Five Fingers of the Gospel
Five Fingers of the Gospel
by Jason Goldtrap 09.07.06
1. Index Finger: The first relationship between God and Man was through Adam. Unfortunately, sin separated him and his offspring from God.
2. Index and Middle Finger side by side: From the time of Adam's son Seth to Noah to Abraham to Moses, God walked beside various men to lead his people.
3. l-a-W: God then gave us the Law through Moses as a guide for life. It was a shadow of the blessings to come.
4. 4 fingers: God came to Earth through his son Jesus the Christ to fulfill the Law and die 4 your sins.
5. Complete: After Christ arose from the dead, he ascended to sit at the right hand of God. He reigns today in his church by his Holy Word, the Bible. The Gospel is complete and you can obey it today.
Five Fingers of the Gospel
by Jason Goldtrap 09.07.06

1. Index Finger: The first relationship between God and Man was through Adam. Unfortunately, sin separated him and his offspring from God.

2. Index and Middle Finger side by side: From the time of Adam's son Seth to Noah to Abraham to Moses, God walked beside various men to lead his people.

3. l-a-W: God then gave us the Law through Moses as a guide for life. It was a shadow of the blessings to come.

4. 4 fingers: God came to Earth through his son Jesus the Christ to fulfill the Law and die 4 your sins.

5. Complete: After Christ arose from the dead, he ascended to sit at the right hand of God. He reigns today in his church by his Holy Word, the Bible. The Gospel is complete and you can obey it today.