Forum based bible study group. Book: Job, Chapter 1

This thread would be a forum based bible study group. I have no idea if this will work, but let's try.

The idea is to participate like in a regular bible study group, but this one is completely "forum-based". We read every week one chapter in a book in the Bible. We discuss it basically like in a regular physical meeting, but using forum threads.

Starting from today, until next Monday, we read and discuss the book Job, chapter 1.


(By the way: I might not be able to be present every day in this forum.)
Job 1:6-12 is an interesting glimpse into the workings of heaven. My thoughts, obviously no one witnessed this exchange between God, the sons of God (angels) and Satan, yet it is recorded here in God's word. God then probably told Job later about this heavenly exchange, but we can't know with certainty who God revealed this discussion to.

God allowed Satan to test Job and it was God that established boundaries to how far Satan could go in that testing.
I also was amazed again at this chapter. Indeed an interesting glimpse into heaven. I think it is the first description of this kind in the Bible about Satan. In no other book before Job there is such a description about the "Sons of God" who "assemble before God".
I personally read in the "Elberfelder Bible" (a German Bible). It is not derived from the Luther translation but an independent approach. The translatators had the aim to be as close as possible to the raw greek texts while trying to be as readable as necessary. But the being-close to the raw texts was the priority. Therefore this translation is almost like an interlinear-translation, greek-german, hard to read but very close to the greek.

Also, what I realized the first time: while Satan had "his plans", and these were always to destroy and bring evil to humans, God used Satan for His plans.
As Jesus said: Satan is a murderer from the beginning.

If I am not mistaken this is the only clear account on this fact, that God uses Satan for His purposes and that God is in control?

When you read through the great beginning trials that Job went through, my first thought is how many today would cast God aside with much less. Yet Job humbled himself when his sons and daughters were lost to him, his wealth diminished greatly by the loss of servants and animals.

Job trusted God, he says that he came into the world with nothing, God gave him much and God took away that which he gave. It was God's to give or take. Then he blessed God his Lord.
I agree. That is unbelievable. What a fantastic relationship he already had with God so that he could say that! Indeed, many would say: "Sorry, God, not with me. That is too much."
May be, but that is only a speculation: may be God knew that He can lead Job to a deeper relationship with him and that is why He did that with Job.
While the book tells us much about Job, it has so many applications for us today. This look into the life of Job is something God knew would benefit many Christians for many years as we learn to trust God and act in love.
Btw, it is also interesting that in Job 1:17 there is a mention of the "Chaldeans" who did the attack. This might specify the time when Job lived a little more.
Btw, it is also interesting that in Job 1:17 there is a mention of the "Chaldeans" who did the attack. This might specify the time when Job lived a little more.

I doubt that it refers to the time of the Chaldean empire. More properly the word refers to Kasdites or descendants of Kesed. This group of people could stretch back to the times of Nimrod or even before.
I doubt that it refers to the time of the Chaldean empire. More properly the word refers to Kasdites or descendants of Kesed. This group of people could stretch back to the times of Nimrod or even before.
OK, I see. Cool. Before I never noticed this word "Chaldeans".

So, we are finished with this chapter and we start with Job 2. I will create a new thread.

Some interesting facts are revealed in this first chapter. First, and surprisingly, satan has direct access to heaven and God's presence. Thatā€™s quite startling. Second, Job could not have lived later than Abraham since he, like Abraham, personally acted as his own family's priest offering sacrifices on behalf of his offspring. Third, the person for which God expresses great pleasure is a Gentile because Abraham had not yet established the Jewish ethnic identity.