Gen. 1:5

God called the light day, and the darkness He called night. And there was evening and there was morning, one day.

1. God names the light and darkness.
2. God gives separate names for two things which cannot exist together.
3. God's perfect order is seen in this verse as He actually identifies His creation.
4. God would, on day four, create sun, moon, and stars. The light present here is not from any of these creations.
5. Evening marks the end of daylight and morning marks the end of darkness. Together these make one twenty four hour literal day.
6. With the marks of evening and morning the first day is established as God's perfect will has planned.
Good morning, BVN;

This gets better and better. Thank you for posting early Genesis.

I have to scoot for a lunch meeting with the new young director at my former seminary. As I get older they're all still young. lol!

I'll be back later today and would love to post to Gen. 1:5.

God bless
you, Pastor.
God called the light day, and the darkness He called night. And there was evening and there was morning, one day.

1. God names the light and darkness.
2. God gives separate names for two things which cannot exist together.
3. God's perfect order is seen in this verse as He actually identifies His creation.
4. God would, on day four, create sun, moon, and stars. The light present here is not from any of these creations.
5. Evening marks the end of daylight and morning marks the end of darkness. Together these make one twenty four hour literal day.
6. With the marks of evening and morning the first day is established as God's perfect will has planned.

There is so much proof to Gods existence. It all about looking at the evidence.
The Light and Dark, come from nothing. Meaning God created the nothing that it came from.
If we look at mans definition of the Big Bang. The Big Bang in itself can not create itself. So it also came from nothing.
Dark and Light can not create themselves, yet also come from nothing. All matter that exist, that we touch, see, smell all came from nothing.
Imagine the universe as a big snow globe. And then it makes allot of sense. The snow globe can not create its self. Everything in the snow globe is made from what is in the globe. As it was placed there from nothing.
The big question I still pounder in Quantum theory's and probably will until the day I die. Is, what is outside of nothing.

I love Dogs, my Three year old Malapoo Patches. Is and amazing Dogs, so smart. I have had allot of Dogs and he is so intuitive.
He knows, funny, play, happy, sad, depressed, fear, mad, upset, confused, tired, lonely, loved and many more.
They say Dogs are very similar to humans in that one thing important is missing. Dogs are not self aware. They share all of this.
But they do not realize they exist. Or that they are alive. I have to imagine that is how God " IS " . There is something my human brain can not comprehend. Because its outside of how I am made. But if I am made in Gods image, I have to imagine this Body, and brain are what limit this.
And when I leave and I am lifted up. Then I will understand more about this. For I am created from nothing. And until I am no longer existing from nothing then I will never fully grip it.

I love this topic. Sorry, its one I will discuss for hours with anyone that wants to listen that God exist. And there is no way to convince me other wise. Its all make sense to me as mentioned above so for now thats what I know. People ask why I think God exist.
I don't think God exists. I know he does. So much so that when I say HE, I know that what my human brain can decipher as those who wrote the books. Imagine being something so great we call him God and he is so much more then just a superior name use.
OK, slowing brain down ....... brakes. LOL

Thank You for Listening, umm I mean reading.

Good morning, BVN;

This gets better and better. Thank you for posting early Genesis.

I have to scoot for a lunch meeting with the new young director at my former seminary. As I get older they're all still young. lol!

I'll be back later today and would love to post to Gen. 1:5.

God bless
you, Pastor.
Praise the Lord for His allowing us to know the details of our past. We have a wonderful Creator.
There is so much proof to Gods existence. It all about looking at the evidence.
The Light and Dark, come from nothing. Meaning God created the nothing that it came from.
If we look at mans definition of the Big Bang. The Big Bang in itself can not create itself. So it also came from nothing.
Dark and Light can not create themselves, yet also come from nothing. All matter that exist, that we touch, see, smell all came from nothing.
Imagine the universe as a big snow globe. And then it makes allot of sense. The snow globe can not create its self. Everything in the snow globe is made from what is in the globe. As it was placed there from nothing.
The big question I still pounder in Quantum theory's and probably will until the day I die. Is, what is outside of nothing.

I love Dogs, my Three year old Malapoo Patches. Is and amazing Dogs, so smart. I have had allot of Dogs and he is so intuitive.
He knows, funny, play, happy, sad, depressed, fear, mad, upset, confused, tired, lonely, loved and many more.
They say Dogs are very similar to humans in that one thing important is missing. Dogs are not self aware. They share all of this.
But they do not realize they exist. Or that they are alive. I have to imagine that is how God " IS " . There is something my human brain can not comprehend. Because its outside of how I am made. But if I am made in Gods image, I have to imagine this Body, and brain are what limit this.
And when I leave and I am lifted up. Then I will understand more about this. For I am created from nothing. And until I am no longer existing from nothing then I will never fully grip it.

I love this topic. Sorry, its one I will discuss for hours with anyone that wants to listen that God exist. And there is no way to convince me other wise. Its all make sense to me as mentioned above so for now thats what I know. People ask why I think God exist.
I don't think God exists. I know he does. So much so that when I say HE, I know that what my human brain can decipher as those who wrote the books. Imagine being something so great we call him God and he is so much more then just a superior name use.
OK, slowing brain down ....... brakes. LOL

Thank You for Listening, umm I mean reading.

You are right, we do have proof but we who believe do not need proof because we trust what God said.