Yurii it always most wonderful hearing upon a new testimony as yours. You say ( it feels like just yesterday I was stumbling in the dark searching for something real. ) it does seem within our darkest moments of despair for many of us that those thoughts do ring so true. And it be in those moments that the love and light of God does shine through in the darkest of foggy night enshrouding our minds being directed to his wonderful light. Thank you for sharing. I do think upon this passage . As to the war and the churches and the administrative changes that have taken place I’m sure that would be some complex. I some curious about that in how orthodoxy works in that regard. It was from the fall of Constantinople that the Holy mantle of the Orthodox Church was bestowed upon Russia though I not sure what happened when the Bolshevik commie piglets took over all those many decades ago wether the mantle moved elsewhere or remained within the reign of terror the Bolsheviks did bestow upon the monarchy and imperial mother Russia. But hopefully normality shall return at the wars end that you be enduring and diplomatic relations will be restored with church and state being seperate once more.
View attachment 12547. As to your question on the Septuagint and the Masoretic text both have strong points and inconsistencies. But when it comes to messianic prophecy with the New Testament quotations referring back to Christ in the Old Testament it seems that the Septuagint does line up much closer with New Testament quotations It seems that the Septuagint once had a more reliable access to a more reliable original Masoretic text then the one that we have today at least in regards to messianic fulfilment. Yurii wishing you and family a safe journey in your part of the world today. God bless Prim

If anyone interested, here is a link to the Second Rabbinic Bible.
This is the second edition of Daniel Bomberg's Mikra'ot Gdolot (prepared by Yaakov ben Hayyim.) It was published between 1524 and 1525 and allegedly became the...
Below is a pic containing part of the text of Genesis 1. The two red arrows point to the Old Testament text. The other printed texts around the Old Testament text are (1) information provide by the masoretes concerning the Hebrew text and (2) commentary concerning the Old Testament passage by important Jewish scholars.
Good evening, brothers and sisters,
My heart overflows with joy reading your messages. I feel myself drawing closer to Christ every day, and I'm also growing in understanding, thanks in no small part to you all.
You know, I used to think being a Christian meant simply enduring hardships and turning the other cheek. I imagined a life of passive acceptance, of quiet suffering.
But now, oh, how my perspective has shifted! I see that true Christianity is not just about mercy, kindness, love for God and others, and self-sacrifice. It's also about inner strength, courage, and unwavering conviction. Jesus himself never wavered in his faith, never yielded to sin, always stood for truth, and never feared ridicule. He possessed such incredible inner strength that, knowing what awaited him, he still pursued his mission. Yes, he was God, and his path was easier than ours, but in his human form, he suffered as we do, and he never gave up.
And turning the other cheek? That's not weakness. It's easy to respond to aggression with aggression, but to overcome anger and the desire to retaliate, or fear and the urge to flee, and instead, to calmly accept the situation—that's true strength.
But understanding this is only the beginning. We must live it, using the Book of Life, where everything is written for us: how to live, why to live, and what awaits us.
I'm grateful I didn't miss God's last chance. My soul yearns to share this precious knowledge with others, to ignite the same spark in their hearts. It would be utterly selfish to confine this gift to my own family. No, this truth is meant to be shared, to illuminate the lives of those who are still searching, still longing for a connection with the divine. I hope that I can use this newfound wisdom in my interactions with others.
With love in Christ,