Gen. 1:2

The earth was formless and void, and darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was moving over the surface of the waters.

1. The earth was created formless by God.
2. God created the earth empty (void).
3. The earth was covered in water which was covered in darkness.
4. Think of the earth as a shapeless piece of clay on the potter’s wheel, ready to be formed.
5. The Holy Spirit was moving over the dark water.
6. The shapelessness of the created earth was God’s plan, set to begin forming the shape.
7. The formlessness of earth in no way teaches the recreated earth of the gap theory.
8. The Spirit of God hovering over the waters implies the readiness to form and create.
9. The earth was not yet habitable for mankind.
10. God is here present and performing alone.
11. God is preparing to form and fill the earth.
12. There is no process of evolution at all here. Just the total creation power of God.
12. There is no process of evolution at all here. Just the total creation power of God.

Good morning, BVN;

Constructively, it's sad when the reader just reads through it without much reflection of how amazing our God is.

Even while the earth empty, dark, shapelessness, all is beautiful in the eyes and hands of God's creation.

When a young mother can see her baby form from the womb from an ultrasound or sonogram, regardless of the process it's all beautiful.

Yet as God is creating in verse 2 there is a profound purpose for each and ultimately our lives.

God bless you, BVN, I appreciate how you outlined verse 2.