followers of Christ

As followers of Christ, we too are called to make journeys we may not want too. The fact of the matter is, we live in a world that hates to hear about Christ. We live in times where being right and doing the right thing is not all that popular. We live in places that frown upon public displays of prayer, and don’t even get me started on carrying a bible.

The reality is, Christianity is hated by those who are of the world. Yes, I said hated. The reason Christianity is hated is because it teaches the opposite of what the world teaches. Thus, we who follow Christ, are hated.
Hello forgiven;

Good topic. I agree with you, brother. We as followers of Christ make journeys that can be the most undesirable.

John 15:18-19, 18 “If the world hates you, know that it has hated me before it hated you. 19 If you were of the world, the world would love you as its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you.

The world hates Christ because it threatens their love of sin - lust of the flesh, self-indulgence and gratification without a thought of selflessness.

Even Christians need to be patiently loved and reminded of this teaching, for example, short or long term missions. It's not a vacation of sight-seeing, shopping and sleeping in an air conditioned room and riding in a car. Instead, a mission is adapting to the people in this world that we are evangelizing for Christ. Sleeping on the same ground, eating the same food, walking the same distance and getting our hands dirty.

Why? Because they hate the conditions of the world, the same conditions who hate Christ. The same Christ who witnessed to the world who hated Him.
mm I think it's better to pray in private than make a big show of it. Jesus said so.
Bibles always available in my library, though ideally everyone ought to have their own copy. If not the point is to read often and commit scripture to memory, because you may not always have a copy with you.

In some countries, you wear really can wear your faith on your sleeve. But most of the time, you need to keep it in your heart. The sweet fragrance of the gospel though, is something nobody can deny.
You have a quiet demeanor like a soft regular heart beat lub dub,lub dub, I admire that.

I have acquaintances who live in India and bc the national religion is Hinduism then BELIEVERS are spitefully persecuted and ppl are encouraged to harass them.

The U.S. is petted and ppl have become comfortable here which is why we have so many cults,false preachers,teachers and leaders that abound.

Faith grows stronger under persecution!
It is coming to all ,then will be the great falling away from God .
Apostasy is about life or death to the soul.

May the Father,the Son and the Holy Spirit build us up in prayer, in his word,in faith,and in his love!
The U.S. is petted and ppl have become comfortable here which is why we have so many cults,false preachers,teachers and leaders that abound.
since you mentioned it. the church body of Christ has gotten complacent . where is the Holy Ghost conviction at? we no longer have revival's we have a series of meetings . when covid first hit we was advised to not gather in groups. many have quit church and will not return.. if not careful we have traded education fir anointing . i might have a heart attack but i would love to se a move in the spirit in the church i pastor. one that we cant sing i cant preach. our eyes full of tears we just sit in aww basking on the presence of the spirit.

i really feel in my spirit that every thing we are seeing is leading up to the end times.. as in the days of Noah. this Sunday morning the Good Lord gave me a message come to the well based on Ezekiel 37 valley of dry Bones...we need the divine breath of God to blow life into us.. we need a drink of the living water found in john 4. Christ told the woman at the well give me a drink . by the time he explained about the water he could give her. she said Give me this water. living water we will never thirst again .

yes im wired a little bit different than most . but i know who i am wired to
mm I think it's better to pray in private than make a big show of it. Jesus said so.
Bibles always available in my library, though ideally everyone ought to have their own copy. If not the point is to read often and commit scripture to memory, because you may not always have a copy with you.

In some countries, you wear really can wear your faith on your sleeve. But most of the time, you need to keep it in your heart. The sweet fragrance of the gospel though, is something nobody can deny.
you ever see the movie war room? you should be able get it on dvd here is the trailer to it
since you mentioned it. the church body of Christ has gotten complacent . where is the Holy Ghost conviction at? we no longer have revival's we have a series of meetings . when covid first hit we was advised to not gather in groups. many have quit church and will not return.. if not careful we have traded education fir anointing . i might have a heart attack but i would love to se a move in the spirit in the church i pastor. one that we cant sing i cant preach. our eyes full of tears we just sit in aww basking on the presence of the spirit.

i really feel in my spirit that every thing we are seeing is leading up to the end times.. as in the days of Noah. this Sunday morning the Good Lord gave me a message come to the well based on Ezekiel 37 valley of dry Bones...we need the divine breath of God to blow life into us.. we need a drink of the living water found in john 4. Christ told the woman at the well give me a drink . by the time he explained about the water he could give her. she said Give me this water. living water we will never thirst again .

yes im wired a little bit different than most . but i know who i am wired to

So you are a pastor. My prayers are with you.
We see so many having a form of godliness that deny the power.

I appreciate your responses in the thread, I lost it in, on the GIFTS. I SERVE a full God,one who has NOT dimished in his word,power or love.

We the BELIEVERS need to get back into his word heartily and seek and search until there can be zero assurances of where we stand in him.

Complacency and omission are are two greatest faults at this time. We have become so involved in what's going on around us instead of having our thirst quenched,we have pulled back in prayer and studying his word.

It will be sad for many to hear Jesus say" I have somewhat against you,you have left your first love.
The enemy knows how futile his efforts are....HE IS NOT GOD,just a created angel created by God .

He wanted to rise higher than God and take over,how STUPID!
So since he is powerless to accomplish this venture,he has counterfeitered everything of God among,lukewarm,itching ears ppl who display in ignorance his imitations.

I have observed fake believers,preachers,teachers,singers who pretend they are or feel from God,when in fact he never knew them

Being a part of the order God set among his believers,I'm glad I received nothing but the anointing to teach. It is a fearful responsibility for others to look to yourself for answers,touches,confirmations,healings ect.

I would NEVER deny anything in God's word.
Somethings he accepted such as incest blocks my minds so I just have to leave it with him
I know on day all will be revealed.
One of the reasons why Quaker meetings are refreshing change from traditional/mainstream churches. Don't have all that drama. Just listening to God.
Yes there is a place for preaching, singing etc. But I think some take advantage of it and turn it into something else.