Filoli House Garden 5

It is fascinating to get a glimpse of how the wealthy lived in the 19th Century. It is much harder though to picture how the average person or the poor might have lived except through books and a few pictures that have survived.
There are a few historic houses left in my city that are preserved by historic places trust.
The thing with those big houses though, the wealthy lived in them cos they owned them, but sometimes the 'poor' actually lived there too - they were the servants who had to clean it all!

They either would have the attic rooms or the downstairs quarters, or maybe a cottage on the grounds if they were the gardener. The servants quarters were often just little more than a tiny room with a bed and a nightstand, up an endless flight of stairs and no view.

Its like going on a luxury super yacht and seeing how the owners live - they have huge master bedrooms, ensuites, gym, dining room, private pool, sofas etc. And then you go downstairs and their crew live in the cramped tiny cabins with a tiny porthole with a bunkbed and maybe if you are lucky, a chair.
I hear a lot of millionaires or billionaires live in NZ ( or did do) with underground bunkers and safe hideouts. It makes sense as it’s untouched and pristine and now they’ve scarpered to yacht life or outer space I suppose they have left their homes to charity.