], ie after the last supper sermon,
four times he says ask anything of me and I will do it. So God is listening 24/7,
if you ask for a million bucks, forget it, ask your own father for a million bucks and see what he says, okay maybe he will give you a million.
But if He gave us all a million bucks a loaf of bread would soon be worth a millions dollars, you can't alter economic realities, which is really off subject,
But your question is,
if you have a faith emotion?? joined with a verbal response, or a spiritual response?
will it link to a spiritual energy field to create a substance wave?
I think the Holy Spirit controls all this rather then an inanimate force like the force in star wars,
God wraps himself with darkness, [look it up] not light, the darkness of the very substance of the universe at the subatomic level and He feels every wave
of touch to that cosmic web of dark matter, so every word and emotion is felt by Him I think,
and He can feel and manipulate all matter at the subatomic and galactic level.
I think, from having an aura, auro, that halo around your body concept could be true so if you pray a lot your like a light bulb in the spiritual darkness
and everyone starts to hang around, angels to help you and demons to trip you up.
Or It could be like a spiderweb and if you pray or exercise faith you are pulling on spiritual webs, you'll get noticed the more
you exercise praying, reading God's word and attending church,
if you don't do any of these, indeed all of these, then you will soon be swallowed up by self deception and evil forces.
like the seed that fell on stony ground, or became chocked with weeds or thrown into the fire for being unfruitful,
yes once saved always saved is true IF your the seed that bears fruit.