Gen. 1:1

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
1. This is the beginning of everything concerning the heavens and earth, but not concerning God as He had no beginning.
This is a definite, complete, and final statement of Scripture.
2. God is the creator of everything and all things are created for His glory.
3. God created alone, within the Godhead of the Trinity. Gen. 1:2, John 1:1
4. God was the only one present who could create, even though angels were also present. Job 38:7
5. God is executing His plan for the universe.
6. God is creating a habitable earth for His later creation, mankind.
7. Later Scripture states that God founded the earth and created the heavens. Ps. 102:25
8. God created the heavens and earth on the first day of creation.
9. Belief in God’s creation is fundamental for a proper understanding of the Bible.
10. It is assumed in this verse that the reader believes in God, and no proof is given for this assumption, nor is it needed.
11. God creates from nothing while man only produces from God’s creation. Man cannot create.
Hello Bible Verse Notes;

May we address you as BVN?

My wife and I hold firm that if we believe Genesis 1:1 we will believe the rest of the whole Book of God's Word.

As we re-read the Bible there will always be something new God reveals in His verses.

God bless you and thank you for presenting this study. We'll participate as we go along.
Hello Bible Verse Notes;

May we address you as BVN?

My wife and hold firm that if we believe Genesis 1:1 we will believe the rest of the whole Book of God's Word.

As we re-read the Bible there will always be something new God reveals in His verses.

God bless you and thank you for presenting this study. We'll participate as we go along.
BVN is fine.
Thank you.
Got to love Genesis.
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
1. This is the beginning of everything concerning the heavens and earth, but not concerning God as He had no beginning.
This is a definite, complete, and final statement of Scripture.
2. God is the creator of everything and all things are created for His glory.
3. God created alone, within the Godhead of the Trinity. Gen. 1:2, John 1:1
4. God was the only one present who could create, even though angels were also present. Job 38:7
5. God is executing His plan for the universe.
6. God is creating a habitable earth for His later creation, mankind.
7. Later Scripture states that God founded the earth and created the heavens. Ps. 102:25
8. God created the heavens and earth on the first day of creation.
9. Belief in God’s creation is fundamental for a proper understanding of the Bible.
10. It is assumed in this verse that the reader believes in God, and no proof is given for this assumption, nor is it needed.
11. God creates from nothing while man only produces from God’s creation. Man cannot create.

Hello, BVN;

There are many avid, seasoned readers who began studying the Bible using various reading techniques and arriving at a disciplined understanding of the Bible.

I was never an avid reader so when I began reading the Bible I developed a slow, literal approach in order to grasp my study. Where most readers would finish chapter 50 of Genesis I was still reading from chapter 15, God's Call of Abram.

Genesis 1:1, 1 In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.

I agree. God had no beginning and was timeless. I still wonder, what did He do prior? Was He lonely? I don't know but I grew to believe Genesis 1:1 was a Creation by God that one can never fathom, and believe one day He may or may not reveal answers to these questions.

Genesis 1:1 is a big deal. From one simple sentence, can't He do anything that is impossible to us? I shudder when I read in Job 38:4, 4 “Where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth? Tell me, if you have understanding.

God created a world so vast and awesome but not only that, there was purpose for His Creation, which includes each of us. What is more amazing is when we / I read Genesis 1:1 and all verses over again, there is always something new to discover.

God bless
you, BVN.
My wife and I hold firm that if we believe Genesis 1:1 we will believe the rest of the whole Book of God's Word.
We need to be a bit careful here. Just 2 thoughts:
Most cults also believe Gen 1:1 but they still get the Gospel wrong.

The same with the Israelites:
" Since we have such a hope, we are very bold, 13 not like Moses, who would put a veil over his face so that the Israelites might not gaze at the outcome of what was being brought to an end. 14 But their minds were hardened.
For to this day, when they read the old covenant, that same veil remains unlifted, because only through Christ is it taken away. 15 Yes, to this day whenever Moses is read a veil lies over their hearts. 16 But when one turns to the Lord, the veil is removed." (2 Cor. 3v12-15 ESV)

A true conversion is a supernatural work of God through the Holy Spirit.
We need to be a bit careful here. Just 2 thoughts: Most cults also believe Gen 1:1 but they still get the Gospel wrong. A true conversion is a supernatural work of God through the Holy Spirit.

Good morning, Sola gratia;

You are correct and give caution to the objective as well as the positive application.

God bless you, Sola gratia.
Good morning, Sola gratia;

You are correct and give caution to the objective as well as the positive application.

God bless you, Sola gratia.
Yes but the basis of all other Biblical teaching depends upon how we interpret Gen. 1:1.
Creation begins with God and colors everything else in Scripture.
Get this wrong and many other doctrines fail.
Yes but the basis of all other Biblical teaching depends upon how we interpret Gen. 1:1.
Creation begins with God and colors everything else in Scripture.
Get this wrong and many other doctrines fail.

Hello BVN;

Amen. It's like believing only "a portion" of a Scriptural verse.

Please elaborate how getting this wrong results in doctrinal failure.

God bless you and thank you.
Hello BVN;

Amen. It's like believing only "a portion" of a Scriptural verse.

Please elaborate how getting this wrong results in doctrinal failure.

God bless you and thank you.
1. The superiority of Christ can be understood from John 1:1, that He was in the beginning at creation. If Gen. 1:1 is questioned, the authority of Christ is compromised.
2. All evolutionary belief is challenged as it should be, if we believe that God created everything. Otherwise we affirm some form of evolution.
3. If we doubt the truth of Gen. 1:1 we challenge every truth in Scripture because all Scripture is equally inspired by God.
4. Is. 40:22 states, “It is He who sits above the circle of the earth, And its inhabitants are like grasshoppers, Who stretches them out like a tent to dwell in.”
The sovereignty of God is established in Gen.1:1 and restated in Is. 40:22. If we challenge Gen.1:1 we insult the doctrine of sovereignty and teach false doctrine.
5. In Prov. 8 wisdom is seen speaking from its perspective. Verse 12 states the prudence of wisdom. Wisdom claims to have been there at the beginning, verses 22-31. If we believe in God as the all knowing God that He is, we must accept this as truth. If we do not, we question God’s power from the beginning.
The wisdom of all knowledge resides in the fact of God’s omniscience, His infinite knowledge.
A clear belief in creation is essential for sound doctrine.
GEN 1.1
Is and have been a solid base in my mind. At a young age looking at the stars and knowing all was not here and there was.
It was then and for along time, I began to imagine as much as my human brain could, the immense, greatness that was GOD.
I would theorize often the paradox's that exist without God, But are easily eliminated with him.
I can imagine a creation, because I can know time because it was created. God creating time, allows me to acknowledge the creation.
But understanding time can not exist without it being created. Therefore I know God exist.
The heavens and the earth are just places. Things that now exist that did not.
The power is unimaginable, that from the nothing everything was created. Because God is above all including the nothing that does not exist.
Then to comprehend our lives, and life itself. Was pretty much a walk in the park for God. As God had already created things, from nothing.
So creating us in the something, from the nothing. I mean for a young boy that was wow.
I would relive this in my head even now. I know the power that is him. That is so great, that words Powerful and Great are meaningless dribble.
Compared to the reality of unknown words that can only explain it. Must also be in nothing and above us all to know.
I can imagine the most powerful force that could exist in the heavens and I am not even scratching the surface.
Because the most powerful force I have ever known was our Savior Jesus Christ, and the Hold Spirit.
Imagine God, outside in the nothing, able to communicate with Jesus in this something.
Jesus the son of God, rises and is now able to communicate to us from nothing as well.
If one doubts the power of the Lord thy God. Let me clarify by stating the words that can explain that level of power.
Can not exist here, for that power did not come from here. And unimaginable level, of Grace and Love on a scale that
may also be so wonderful, its words also are created from nothing.
This is a perspective I keep with me, I share with anyone that wants to hear it. God is powerful and amazing.
And those words do not even come close. Because I am a sinner and for now. I do not get to know that.
But I pray someday, I will be lifted up. :)