Girlfriend Diagnosed With Covid

So, my girlfriend was diagnosed with Covid this morning. She was exposed at work by a co-worker. I also now have direct exposure through her. I don't have any symptoms, at least I don't think that I do as many of the symptoms of Covid, at least the Omicron variant as some of the same things I deal with on a regular basis.

I think my tell-tale sign will be a nasty-sounding persistent cough. I cough now, but it's infrequent and due to my asthma.
So, my girlfriend was diagnosed with Covid this morning. She was exposed at work by a co-worker. I also now have direct exposure through her. I don't have any symptoms, at least I don't think that I do as many of the symptoms of Covid, at least the Omicron variant as some of the same things I deal with on a regular basis.

I think my tell-tale sign will be a nasty-sounding persistent cough. I cough now, but it's infrequent and due to my asthma.

Blessing and prayers.

We have about 25 from church now at home with Covid and about 15 family. It is rampant now in central Fl.
Blessing and prayers.

We have about 25 from church now at home with Covid and about 15 family. It is rampant now in central Fl.

That it is. I'm in Polk and our positivity rate is something like 31%+ as of two days ago.

Thank you for the prayers!
Last year early spring the wife and I had it. Our grown kids got it first due to work interactions so it was almost a given that we would catch it.
The kids walked straight through it with no problems, where I preferred to wait it out in my easy chair - for about 2 weeks. Since then we have had all our shots so we could travel, and all is well.
Said all that to say that I don't personally know anyone that has died on account of covid.
Does anyone have experience with friends (that didn't have any preexisting health issues) die from the virus?
Last year early spring the wife and I had it. Our grown kids got it first due to work interactions so it was almost a given that we would catch it.
The kids walked straight through it with no problems, where I preferred to wait it out in my easy chair - for about 2 weeks. Since then we have had all our shots so we could travel, and all is well.
Said all that to say that I don't personally know anyone that has died on account of covid.
Does anyone have experience with friends (that didn't have any preexisting health issues) die from the virus?

No and that is a great point. Everyone we know that has been effected and is at home was vaccinated.

We know of several who did not take it and they wound up in hospital and were really, really sick but survived.
Quick update.

We both feel like a Mack truck hit us. We feel better and then the next day feels worse again. Today feels like we took one step forward and three steps back.

Praying that they don't do to her what they did to her coworker and force her to go into work after the "five" days when she feels the way that she does.
I know of many who have had COVID and some who have ended in ICU. I know of only one who died, and he had pre-existing conditions. HIs death came within 5 days of getting COVIS (pre-Delta). As for this variant, we know more people who have had this version of Covid that the collective of both the first and Delta variant. Since the wife and I both work for the school system, we are just seeing who gets it first.

For the week that ended Jan 13th, the numbers were as listed below: For Miami-Dade, we had over 93,000 positives, which is a little over 13,000 a day and a positivity rate of 25.3%. Obviously, with a vaccination rate of 94%. many of the positives are of vaccinated people (@ 30%):

Jan 7 - Jan 1315,577
I know of many who have had COVID and some who have ended in ICU. I know of only one who died, and he had pre-existing conditions. HIs death came within 5 days of getting COVIS (pre-Delta). As for this variant, we know more people who have had this version of Covid that the collective of both the first and Delta variant. Since the wife and I both work for the school system, we are just seeing who gets it first.

For the week that ended Jan 13th, the numbers were as listed below: For Miami-Dade, we had over 93,000 positives, which is a little over 13,000 a day and a positivity rate of 25.3%. Obviously, with a vaccination rate of 94%. many of the positives are of vaccinated people (@ 30%):

Jan 7 - Jan 1315,577

My doctor thinks that I have the Delta variant as my symptoms are more the Delta symptoms than Omicron.
I opted to go and get tested this morning and it is a good thing that I did. I am Covid positive and have borderline Covid pnuemonia.

Hello brother naomanos;

As you go into quarantine please use this time for laying low, rest and be in incessant prayer with God. Perhaps spending more time here at Christian Forum Site and hopefully the fellowship (people who care about you,) and the threads will bless you in your growing faith.

My wife and I got a grip on the outbreaks of the virus here in the San Francisco Bay Area, and are doing our part to be very carefully daily.

I'm praying for
you and your girlfriend, and will be checking on your thread daily as we look forward to God's great healing over you and your loved ones.

God bless
you, naomanos, and your whole family.
So, my girlfriend was diagnosed with Covid this morning. She was exposed at work by a co-worker. I also now have direct exposure through her. I don't have any symptoms, at least I don't think that I do as many of the symptoms of Covid, at least the Omicron variant as some of the same things I deal with on a regular basis.

I think my tell-tale sign will be a nasty-sounding persistent cough. I cough now, but it's infrequent and due to my asthma.

I'll be praying. I just had Covid on Christmas :/ thankfully, it was all pretty mild.

Keep us updated!