Fidelity Matters

LearningToLetGo, many of your posts are so though-provoking that I need to look up word definitions so I can logically wrap my head around their premise.

fidelity- faithfulness to a person, cause or belief demonstrated by continuing loyalty and support

In essence, the fidelity of the initial drawing was greatly obscured over repeated renderings. Before the advent of the written word, information was passed down through the generations through word of mouth, or "myths".

myth- a traditional story, especially one concerning the early history of a people or explaining some natural or social phenomenon and typically involving supernatural events.

Traditional stories gave rise to, for example, poetry where words were precisely memorized in order to be passed down. The difference between the myths of old and the drawing video, was that the receiver of the drawing was not precisely coached on any deviations from the original. The receiver of the drawing was allowed to "interpret' that which they received, resulting in deviations.

Hence, we can surmise that myths or traditional stories were more acurately passed down and received to again be passed down to layer generations.

Interesting, LearningToLetGo!
Before the advent of the written word, information was passed down through the generations through word of mouth, or "myths".
You are correct. We have the written word and can confirm that it has been copied with high fidelity (i.e. great attention to detail, e.g. accuracy) through the ages.

Before the written word we only had spoken word. Since there is no way to confirm the accuracy over time of the spoken word, we are left with no verifiable proof of its accuracy. This is where faith comes in. We have faith that the oral traditions remained as true to their source as the written do now.
Oral tradition can be made more reliable when you have several people hearing the same story more than once vs one person, hearing something one time and telling another person. You have a better way to verify if other people can confirm.
That's all the apostles had to rely on at first.