For Christ’s Sake (2Co 12:10)

As a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ, I’ve found the worth of it all is in coming to the knowledge and understanding (got to have both) of God’s holiness, which to me has some to do with revealing His love for us. Though He knows most will not choose to desire it, His love and justification in all things is revealed in the fact that He must yet present what life is to all, which will stand as a witness against the unbelieving.

It’s my belief that seeing God’s holiness is learned first through the contrasting knowledge of good and evil. All inherently possess the general knowledge of what is right and wrong, as Adam understood from God’s command not to partake of the forbidden “tree” (Gen 2:16, 17). But the knowledge of right and wrong requires a more complete understanding, which is by way of contrasting good and evil; and good and evil is understood by contrasting God’s holiness with what is unholy, and this is where the understanding is learned.

If the two progenitors of mankind only knew right from wrong without the contrast of good and evil there would never be the most blessed knowledge of God’s holiness, as in knowing that evil is wrong and holiness is good. Therefore to me, it’s worth the entire universe, to be brought into this life with the opportunity to choose to know and love God by enduring the difficulty in possessing a sin nature—in order that I can know His love via His holiness.

The issue isn’t the presence of “the tree of knowledge of good and evil,” but the reason for its presence, which is to be willing to accept, that for me to know God’s holiness I must endure the sin nature, which nature of course God knew would be part of man’s essence; and my love to Him is not in wondering why the sin nature but understanding the worth of knowing Him and His holiness and love for me—because of the sin nature. Therefore, enduring “the old man” (sin nature) in accordance with the Word of God is my means of manifesting love to Him, which provides me with constant encouragement about Him!
Hello netchaplain;

For Christ's Sake
is an excellent thread. The reason for “the tree of knowledge of good and evil” is our willingness to accept God's Holiness. But the presence of the forbidden tree was enticing for Adam and Eve, and thus all of us who fall into temptation.

With that said, I would also like to share my thoughts. The problem we have is in the flesh, we just don't want to desire God's Holiness, while remaining followers of Christ.
We do but we don't.

By enduring our sinful nature and everytime we repent, is God's way of helping us learn more and more of His Holiness.

God bless
you, Bob, your family and Happy New Year.
But the presence of the forbidden tree was enticing for Adam and Eve, and thus all of us who fall into temptation.
It's my understanding that Adam and Eve were supposed to partake, because of the fact that He knew they would partake even though commanding them to avoid it. It's just part of the way He was teaching us.

God's blessings to your Family!
It's my understanding that Adam and Eve were supposed to partake, because of the fact that He knew they would partake even though commanding them to avoid it. It's just part of the way He was teaching us.

God's blessings to your Family!

Hello netchaplain;

Eve actually was tempted first and ate of the fruit, thus sinned, then when Adam arrived, Eve gave him the fruit. It could be at this point that you mentioned partake which in this case Adam joined in with Eve.

Though God commanded Adam and Eve to avoid the tree, He wanted them to obey but gave them free will to choose.

Therefore, partake between Adam and Eve, to join in, didn't take place until after Eve chose disobedience first.
Eve actually was tempted first and ate of the fruit, thus sinned, then when Adam arrived, Eve gave him the fruit.
I see your reasoning, but regardless of our conjecture there is not much written concerning the reasons related. We can understand it's just a matter of knowing that God chose this way to reveal Himself, considering He knew that's what would transpire, thus using it and all things in this life to bring us to Himself.

"The Jews infer from hence, that Adam was with her all the while (Gen 3:6), and heard the discourse between the serpent and her, yet did not interpose nor dissuade his wife from eating the fruit, and being prevailed upon by the arguments used; or however through a strong affection for his wife, that she might not die alone, he did as she had done."

There can only be conjectures concerning much of what and why they sinned because not much is said about it, but in my opinion most of the blame would be to the man, him being told directly by God and being the first created man--giving him a head-like position and responsibility. But the degree of sin is not the point, which is that both were in "transgression" (Rom 5:14; 1Ti 2:14); and the greatest point of it all of course is understanding that God chose this way of teaching mankind.
I see your reasoning, but regardless of our conjecture there is not much written concerning the reasons related. We can understand it's just a matter of knowing that God chose this way to reveal Himself, considering He knew that's what would transpire, thus using it and all things in this life to bring us to Himself.

"The Jews infer from hence, that Adam was with her all the while (Gen 3:6), and heard the discourse between the serpent and her, yet did not interpose nor dissuade his wife from eating the fruit, and being prevailed upon by the arguments used; or however through a strong affection for his wife, that she might not die alone, he did as she had done."

There can only be conjectures concerning much of what and why they sinned because not much is said about it, but in my opinion most of the blame would be to the man, him being told directly by God and being the first created man--giving him a head-like position and responsibility. But the degree of sin is not the point, which is that both were in "transgression" (Rom 5:14; 1Ti 2:14); and the greatest point of it all of course is understanding that God chose this way of teaching mankind.

Hello netchaplain,

In Genesis 2:17, 17 but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die.” - ESV

I'm not using reason or conjecture, but context of this Scripture. God gave Adam a command and warning of the consequences if he disobeyed.

The partake, to join in, didn't take place until Eve gave some of the fruit to Adam in Genesis 3:6b, she took of its fruit and ate, and she also gave some to her husband who was with her, and he ate. - ESV

I agree with you that God knows all that would transpire but He always gives us the choice, to obey or disobey. In this case Adam and Eve disobeyed and had to accept the consequences of their sin.

God bless you, brother, and Happy New Year.
I agree with you that God knows all that would transpire but He always gives us the choice, to obey or disobey. In this case Adam and Eve disobeyed and had to accept the consequences of their sin.
I agree, it's about our choice so we alone are accountable for self, and we know God is not prejudice (respecter of person). God merely knows our choices from eternity past.
I agree, it's about our choice so we alone are accountable for self, and we know God is not prejudice (respecter of person). God merely knows our choices from eternity past.
Same here Brother. Communicating with one another, esp. in Church by encouraging ("exhort" - Heb 10:25) one another in the Word is the goal concerning spiritual growth as God uses us.